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Fast Fashion-空中英語教室
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Fast Fashion 快時尚(上)
空中英語教室 20241021
Sure! Here’s the revised text with the grammatical corrections and simplified Chinese converted to traditional Chinese:
Friends, welcome to Studio Classroom! We’re so glad you’ve joined us for our program today. My name is Anne Marie, and my name is John. Friends, today is a great day to learn something new. It certainly is, so let’s do that together! We have an article today all about fast fashion.
Okay, fashion means the clothes and the things you wear. You call someone fashionable if they dress really well, don’t you? Yeah, that’s right! Fast fashion is the idea that companies are producing clothes at a very, very fast rate. They’re making these clothes super fast in response to all of the latest trends that are happening every week.
So, is fast fashion a good thing? That’s what we are going to be exploring in our article today. Let’s go to our first reading right now.
Fast fashion: Does wearing fashionable clothes hurt the environment?
Joe and Lucy are taking a break at their office.
“Joe, did you know your shirt has a hole in it?”
“It does? I’ve only worn it twice! I got it at Quick and Hot last week.”
“That new fast fashion store? How much was it?”
“Only ten dollars! I thought it was a great deal, especially since this style was in the Paris fashion shows this year.”
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab! I’m Jack. 我們先來看形容詞“fashionable”,意思是“時尚的”。例如:“From shoes to phone cases, teens seem to be constantly looking for the latest fashionable items.”(從鞋子到手機殼,青少年似乎一直在尋找最新的時尚產品。)或者“Sheila’s fashionable evening gown drew everyone’s attention at the party.”(希拉的時尚晚禮服吸引了所有人的目光。)
“Fashionable”去掉字尾的“ABLE”就變成名詞“fashion”,意思是“時尚或流行款式”。譬如“Despite changes in the fashion world, comfort remains a key element of what people are looking for.”(儘管時尚界發生變化,舒適度仍然是人們追求的關鍵元素。)
Friends, this is our “What’s Your Opinion?” article, which means that there are probably several different points of view that could be wrong or could be right. Many people might have a different opinion about it. We are going to be looking at a conversation between two friends today, talking about whether fast fashion is good or bad.
And we start off with a question: Does wearing fashionable clothes hurt the environment?
Now, before we get too far into our lesson, John, let’s just answer this question for ourselves. Yeah, okay. Does wearing fashionable clothes hurt the environment?
Well, I would normally say I don’t think so, but today we’ll learn that sometimes having new clothes, and especially throwing away those old clothes, can hurt the environment. I’m going to answer this question by saying absolutely yes. I’ve done some research about this before and watched some documentaries, so I’m not quite sure what the alternative is, but fast fashion really does hurt the environment. Let’s find out how.
We see here that Joe and Lucy are taking a break at their office. Now just a note on this name, Joe. Friends, a lot of times girls can be named Joe as well, but when a female is named Joe, usually there’s no “e” on the end. If it’s J-O-E, it’s usually a man’s name; if it’s J-O, it’s a girl’s name most of the time. Sometimes it’s short for, let’s say, Joanne or Josephine, something like that.
So what do they say here? Joe and Lucy are taking a break at their office. Oh, let’s see, we have that phrase “take a break,” which is really important to know. To take a break means to stop doing something for a short time and then start doing it again.
That’s right! For example, in the afternoon at work, you might say to your coworkers, “Let’s take a break and get some coffee.” Coffee break is my favorite type of break!
But Lucy says here, “Joe, did you know your shirt has a hole in it?” Joe is surprised. She says, “It does? I’ve only worn it twice! I got it at Quick and Hot last week.”
Has this ever happened to you before, John? You wear something, and the first time you wear it or the second time you wear it, it’s already ruined?
This happened to me just last month! Oh no! My wife got me some nice new fashionable pants. I went to the playground with my kids, and my pants got a hole in them the first time I wore them. My problem is staining my new clothes with coffee or pasta sauce when I’m with little kids. It’s hard!
But here we’re talking about a fast fashion item of clothing. So why is it getting a hole in it? Joe asks, “It does? I’ve only worn it twice! I got it at Quick and Hot last week.” Now, friends, sometimes names for convenience stores will have an “and” in the middle. That’s right, and this is the fast fashion store.
