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Deep-Sea Mining 空中英語教室
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Deep-Sea Mining 深海採礦(上)
Sure! Heres your text with corrected grammar, and Ive changed simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese:
Hello, friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom!
My name is Ann Marie, and this is my friend John.
Today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together! I know I will certainly be learning something new today, friends, because our article is called "Deep Sea Mining." This topic is one that I was not familiar with before I read this article. So, as we get into it, let’s talk about what mining is.
Okay, I’ve heard of a game called Minecraft, and if you’re younger, I’m sure you’ve heard of Minecraft. That’s where you dig in the ground and you get different things from the ground, like gold from gold mines. But deep sea mining—what in the world is that? Well, we are going to find out today, friends! Let’s go into our first reading right now.
Deep Sea Mining: Metals Deep in the Ocean Could Power Green Energy
But what will it cost to get to them? As nations and corporations scramble to reduce carbon emissions, alternative energy sources become increasingly important. Green energy technologies, such as solar panels, may not require carbon, but they do require other minerals. Currently, these minerals are obtained through mining on land, which produces pollution and contributes to deforestation. But now, mining companies and governments are looking into another source for these minerals: the ocean.
Hi, everyone! Welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack.
我們先來看動詞 scramble。意思是爭搶。例如:隨著截止日期的臨近,Brook 忙著按時完成她的專案。Scramble 另外一個意思是 pan pa pew。登山客們沿著崎嶇的小徑攀爬,靴子提起松動的石頭。Scramble 跟 egg 蛋一起用的話,則是指炒蛋的意思。譬如:Then cracked open two eggs, mixed a little milk into them, and scrambled them for breakfast. 然後打了兩顆蛋,加了一點牛奶,炒好當早餐來吃。
All right, friends, let’s get right into it. We read here: metals deep in the ocean could power green energy, but what will it cost to get them? As we go in here, let’s talk a little bit more about this idea of mining, John.
Okay, I have a definition for us. Mining is defined as the process of getting minerals or coal from the earth’s surface. So, mining can involve all kinds of different things, but we read here together about deep sea mining.
To power here means to provide electricity through making batteries out of the metals. But you can power something by giving it energy. A car could be powered by gas or by electricity; that’s what makes the car go. So, we’re talking about getting metals from deep in the ocean as nations and corporations scramble to reduce carbon emissions. Alternative energy sources become increasingly important.
Friends, this is kind of a theme that we’ve been discussing this month—talking about emissions, your carbon footprint, and all of these different things. So, let’s define emissions here first before we move on. This is the production and discharge of something, especially a type of gas or radiation. That’s right! You could say, “My bike doesn’t give off any emissions because it’s powered by me.”
We read about something called green energy. That means energy that’s good for the environment; normally, it doesn’t burn something like coal. Green energy technologies, such as solar panels, may not require carbon, but they do require other minerals. Ooh, there’s one called lithium for batteries. But we read that currently, these minerals are obtained through mining on land, which produces pollution and contributes to deforestation. We learned about land, right? That’s the opposite of at sea or in the air.
So, this is just talking about the location where the mining is happening. But we also see this word deforestation. This is a really sad thing that happens when a lot of trees are cleared out and forests are basically reduced to nothing. The exact definition here is the action of clearing a wide area of trees. But when we’re talking about this term in terms of the environment, we’re discussing the idea that there are fewer and fewer trees on the planet. It’s so sad. You could say, “Deforestation was slowly destroying the home of the rare bird.” Deforestation is a big problem, and it’s a hard one to fix.
Now we read that companies are looking away from the land to the sea. But now we read: mining companies and governments are looking into another source for these minerals—the ocean. Dun dun dun! Okay, what will they find in the ocean? We see that phrase "looking into," which means you’re investigating or inquiring about something. Exactly! For example, you could look into other solutions for a problem. Maybe you have a solution, but you want to investigate other possible solutions as well, friends.
We have more to learn, so let’s continue on with our next reading right now.
Deep Sea Mining
Deep beneath the ocean surface lie trillions of metal nodules that contain many of the minerals necessary for alternative energy. These nodules formed gradually over millions of years, and each one is about the size of a potato. Nevertheless, scientists estimate that the quantity of precious metals on the ocean floor is many times the quantity of these metals accessible on land.
