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How to Use a Clothes Steamer
2024/10/21 16:00:58瀏覽12|回應0|推薦0
How to Use a Clothes Steamer 如何使用蒸氣掛燙機
大家說英語 20241021
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Hello everyone!
Welcome to Let's Talk in English. My name is Garrett,
and my name is Esther. Today,
we have our "How To" lesson.
That’s right! We’ll teach you how to use a clothes steamer.
Now, if you are wearing clothes,
you want to think of ways to keep them nice.
So, we wash our clothes in the washing machine
to make sure they are clean.
Right? But that’s not the only thing.
Your clothes might have lots of folds on them,
but you want them to be nice and smooth.
That’s why you can use a clothes steamer.
When you use a clothes steamer,
you can make your clothes nice and smooth.
Right? This is just like another tool we might use,
which is called an iron.
But a clothes steamer can be even more convenient.
Right? It’s even easier to use.
Let’s go to Sonya,
who will teach us our keywords.
Take out the clothes steamer. 名詞 close 就是衣服。
Fill its tank with cold water. 動詞 fill 就是裝滿。
Hold the bottom of the shirt and pull it tight. 副詞 tight 就是緊的。
Push the button so the steam can come out. 名詞 steam 就是蒸汽。
Move it back and forth over the shirt
until the wrinkles disappear.
名詞 wrinkle 就是皺褶。
Oh well!
Hey there, friends! You are just in time; I was about to show my friend
Gina how to use a clothes steamer.
My shirt has lots of wrinkles in it. Will a clothes steamer help?
I hope so! I believe it will. But first,
you have to do a few things. So, step number one:
Take out the clothes steamer.
Wow! This is the most beautiful clothes steamer
I have ever seen! How does it work? Well,
that brings me to step two: fill its tank with cold water.
Here we go!
Okay, well, yes,
you need water to make steam. Haha!
That’s true; steam comes from water. Okay, now step three is very important:
Plug in the steamer.
Let’s see... ah, right down there.
Is it ready?
Ha, well, not yet. Next, turn it on and let it heat up.
Is it ready yet?
Well, hang in there! First,
we are going to take a break. Your wrinkled shirt is
going to have to wait.
It’s okay!
Now let’s jump right in and go to step one.
Because the clothes steamer is a machine,
you need to take it out.
Once again, people wear clothes to cover their bodies, right?
You need to take out the clothes steamer.
A steamer is something that gives steam.
Steam is water
that’s so hot that it’s floating in the air.
We call that a gas, right?
And when you take out the clothes steamer,
you need to make sure that there is cold water in it. Step two:
We hear that you need to fill its tank with cold water.
A tank is part of the machine
where you can put water, right?
Now, I imagine here,
we don’t exactly need iced water; we just need cold water.
Let’s go to Sonya for more on this.
Fill its tank with cold water. 冷水是 cold water。
冰水 iced water,溫水 warm water,熱水 hot water。
來看例句:Can I have a glass of iced water?
或是 I want to wash my hands in warm water.
再一句:You should use hot water to make tea.
Thanks, Sonya! Well,
now we’re on to step three: plug in the steamer. Right?
If you have a machine,
then one part of the machine is called the plug,
and you will plug this in, or you will put this part
into a part of the wall
that is connected to electricity. So, plug in the steamer.
"Plug it in" is today’s calendar phrase.
Plug it in, plug it in,
This light isn’t working; plug it in!
It’s not working; plug it in!
Oh, what should I do? It’s not working!
Plug it in!
See? Now it’s working!
Why didn’t I think of that? Your brain isn’t working!
Oh, plug it in, plug it in,
plug it in, plug it in!
Now that the machine is plugged in, you’re going to turn it on
so you can use it. Remember, in English, when you use a machine,
we say "turn on," not "open."
So, turn it on and let it heat up.
You might turn it on by pushing a button or flipping a switch.
Then that cold water will start to heat up.
It will get warmer and warmer.
Now it’s time for us to take a break.
Don’t go away; we’ll be right back.
Every day, that’s the way! Welcome back! Earlier,
we heard the phrase "plug in." What other machines do we plug in?