Let’s review for a minute what fast fashion is. I have an exact definition here for you: Fast fashion is inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass market retailers in response to the latest trends.
So just a little bit of background here, friends. It used to be that clothing would only change seasons maybe once a year, or at the most, for the four seasons, four times per year. But now, with the rise of the internet and with mass-produced clothing and these mass market retailers, there is literally a new season happening every week.
These stores are creating clothes every single week and putting them out on the market. Joe says, “This shirt only cost ten dollars. I thought it was a great deal.”
Let’s talk about what it means if something is a great deal. A great deal is something that is a cheap price to buy it at, so they’re a great deal. But is it a great deal for the environment? Well, we’ll have to find out.
Even though these clothes are seen at fashion shows, which are places where new fashion is shown, people walk in the clothes and photographers take pictures, it’s not great for the environment. Well, friends, we’ll have to go to our conversation, and let’s keep talking about this.
Fast fashion, unfortunately, is made with cheap materials. The fast fashion industry makes low quality imitations of runway designs. Well, it’s fun to shop there because everything is so affordable. I can wear something new and fashionable to parties or get-togethers, but their clothes clearly aren’t durable.
Fast fashion companies make huge profits by producing new styles quickly. They know that millions of people love to buy the latest styles.
接下來看“imitation”這個名詞,意思是“模仿”。例如:“Steve’s imitations of the famous actors had everyone laughing their heads off.”(史蒂夫對知名演員的模仿讓大家都笑得前仰後合。)或是“The fashion industry thrives on imitation, with trends quickly copied by different brands.”(時尚產業因模仿而蓬勃發展,不同的品牌迅速複製流行的款式。)或者“Historians debated whether or not the item was genuine or an imitation.”(歷史學家們爭論該物品是真品還是仿製品。)
再來看形容詞“durable”,意思是“耐用的”。比如:“The hikers wore durable clothes that would last them for their long trip.”(徒步旅行者們穿上耐用的衣服以備長途旅行之用。)或者“The old chair remained surprisingly durable despite years of use.”(儘管這把椅子已使用多年,但仍然意外地耐用。)或者“The company focused on creating durable products, building a reputation for customer satisfaction.”(該公司專注於製造耐用的產品,建立以客戶滿意度為基礎的聲譽。)
All right, friends, let’s continue learning here with this conversation. Lucy says, “Unfortunately, it was made with cheap materials. The fast fashion industry makes low quality imitations of runway designs.”
There are a few things we want to look at in this sentence, but first, we want to compare the idea of something being made with cheap materials to something being low quality.
Okay, let’s start with low quality. Quality means if you say something is quality, that means it’s really good and nicely made. But if it’s low quality, it means it’s not good work. If something is cheap, it means the price is low, though sometimes we use that word cheap to mean low quality, right here. So they mean a similar thing, but cheap is talking about the money you spend, while quality is talking about the work.
Okay, got it! Another term we need to talk about in this sentence is that word “runway.” What is a runway?
Well, another word for this is catwalk, but “runway” is the North American term for a catwalk. What’s a catwalk?
It’s a platform that extends into an auditorium where models walk along it to show off clothes, oftentimes new styles or clothes that are being presented for the first time.
That’s right! The word “runway” comes from airports where planes would land and take off. The word “catwalk,” I know, because I used to work in the theater, used to be the space above the lights where people could walk. But now those two words, runway or catwalk, mean a place where fashion is shown. Pretty cool!
Have you ever been to a fashion show?
I haven’t been to a fashion show before, no. I don’t know if it’s something I would enjoy going to or not, but they do seem like very glamorous events. Yeah, and they make people buy products!
So we’ll talk more about this. Joe loves to buy. She says, “Well, it’s fun to shop there because everything is so affordable. I can wear something new and fashionable to parties or get-togethers, but their clothes clearly aren’t durable.” We talked about what "durable" meant already, didn’t we?
But what is a "get-together"? It’s a gathering, yeah. A get-together is when people gather together, usually for some type of event. We typically use this phrase in a more casual setting. For example, if you have people over to your house for a relaxed evening, you might say, “We’re having a get-together tonight for dinner.” That’s right; it’s really casual normally. A party is more organized; it’s an event, but a get-together is not very official. It’s a little bit different from a party. Now, let’s keep reading here together.