接著來看 trillion 這個名詞,意思是兆,萬億。譬如:該國家的國債已經攀升到10兆美元。偏於 trillions of something 則是指數萬億的東西。譬如:當你仰望夜空時,可以看到數萬億顆的星星在閃爍。或是:每個人的身體都由數萬億個微小有機體組成,幫助我們保持健康。
Why would companies and governments be looking to the ocean to start deep sea mining? Here’s the reason, friends: we read deep beneath the ocean surface lie trillions of metal nodules that contain many of the minerals necessary for alternative energy. So, under the ocean surface, that means there are so many different metal nodules. Now, what is a nodule? It’s a small rounded lump of matter distinct from its surroundings.
Okay, you know what has a lot of nodules? Ginger! Roots have tons of nodules. Right, so if you’ve ever seen a ginger plant, it’s got all these little nodules. Sometimes the roots of trees or potatoes will have weird nodules on them. But these nodules contain or have minerals that are needed for alternative energy, so this is a key vocabulary word from today’s lesson.
What is alternative energy? Well, it is energy created in ways that do not require coal, gas, or sometimes nuclear power. So, alternative energy is a similar term to green energy—energy that’s at least supposed to be good for the environment. Exactly! Here are some examples of alternative energy: wind power, solar power, or bioenergy. These are all types of alternative energy.
So, we’re talking about these nodules that contain all of these different minerals. These nodules formed gradually over a long period of time, and each of them is about the size of a potato. So, I guess the potato, depending on the type of potato, is about this big. Yeah, I think the world’s largest potato is huge!
But it is really cool that there are these metal nodules. We’ll talk more about the dangers to the local wildlife. Nevertheless, scientists estimate that the quantity of precious metals on the ocean floor is many times the quantity of these metals accessible on land.
What does it mean if scientists make an estimation or they estimate? Well, we can use "estimate" to kind of mean the same thing as a guess, but it’s a little bit more than just a guess. It means that you have some type of data or information that helps you make an educated guess. We talked about that phrase a few lessons ago. So, if scientists are estimating that the quantity of precious metals on the ocean floor is many times the quantity of these metals accessible on land...
It means that they think, based on the data they have, that there are quite a few of these. It’s really hard to estimate things about the ocean, isn’t it? Because even though it’s hard to find things on land when you’re mining, it’s even harder to find out what’s going on underneath all that water. We’ll learn it’s difficult to get to those nodules, so this is a really long process.
That’s right! And before I move on, friends, I just want to make the point that this word estimate can also be pronounced estimate based on whether it’s a noun or a verb. So, if it’s a noun, you’re going to say, “It’s an estimate.” If it’s a verb, you say “estimate.” Okay? So you could say, “I estimated that there were five dollars in the wallet,” so that guess was my estimate. That’s right!
All right, friends, well, we have more to learn about deep sea mining here in a moment. But right now, it’s time for us to learn something new in today’s InfoCloud.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to InfoCloud. Have you ever had to decide between two different jobs? It can be difficult to choose which job to accept and for what reason exactly. There may be one job that has a higher salary but requires longer hours. The other job might have a lower salary but offer a better work-life balance. That creates a real trade-off.
Garrett, can you explain what you mean?
There sure! A trade-off is a situation where you have to choose between two or more options, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. No matter what decision you make, you have to give up one thing in exchange for another. I’ve felt that way at times—you can’t have everything all at once.
Can you give me more examples of trade-offs?
Yes! Think about choosing between a fast but expensive mode of transportation and a slower, cheaper one. With one, you might save time, but you’ll spend more money. With the other choice, you get the opposite. It’s a trade-off: time or money.
So, Rex, what’s the ideal job? Is there one with no trade-offs?
Maybe, but I have no idea what it is. Well, Rex, there may not be a perfect job, but I’m glad I get to be here to teach all of you as we learn English together.

trade-off 權衡的抉擇
當我們面對兩個選擇,各有各的利弊,只能選擇一個。這個時候我們就必須進行 trade-off,也就是權衡的抉擇。你要決定選擇哪一個,那就代表放棄另外一個選項所帶來的好處與壞處。例如,有兩家公司要你去上班:一個是高薪工作時數長,另外一個薪水比較低但比較輕鬆。這就是一種 trade-off。當你做出決定,你就必須接受這項選擇所帶來的利弊,放棄另一個選項所帶來的條件。這就是今天的 InfoCloud,我們下次雲端見!

Deep Sea Mining
Previously, these nodules were impossible to access because the water pressure at the ocean floor would crush a human’s lungs or most vehicles. But now, robots have been developed that can withstand the water pressure. Companies propose sending these robots down to collect the nodules and bring them up to ships on the surface of the water. Most ships would then separate the nodules from other substances, dispose of the waste by throwing it back into the ocean, and bring the nodules to shore for use.