Well, all kinds of machines! You might
plug in your computer or even plug in your hair dryer.
Right? You might plug in your fan or plug in a desk lamp.
These are all things you could plug in. Today,
we’re plugging a clothes steamer in. Let’s go to our next step.
Hmm, okay! Time to fix those wrinkles!
Yay! Now step five: hold the bottom of the shirt and pull it tight.
Here’s the bottom of the shirt; pull it tight.
That looks tight enough! Yes!
The next step is to push the button so the steam can come out.
This one right here.
Oh, steam! Cool, huh?
But do be very, very careful;
you don’t want to burn your hand in the steam, okay?
Next, move the steamer back and forth over the shirt
until the wrinkles disappear.
This part is fun!
It is, right?
Hey, the wrinkles are disappearing!
Of course they are; that’s what a steamer does! Oh, there we go!
Thanks, Hank!
You gotta be careful!
Oh yeah, okay! Now you can steam my other clothes.
Hold on! Well, hang on a second!
Not yet! The last step is very easy:
You need to remember to let the shirt dry.
But while Gina is gone,
I should probably say goodbye.
That’s all the time I have for today!
See you next time on How To, Hank!
Oh, I don’t have time to steam all of her clothes!
Hank! Hank! Where’d you go?
I thought you were gonna help me steam my other clothes! Ugh!
Let’s go to step five. If you’re wearing a shirt,
then you have the top part and the bottom part. Now,
you’re going to hold the bottom part of the shirt
and you’re going to pull it tight.
Hold the bottom of the shirt and pull it tight.
Pull on it
so it doesn’t have those folds in it. If something is tight,
it’s almost like you can’t pull it anymore, right?
And that leads us to step six. Now,
we’re going to push the button on the clothes steamer
so the steam can come out. Push the button
so you will push that button and steam will start to come out.
Remember, steam is that really hot water, so be careful.
Don’t put your hands by the steam, right?
When you are cooking food, if you’re boiling water,
then you will see steam. In fact,
you can even steam food over the stove.
Well, going on to step seven: move the steamer back and forth over the shirt
until the wrinkles disappear.
What are the wrinkles?
The wrinkles are the small folds on your clothes.
People also have wrinkles on their faces.
Yeah, especially when we get a little bit older!
Let’s go back to what we said earlier:
You need to move that steamer back
and forth in this kind of motion.
Here’s Sonya to tell us about that.
Move the steamer back and forth over the shirt
until the wrinkles disappear.
本句副詞片語 back and forth
修飾動詞 move。
He walked back and forth across the room.
或是 The children ran back and forth in the yard.
還有類似的副詞片語是 up and down,
例句有 She jumped up and down in excitement.
或是 He walks up and down the stairs
several times a day.
Thank you so much, Sonya! Esther, what’s our last step?
Step eight is to let the shirt dry.
Remember, you’ve put steam over the shirt now;
it’s a little wet and needs to dry before you can wear it.
Now, let’s go and review today’s keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today: clothes.
Those clothes are very expensive.
Fill! Fill all the cups with milk.
Tight! Pull the blanket tight.
Steam! The steam is very hot.
Wrinkle! There are wrinkles in your shirt.
Well, friends,
those are your keywords for today! Keep on practicing!
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s words are clothes, fill,
tight, steam, and wrinkles.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence! First:
Hold the corners of the cloth.
You got it! Hold the corners of the cloth tight!
Steam is coming out of the pot.
Great job! Steam is coming out of the pot!
Can you fill my glass for me?
Correct! Can you fill my glass for me?
Wear these to school.
That’s right! Wear these clothes to school!
Last one:
Steam takes out the wrinkles.
You’re correct!
Steam takes out the wrinkles!
Good job!
Friends, I look forward to seeing you next time for your turn!
Oh well!
Hey there, friends! You are just in time!
I was about to show my friend Gina how to use a clothes steamer.
My shirt has lots of wrinkles in it. Will a clothes steamer help?
I hope so! I believe it will. But first,
you have to do a few things. So, step number one:
Take out the clothes steamer.