Let’s see what Lucy says. She talks about the profits of a company, which means the money a company makes. She says, “Fast fashion companies make huge profits by producing new styles quickly.” New types of clothes—they know that millions of people love to buy the latest styles.
Okay, so there we’ve got that phrase "styles." We see that word "styles" twice in these two sentences, friends. In that last part, we see that we’re talking about the latest styles. What we’re discussing here is trendy clothing, clothing that is very up-to-date. You know, there are a couple of other words that we use "style" for. If you are a person whose job is to make people look good, you are their stylist. And if you’re a person who has naturally good fashion sense, you can say you are stylish.
Well, friends, we look forward to talking more with you about these styles, and we’ll discuss the environment soon. Don’t go away!
Welcome to InfoCloud! Today we are talking about fast fashion. Do you often buy new clothes for a quick fix, or do you spend time choosing items that will last longer? Fast fashion is a great issue to discuss and consider, as your spending habits can affect both the environment and the economy.
But why do we say fast fashion and not quick fashion? Great question! Fast and quick mean the same thing, don’t they? They do, but "fast fashion" sounds better because both words start with "f." So as a buzzword, it’s easier to remember. Buzzwords or phrases like this help spread awareness about a topic.
But Rex, at the beginning, you mentioned two things: fast fashion and quick fix. Now, since "fix" also starts with "f," why don’t we say fast fix? I said "quick fix" because that means a simple solution to a problem. The phrase "quick fix" uses a rhyme; the two words sound alike at the end and are easy to say together.
So "fast fashion" uses alliteration, which is repeating the same first letter, while "quick fix" uses a rhyme or repeating the "k" sound. You got it! And I just used another phrase that has alliteration. Did you catch it?
Let me think. You said “a simple solution.” They both start with "s." And “a simple solution” is similar to a quick fix. Isn’t language fun?

fast fashion
最近這幾年,fast fashion已經成為很多人在討論的話題。fast fashion就是快時尚,也就是為了跟得上快速變換的流行,時尚經常去購買佳美物聯的新衣服。這些fast fashion的衣服可能品質不高,穿一段時間可能就不能穿了,但解決了跟不上流行的問題,成為一種quick fix,也就是權宜之計或是急救的方案。不曉得你喜不喜歡這種fast fashion的風格呢?

Fast fashion is true, and they do go out of style quickly. I own so many clothes that I don’t wear anymore. I can’t just get rid of them, though. But people do. There are tons of clothes in garbage dumps. I read that producing these clothes uses a huge number of natural resources and that the fashion industry is also responsible for 8 to 10 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted around the globe.
That’s terrible! And cheap cloth has harmful plastics in it.
最後來看名詞“ton”,意思是“噸”。片於“a ton of”或是“tons of”就是大量的意思。例如,“After a ton of research, the scientists finally discovered a cure for the disease.”(經過大量的研究,科學家們終於發現治療這種疾病的方法。)或是“In spite of a ton of options on the menu, Melanie chose a simple salad to stay healthy.”(儘管菜單上有很多選擇,Melanie為了保持健康還是選了一份簡單的沙拉。)或是“Gloria has tons of friends that share her interests.”(Gloria有很多跟她志同道合的朋友。)
All right, thank you so much, Jack. We see here that Joe says, “True, and they do go out of style quickly.” So here we see that “out of style” is contrasted to “the latest styles.”
Yeah, so in and out: it’s in fashion, it’s out of fashion; it’s in style, it’s out of style. That’s pretty easy to remember!
So, oh, what happens to the clothes, though? We read, “I own so many clothes that I don’t wear anymore. I can’t just get rid of them, though.” So getting rid of something is like throwing it away, isn’t it?
Yeah, that’s right! If you get rid of something, you don’t have it anymore; you either throw it in the trash or maybe you donate it or give it to someone else. I generally like to go through my old paperwork and get rid of the things I don’t need anymore on a pretty consistent basis.
That’s right! I could say I wanted to get rid of that ugly rock in the middle of my garden. You can get rid of a whole number of things—get rid of a problem.
So what does Lucy say, though? She says, “But people do.” People do get rid of them. There are tons of clothes in garbage dumps. I read that producing these clothes uses a huge number of natural resources.