接下來來看動詞 withstand,意思是承受、頂住。比如:The new material can withstand temperatures that exceed 600 degrees. 這種新材料可以承受超過1,600度的高溫。或者:The company’s strong financial foundation helped it withstand the poor economic conditions last year. 該公司雄厚的財務基礎幫助其頂住去年惡劣的經濟形勢。又或者:Having gone through many hardships, Jim and Joy have a love that has withstood the test of time. Jim 和 Joy 經歷了許多困難後,他們的愛情受得起時間的考驗。
最後來看動詞 accumulate,意思是累積。例如:Natalie found that all of her lost socks had mysteriously accumulated under her bed. Neli 發現她所有丟失的襪子都奇怪地堆積在床底下。或者:Scientists are studying how plants accumulate nutrients from the soil. 科學家們正在研究植物如何從土壤中累積營養。Accumulate 的名詞是 accumulation,例如:The constant drip of water led to an accumulation of mold in the sink. 不斷滴水導致水槽裡累積了霉菌。
Okay, friends, let’s finish out today’s lesson. We read here: previously, these nodules were impossible to access because the water pressure at the ocean floor would crush a human’s lungs or most vehicles. Let’s take a look first at what this means. What are we talking about when we see this term water pressure?
Okay, water pressure is defined as the weight of water or the force that makes it flow. Water pressure can be strong or weak. So, normally, when we talk about water pressure here in the city, we’re talking about the pressure from the pipes. If you turn on the water and it’s not very fast, that means the water pressure is low. We can say the water pressure is really high if the water comes out fast. But under the ocean, we’re talking about the weight of all the ocean water that’s above you and on the side. This is pretty heavy! It says here that it could crush a human’s lungs. So, if you’re crushing something, it means that you’re compressing something or squeezing it so forcefully that it breaks. Have you ever crushed a can before you recycle it?
I don’t want my lungs crushed! So it sounds like now robots have been developed. Developed here means to be invented and created to withstand the water pressure. We already learned about withstanding or resisting pressure, right? But what are companies proposing to do? Well, we read here that companies propose sending these robots down to collect the nodules and bring them up to ships on the surface of the water.
We do see that word propose here. What does that mean, John?
You have to propose something to someone else. You could say to put forward a plan or suggestion for consideration by others. So you propose a new plan. Sometimes we use that word propose in a different way when a guy is asking a girl to marry him. So, “I proposed to my wife; thankfully, she said yes.” It’s the same thing, right? You were suggesting a plan, and she had to say yes. So the word kind of does have the same meaning here, but sometimes a proposal has a very specific meaning.
Okay, so here proposing has the idea of suggesting or saying that there is this plan that is possible. So then these robots can bring the nodules up to ships on the surface of the water. What would happen then? Well, the ships would then separate the nodules from other substances accumulated, dispose of the waste by throwing it back into the ocean, and bring the nodules to shore for use.
Okay, there’s a lot there. Let’s break it down. We also see this term dispose of. So let’s talk about that first. To dispose of something just means to get rid of it. So the ships collect everything that they can find, and then they dispose of anything that is not these mineral-rich nodules. How do they dispose of or get rid of it? Well, they throw it back into the ocean.
Throwing something back—I think about fishing when I see that phrase.
Yeah, that’s right! Because sometimes you go fishing and the fish you catch maybe isn’t a very good size or wasn’t the type of fish that you were supposed to be fishing for. So you throw it back into the water. That’s right! You throw that fish back. Have you ever been fishing and had to throw a fish back?
I’ve had to do that, yeah. I definitely have had to do that before!
Okay, so the idea here is that as they are mining these nodules, other substances and other things are coming up to the surface with the nodules. It’s not just the things that they are looking for. So they’re going to have to go through all of this stuff that they have and dispose of it. Yeah, that’s right! And then what they have to do, because they’re in the ocean, is bring those precious nodules back to shore.
Now, we remember the shore is the edge of the water and the land. Sometimes we describe it as a beach if it’s really sandy on the edge of the ocean. But shore is a term for where the ocean meets the land, and you’ve got to get those nodules back to the shore if you’re going to use them. That’s right!
All right, friends, this has been a really interesting article. I think it’s time for something fun, though. Let’s go to today’s fun fact!
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that the word mineral originally meant something that is mined or dug up? So you can see that in the word mineral and mine. Ha! Pretty cool! I wonder if a potato is a mineral. Probably not, but it has minerals in it. And that is today’s fun mining mineral fact!