Wow! This is the most beautiful clothes steamer
I have ever seen! How does it work? Well,
that brings me to step two: fill its tank with cold water.
Here we go!
Okay, well, yes,
you need water to make steam.
That’s true; steam comes from water. Okay,
now step three is very important:
Plug in the steamer.
Let’s see... ah, right down there.
Is it ready?
Well, not yet. Next, turn it on and let it heat up.
Is it ready yet?
Well, hang in there! First,
we are going to take a break. Your wrinkled shirt is
going to have to wait.
It’s okay!
Okay! Time to fix those wrinkles!
Yay! Now step five: hold the bottom of the shirt and pull it tight.
Here’s the bottom of the shirt; pull it tight.
That looks tight enough!
Yes! The next step is to push the button
so the steam can come out. This one right here.
Oh, steam! Cool!
But do be very, very careful;
you don’t want to burn your hand in the steam, okay?
Next, move the steamer back and forth over the shirt
until the wrinkles disappear.
This part is fun!
It is, right?
Hey, the wrinkles are disappearing!
Of course they are; that’s what a steamer does! Oh, there we go!
Thanks, Hank!
You gotta be careful!
Oh yeah!
Okay! Now you can steam my other clothes!
Well, hang on a second! Hang on a second!
Not yet! The last step is very easy:
You need to remember to let the shirt dry.
But while Gina is gone,
I should probably say goodbye.
That’s all the time I have for today!
See you next time on How To, Hank!
Oh, I don’t have time to steam all of her clothes!
Hank! Hank! Where’d you go?
I thought you were gonna help me steam my other clothes! Ugh!
Oh no!
Ginger, what’s wrong?
My favorite shirt...
It’s wrinkled!
Yeah, that’s for sure!
How can I get the wrinkles out?
Use a clothes steamer!
But I don’t know how!
It’s not hard!
You take out the steamer and fill the tank with cold water!
Oh, and then you turn it on and let it heat up!
And then it’s ready to use!
Yes! Hold the bottom of your shirt and pull tight!
And when I push the button, steam comes out!
Right! Move the steamer back and forth over the shirt!
And the wrinkles will disappear!
Yes! Then just let it dry!
Where’s the steamer?
We don’t have one.
Friends, do you remember the steps?
Let’s see as we ask our questions. Here’s our first one:
What do you fill the clothes steamer's tank with?
What do you fill the clothes steamer's tank with?
We can find the answer in step two:
You fill its tank with cold water.
Here’s our second question:
How do you keep your clothes nice?
How do you keep your clothes nice?
Let’s go to our friends and hear their answers.
How do I keep my clothes nice?
Well, when I wear them,
I try not to get food on my clothes,
but if it gets dirty,
I wash it really quickly and then I hang them,
so there are no wrinkles.
What about you?
How do you keep your clothes nice?
How do I keep my clothes nice?
I don’t actually.
I have kids, and their hands are dirty.
But one thing I do is when I go home,
I change out of my clothes right away,
and so then when I’m at home,
I can just be dirty, and it’s okay!
How about you?
How do you keep your clothes nice?
Grandpa, how do you keep your clothes nice?
I try to keep them clean,
and if they get dirty,
I put them in the washing machine.
Sometimes I have to iron them,
but actually,
I think my clothes look nice all the time. I’m careful!
How do I keep my clothes nice?
Well, I always pay attention to the tag.
That’s the little piece of fabric on your clothes.
If you look there,
there are instructions on how to properly clean your clothes
so that they stay nice.
I always read the tag
so that I know
how to take care of my clothes.
How do I keep my clothes nice?
Well, after I wash and dry my clothes,
I fold them and put them away.
That way they won’t end up on the floor or all over my bed.
I don’t want to step, sit, or sleep on my clothes!
They won’t stay nice for very long if I do that.
Thanks for those answers, friends! Of course,
the most important thing is to make sure to wash your clothes
regularly and remember to keep your clothes nice.
Well, friends,
thanks for joining us today!
We’ll have another lesson tomorrow.
That’s right, here on Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

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