Natural resources—oh, and when I hear that, I think of trees and oil, things like that.
Yeah, that would be right! A natural resource is a resource that’s drawn from nature and is used with very few modifications. So a natural resource is something natural that occurs in our environment.
But we read on here that the fashion industry is also responsible for 8 to 10 percent of the greenhouse gases emitted around the globe. This is very significant. A greenhouse gas is a gas in the Earth’s atmosphere, and it traps heat.
So it is essentially, according to our article, what is causing the effect of global warming.
I see these greenhouse gases—we don’t want to put them in the air! They can also cause pollution. And we read this expression here, “that they’re given off.” This is an interesting expression we use for smells and sometimes for things like gas or even heat. You could say something gives off heat.
Giving off something means to send something out or let it out.
Yeah! For example, the flowers gave off a beautiful smell. The cookies gave off a beautiful smell too. It’s almost lunchtime here! Well, friends, what else do we read here?
How does Joe end today’s lesson? She says, “That’s terrible! And cheap cloth has harmful plastics in it.”
Okay, we read about another problem here: plastic pollution. So what do you think?
Well, I have done a little bit of research on this topic before because this is a topic that really interests me. Part of the problem is that clothes aren’t made the same way they used to be. It used to be that you could have a piece of cotton and make it into a beautiful garment that would last a really long time and wouldn’t be harmful for your body.
But now, because we have these we call them synthetic blends, we’ve taken cotton and then material made out of plastic and put it together. These clothes are a lot cheaper to make, but as we see in our lesson, they just don’t last as long.
I read an old book where a culture was not allowed to mix two kinds of cloth, and maybe that’s because they wear out really quickly. I don’t know! But friends, there’s a lot more to talk about fashion. Maybe you love fashion. Practice your English today and practice being careful with throwing things away!
It’s time for our fun fact to lighten things up!
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun clothing fact for you today. Did you know that when clothes are made from fake animal skin or hair, it is called "faux"? Now that’s right—faux, pronounced "foh"!
So faux leather or fur isn’t great for the environment, but it doesn’t kill animals. So, uh, take your pick! And that is today’s fun faux fact.
Friends, as we end our lesson today, we have a question for you. Let’s talk about a question from your magazine: Why do so many people buy fast fashion?
What do you think, John?
I think because it’s inexpensive, right? No one wants to spend more money than they need to. It’s also a convenient way to get the latest styles because who doesn’t want to look good? But that’s not the only thing to think about, right?
That’s right! And some of these other considerations we are going to be talking about tomorrow, friends. We hope that you will come back and join us. We’ll see you then right here on Studio Classroom!

Fast Fashion 快時尚(下)
空中英語教室 20241022
Sure! Here’s the corrected text with the requested changes:
Hello friends,
great to see you today!
My name is Anne Marie,
and my name is John, friends.
Today is a great day to learn something new,
so let’s do that together. We are talking all about fast fashion.
Friends, we are on day two of our “What’s Your Opinion” article.
Now, just to recap, fast fashion is inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass-market retailers in response to the latest trends.
These are clothes that are pretty cheap.
They are cheap to produce,
they are cheap to buy,
but they are not very good quality,
and they are bad for the environment. That is right!
We learned that word “trend.”
A trend is the new style, so if something is trendy, right?
That means that it is the latest look.
People are wearing that in these runway shows,
which are places where companies show their new fashions.
That’s right! Now,
we have a conversation today between two friends,
Joe and Lucy, and they are talking about this idea
that fast fashion is convenient
and it’s cheap.
But are there any alternatives?
That’s what we are going to talk about in today’s lesson.
Let’s get right into our first reading.
Fast Fashion
The environmental impact isn’t
the only fast fashion problem.
Garment factories that make the clothes can be very unfair to their workers. Yeah!
Since I only paid ten dollars for this shirt,
someone likely made a very low wage for sewing it,
and they may have worked long hours in dangerous conditions. For example,
garment workers are often exposed to harmful dyes.
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab!
I’m Jack.
例如:The teacher’s dedication to her students
had a remarkable impact on them,
inspiring them to work hard.
或是:The impact of the storm was felt for years,
as many people’s homes were totally destroyed.
例如:The rise in housing costs has impacted
the number of young families
who can afford to buy a house.