Pretty cool! Friends, let’s take a look at that and talk about the question in your magazine if you have it with you. We read here: what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of deep sea mining? What do you think, John?
Well, one advantage is that there is a lot of area under the sea to find cool things, but the disadvantage is it’s very difficult to go into the sea. It’s very expensive, and I think it might cause problems for the fish. But tomorrow we’ll have to talk more about the environmental question.
That’s a good point! We haven’t talked about a lot of the disadvantages yet, friends, so you’ll have to come back tomorrow and discuss that with us.
Yeah! Well, I look forward to talking about mining. It’s dangerous; it’s pretty interesting. Make sure you practice speaking with your friends using these new words. We will see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!

Deep-Sea Mining 深海採礦(下)
Sure! Here’s the revised version with correct grammar and traditional Chinese:
Hello friends and welcome to Studio Classroom!
We’re so glad you’ve joined us today. We have a great lesson lined up for you.
My name is Ann Marie, and friends,
my name is John.
Today is a great day to learn something new! It certainly is, so let’s do that together.
We are learning all about deep sea mining.
This is a new topic for a lot of us, so let’s review a little bit about what we learned yesterday.
Okay, first of all, that word "mining"—what is mining?
Normally, mining means to dig and obtain some sort of materials, like metal, from the Earth’s surface.
But normally, we think about mining as happening on land, right? A hole in the ground that’s dry—you can dig down and get metals.
Now we’re talking about the ocean! That’s right!
We found out yesterday that on the ocean floor, there are actually trillions of nodules—these little round things that contain minerals in them that would be really, really useful for alternative energy.
That’s right—batteries and things like that.
Before the robots were invented that could mine these things, it was too dangerous, right?
The pressure from the water could crush a person’s lungs. But now we have new technology.
However, it might not only be a good thing. Exactly!
We’re going to talk about some of the advantages and disadvantages of deep sea mining in our article today.
Let’s get right into it—deep sea mining.
But many scientists warn that we should avoid deep sea mining, or at least wait until we can do more research, lest we do more harm than good.
These warnings stem from concerns about potential environmental destruction caused by mining operations.
Metal nodules play an important role in the deep ocean ecosystem.
Most of the ocean floor is mud, and the hard nodules provide something solid for creatures such as coral to attach to.
These creatures cannot live directly in mud, so without the nodules, they would likely die.
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab!
I’m Jack。我們先來看 "lest" 這個連接詞,意思是以免或是唯恐。
例如,"Sam whispered the secret to Pete, lest anyone else overhear it."
或是 "lest she forget some of her speech during her presentation, Clara practiced it over and over."
或是 "the baker carefully measured the ingredients lest the cake not turn out right."
All right friends, we read here in our first sentence:
"But many scientists warn that we should avoid deep sea mining or at least wait until we can do more research lest we do more harm than good."
Okay, so we heard about some of the advantages of deep sea mining yesterday, but we’re hearing here that scientists are saying there might be some problems.
We also see this phrase "at least." Why has our writer used that in this sentence here, John?
Well, "at least" is very helpful. You need to know it means, if nothing else, or at minimum.
Okay, so here’s an example of how you could use that:
"He was embarrassed by falling down, but at least he wasn’t hurt."
That’s right! So, at least try this. You use it as a last resort or a last solution.
Scientists don’t want us to do more harm than good.
That’s something we see a lot with new ideas that disturb the environment.
And we read that these warnings stem from concerns about potential environmental destruction caused by mining operations.
If something stems from something else, what does that mean?
Well, if something stems from something else, it means that it’s starting or developing as the result of something.
So whatever that thing stems from is kind of like the origin.
Oh, so I could say my fear of heights stemmed from falling as a child.
Exactly! That’s where your fear of heights started.
We also see this term at the end of the sentence: "operations."
Now here, the word "operations" is talking about an active process.
So we’re talking about the active process of mining.
Yeah, and sometimes we use these for big jobs. You could say, "Let’s start a recycling operation right here in our house."
That is the operation. Now let’s go and talk about those nodules again.
That’s a word meaning a little lump of something, and we read that these metal nodules play an important role in the deep ocean ecosystem.
Most of the ocean floor is mud, right? So what do those nodules do in the muddy ocean floor?
Well, it sounds like they are providing some type of use in their own ecosystem, in their own environment.
We read that the hard nodules provide something solid for creatures such as coral to attach to.
So these nodules aren’t there for no reason—they are actually serving a purpose.