例如:To announce the birth of their son,
the couple boiled dozens of eggs in red dye to hand out.
或是:The dye that was used in Martha’s dress began to run
as she ran through the rain.
例如:A natural blonde, Margot dyed her hair black
because she wanted a totally new look.
let’s learn about another fast fashion problem together here.
Friends, Lucy says the environmental impact isn’t
the only fast fashion problem.
We just saw that word impact in the Language Lab,
but we read on here: garment factories
that make the clothes can be very unfair to their workers.
So we see that word garment,
and that might be a word that you’re not familiar with, friends.
But don’t worry,
it just means an item of clothing. That’s right!
It’s a word that we don’t often use when describing our own clothing
or another person’s clothing,
but we use it often as an adjective for things like a garment store
or a garment factory.
Like we read here, a garment factory makes clothes. Yeah!
As we read,
sometimes they don’t pay the workers as much as we might
think would be fair. Joe goes on and talks here,
she says, “Yeah,
since I only paid 10 US dollars for this shirt,
someone likely made a very low wage for sewing it.” What’s a wage?
a wage is a fixed regular payment earned for work or services,
and it’s usually paid on a daily or weekly basis.
Okay, so your paycheck would be your wage.
Yes, kind of like that.
This has to do with a specific job that you are doing.
It’s a little bit different than salary.
Your paycheck is more about your salary.
They can be interchangeable terms in some cases, though, friends.
But we read here:
Lucy says,
“and they may have worked long hours in dangerous conditions.”
What are some of these dangerous conditions?
I looked it up, John.
Okay, tell me, what are some dangerous conditions?
Okay, so first of all, there could be exposure to chemicals.
A lot of garments that are shipped around the world are treated before
they’re shipped,
so that bugs don’t get into them
or they don’t get destroyed while being shipped.
But there are chemicals on that material
that the workers could come in contact with.
Sometimes they’re working in buildings with no windows,
so that could be a big fire hazard.
Sometimes people are forced to work overtime;
they don’t have a choice or they lose their job.
And sometimes people are working below the legal working age,
so a lot of these garment factories are employing children.
I see, those are dangerous conditions.
Some other jobs might have different kinds of dangerous conditions.
Sometimes we use this word hazardous,
and that also means dangerous.
But you might see a hazard sign in a workplace.
That’s in English! Well,
let’s read an example here:
We read, for example,
“garment workers are often exposed to harmful dyes.”
You just said that to be exposed to something means
to be shown it or come into contact with something, right?
We often talk about exposure to the sun,
as your skin exposed to the sun. Usually,
if that’s the case, you will get some type of a tan
unless you’re wearing sunscreen.
That’s right!
But you can be exposed to good things too. You could say,
“I like to expose my children to English and Chinese at a young age
so that their English and their Chinese are both really good.”
Right, that’s a really good point! Well, friends,
right now it’s time for us to move on to the next part of our conversation.
Fast Fashion
I’ve heard that. I know I need to stop buying fast fashion,
but it’s just so nice to have something new
and up to date to wear. However,
I don’t want to support an industry
that takes advantage of people.
You know, it is possible to find trendy clothes
made with high ethical standards. Sure!
But aren’t those clothes really expensive?
接下來看take advantage of這個片語,
例如:We took advantage of the museum’s offer
of free admission to see the new art exhibit.
或是:Many students took advantage of the professor’s office hours
to get extra help.
或是:After they ate,
Noah and Caleb took advantage of their long lunch
break to go for a walk.
All right, thank you so much, Jack! Well,
Joe says that she’s heard of these facts before:
“I know I need to stop buying fast fashion,
but it’s just so nice to have something new
and up to date to wear.”
I think this is a big part of the problem.
Many of us, myself included,
we know fast fashion is bad.
We don’t necessarily want to buy fast fashion,
but we don’t know what to do instead.
And after all, it is nice to have something up to date to wear.
Let’s talk about what that means.
Okay, up to date means modern.
It’s new. When we’re talking about clothes being up to date,
we mean that they fit the current style.
Sometimes you could talk about a textbook being up to date in your school.
It has all the latest changes, or a website.
Sometimes you visit a website for a company
and the information on there is not up to date;
it’s not the latest information. That’s right!
So now we also read that
Joe says, “I don’t want to support an industry
that takes advantage of people.”
We learned about that in the Language Lab.
We also learned this phrase months ago,
talking about animals that eat other animals.
They take advantage of certain times of the year.
So we don’t want to take advantage of people.
What does Lucy say to that?
Well, Lucy says, “You know,
it is possible to find trendy clothes
made with high ethical standards.”
Let’s define trendy here one more time, friends.
If something is trendy,
it means it’s modern,
and it’s influenced by the most recent trends and ideas.
So a lot of times,
people who are trendy are wearing the latest styles.
Wearing things that have appeared on the runway,
and they’re very popular.
But just at this moment,
the thing about trends is they change really fast.
They really do, and normally
it’s about the people that are wearing things,
and people want to look cool.
So we can say,
if you want to save on,
if you don’t want to be part of this fast fashion problem,
maybe you can be trendy by just wearing the same clothes
all the time—that would be being classic, though.
Oh yeah,
we’ll talk about classic in a second.
We have another word there, though, that I do want to teach: ethical standards.
So this phrase, your ethical standards,
is a system of measuring right from wrong,
and normally we’re talking about what is the right thing to do.
What is your ethical standard?
Yeah, if you want to be a nurse, for example,
it’s important that you have high ethical standards.
Usually, we use this phrase, ethical standards,
when we’re talking about the way humans
treat one another.
Someone with low ethics
or low ethical standards
wouldn’t think that hurting other people is a problem
if it helped themselves. That’s right!
And when you help other people, oftentimes
the owners will pay their workers more, and
that’s why Joe says, “Sure,
but aren’t those clothes really expensive?” Right!
It’s more expensive to take more time and pay people more.
That’s the question for today.
We’ll think about that,
but it’s time to go to our InfoCloud.
Hello everyone,
welcome to InfoCloud.
I like your outfit today, Rex.
These old rags?
They’re nothing special.
When I think of rags,
I think of cloths used for cleaning.
I wouldn’t use your clothes for cleaning your house, rags.
Oh, okay.
Okay, I guess they’re not really rags,
but we can use the word rags to describe clothes
that are dirty or worn out.
That makes me
think of an English idiom: to go from rags to riches.
What does that mean?
who is poor can only wear rags or old clothes,
but if something happens to change their life,
they can become rich; then they can buy nicer clothes.
The fairy tale of Cinderella is a great example.
Cinderella’s fairy godmother
turns her torn dress into a beautiful ball gown,
and then
she goes from being a poor stepsister to marrying the prince.
That really is a rags to riches story.
Are there any other ways to use the word rags?
I’ve heard people refer to a newspaper as a rag.
It might mean
don’t have a high opinion of what it is publishing. For example,
a gossip rag would be a newspaper that
only shares rumors about famous people.
So rags are not just
for cleaning.
We have seen a few different ways to use this word today.

from rags to riches
很多人會用from rags to riches
而CEO went from rags to riches,
That newspaper is a gossip rag.

Fast fashion
can still be.
I know that if we buy higher quality clothes in classic styles,
we will save money in the long run.
I guess that’s true.
We’d value our clothes more and take better care of them.
But what do I do with all of the cheap clothes in my closet?
We could start a sustainable fashion group and share ideas.
Maybe we could trade clothes
and discuss creative ways to recycle the items
nobody wants. Let’s do it!
And I’ll start by repairing this shirt
instead of throwing it away.
例如: For years,
Linda has wanted to buy a house with a walk-in closet.
或是: Stella always says she has nothing
to wear, even though she has a closet full of clothes.
另外來學一個片語: skeleton in the closet,
例如: The reporter searched the politician’s past to see
if there were any skeletons in his closet.
What is the difference between trendy and classic?
Let’s talk about it, friends, right here.
We see that Lucy says, “They can be still.
I know that if we buy higher quality
clothes in classic styles, we will save money in the long run.”
Okay, what is something that is classic?
This is something
that is judged
over a period of time to be of the highest quality
and outstanding of its kind. Okay?
So classic things, like classic movies, are still fun
and worth watching later.
When I think of style,
I don’t know, maybe blue jeans are kind of a classic look.
They were made a long time ago, but they’re still in style. Yeah!
Or a white or plain colored T-shirt.
It’s kind of interesting, John,
because I feel like right now classic styles are trendy.
Yeah, you see a lot more buttons,
a lot more of the cuts of older styles.
Yeah, definitely, and that is popular to wear right now.
But actually,
a lot of those styles have been around for a long time,
and they are tried
and true, or classic.
But we also see another phrase in this sentence: in the long run.
What does that mean?
this is the opposite of that phrase short term,
like the near future.
In the long run means over a long period of time.
We also say long term
sometimes, like, what’s your long-term plan?
What’s your plan for the long run?
Here’s how you could use in the long run
in a sentence:
“This bad day won’t matter too much in the long run.”
But Joe agrees.
She said, “I guess that’s true.
We value our clothes more and take better care of them.”
This is if you’re paying more money for your clothes.
But she already has a lot of fast fashion items in her closet.
“What do I do with all of the cheap clothes in my closet?”
Oh, what does she do?
Well, her friend has a solution.
She says,
“We could start a sustainable fashion group and share ideas.
Maybe we could trade clothes
and discuss creative ways to recycle
the items nobody wants. It’s always good to recycle responsibly.”
But there’s that word sustainable that we’ve talked about before.
Do you have a definition for that word?
I sure do. Let’s review it together.
Sustainable means
that something is able to be maintained at a certain rate
or level.
Okay, so
sustainable fashion means you’re not just throwing away clothes.
I wonder what happens to the clothes that we throw away.
We’ll have to look that up.
I actually have looked it up, John.
I also, as I was researching for this article,
found out that in the country of Chile,
I believe it’s in the Atacama Desert,
there is a huge basically garbage dump
where a lot of these fast fashion pieces that are discarded
are shipped to that place and dumped in the desert.
Oh no, that can’t be good for the desert.
It’s really bad for the desert.
It’s ruined a tourist attraction, essentially,
and they also burn the clothes
because there are so many of them,
and the fumes
that are given off from these
clothes are really bad for the residents
who live near this desert.
Oh no, that’s terrible!
I’ll try to think about that the next time
I’m tempted to buy fast fashion.
I think part of the problem is that
when people are done with their items,
they don’t dispose of them responsibly. So what that means is
if you have an item of clothing that you don’t wear anymore
and it’s still in good condition,
what can you do with that item of clothing?
You could recycle it,
or you could give it to someone who needs it.
Recycling clothes,
of course, is a great idea if that piece of clothing,
if that garment isn’t wearable anymore.
That’s right, and if the clothing has a hole in
it, kind of like our friend here,
we get an idea of what to do with it.
Joe says, “Let’s do it!
Let’s recycle,
and I’ll start by repairing this shirt
instead of throwing it away.”
Repairing is a great word.
It basically means fixing something or putting it back together.
That’s right!
You can use this when you need something fixed in your house as well.
For example,
you could say someone is coming over tonight
to repair our toilet,
has the idea that the toilet is broken
and needs fixing.
All right, friends, we’ll be back in just a moment,
but first, let’s go to today’s fun fact.
Oh, hello fact!
Friends, I am Detective
Ernest Finder, and I have a very fun fact for you today.
Did you know that in old times,
purple and blue dyes were very expensive?
Remember, a dye is what makes the color for a cloth.
One way to make the color purple
was to use a type of sea snail.
Pretty cool!
And I think it smelled really bad, but that is today’s fun dye
I saw
another statistic online that I want to share with you, John,
and with you, friends,
as well, just as something for us to think about
as we’re talking about fast fashion.
The average American, according to a website,
wears one article of clothing 7 to 10 times.
That does not sound like a lot—7 to 10 times—
and then throws it away or gets rid of it.
I’m not sure what happens to the article of clothing after that.
Maybe it just sits in someone’s closet,
but what I read was that
what we should be doing
is aiming to wear each article of clothing
that we have at least 30 times.
I feel like if there’s something that I wore 30 times,
I’d probably wear it more than that.
That’s how I feel as well,
because I did look at my own closet after reading the statistic,
and it’s true; the things that I haven’t worn very often,
I really don’t wear.
But the things that I love, I wear a lot more than 30 times.
How about you, friends?
This is a great thing for you to talk about in English,
and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom.

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