That’s right! These little creatures attach to them.
If you attach, it means to join or fasten to a surface.
So you think of like different things can attach to other things.
Sometimes you have attachments for your bike or even for your phone—you can put little things on that can help it to do certain things.
Yeah, we use "attach" in other ways as well.
So you could be attached to a person. If two people are attached to each other, it means that they really enjoy each other’s company—they really like each other.
We also use the word "attached" when we’re sending emails.
If you’re going to put some type of PDF or some type of photo in your email, we call that an attachment, and you attach it to your email.
I see! So a lot of little creatures are literally attached to these nodules.
These creatures, we read, cannot live directly in mud, so without the nodules, they would likely die.
Wow, that’s sad!
I know, and we’ve also talked before on the program about how important coral and coral reefs are to the health of oceans and to the health of ecosystems in general.
I can imagine that there would be a chain reaction, right?
So if these nodules were taken away and then the coral would die, then that is going to negatively affect other things in the ocean.
That’s so true. Uh, oh, is it worth it just for some nodules?
Well, we’ll have to go and read in the next section.
Deep sea mining. Moreover, the proposed nodule collection robots would act like bulldozers, scraping up not only the nodules but also mud, sediment, small animals, and more.
Although anything not needed for mining would be dumped back, the clouds of sediment kicked up could smother marine animals.
接著來看動詞 "scrape",意思是刮或是擦。
例如,"The scientists carefully scraped away layers of dirt to find the hidden ruins."
或是 "Mason fell off his bike and scraped his knee on the sidewalk."
或是 "We all scraped the bottom of our bowls of ice cream, not wanting to waste any."
Yesterday we learned about these robots that are new inventions that can collect these nodules at the bottom of the ocean floor.
Let’s talk a little bit more about those robots now.
Moreover, the proposed nodule collection robots would act like bulldozers, scraping up not only the nodules but also mud, sediment, small animals, and more.
Okay, this sounds like it might be a problem.
A bulldozer is a powerful vehicle with a caterpillar track on it, which means that the wheels act kind of like a long caterpillar tread, and those treads move in a long circular motion rather than just in a circular motion.
That’s right! Things like tanks also have those treads.
But a bulldozer is special because it has a big plow on the front for pushing.
So in a movie, you might see the bulldozer push a huge rock.
Now here on the bottom of the ocean, we also have a really cool vocabulary word: sediment.
We read that mud, sediment, small animals, and more are going to get pushed.
So sediment is special—it is the matter that settles at the bottom of a liquid.
You might have some sediment at the bottom of a bottle of juice or something like that.
Yeah, do you ever get sediment at the bottom of your fish tanks, John?
Yes, sediment all the time! We actually call the bottom "the sediment."
Very interesting!
Okay, so there’s sediment at the bottom of the ocean that gets scraped up by these bulldozers, and these robots that are acting like bulldozers are also collecting small animals.
So this is clearly harmful for the animals that live on the ocean floor.
Although anything not needed for mining would be dumped back, the clouds of sediment kicked up could smother marine animals.
Okay, so here’s what’s happening: as these robots are collecting the nodules, they’re collecting a lot of extra stuff.
So after they collect this stuff, it would be dumped back.
What that means is that it’s deposited or disposed of back into the ocean.
That’s right! Normally, this word "dumped" kind of just means thrown back in one big lump.
There’s another word "pour," which is sort of gentle—you’d pour water.
But "dumped" just means like one big thing.
I wouldn’t want to be a little animal that lived under the sea, getting scooped up and dumped.
I think it would kill almost anything.
Yeah, it sounds terrible!
And it says that not only that, but this sediment that’s kicked up at the bottom of the ocean could actually smother marine animals.
"Smother" means to kill by suffocation. If something can’t breathe and it dies, it gets smothered.
So you don’t want to be smothered. And then there’s this word "marine."
You need to know it: "marine" means from the ocean.
So you can say, "Dolphins are one of my favorite marine animals."
Well, friends, there’s a lot more to learn! Now it’s time to go to our InfoCloud.
Hello friends!
Welcome to InfoCloud. Hey, Rex, you look like you’re weighing some options. What’s going on?
Hi, Garrett.
I was just thinking about whether I should buy a new phone or save my money. On one hand, I need a new phone, but on the other hand, new phones can be expensive.
That’s a tough decision. But that expression you used describes the situation perfectly. Do you mean when I said "on the other hand"?
Yes, exactly! Let’s talk about that expression today.
Sure, Garrett. The phrase is used to introduce contrasting points of view and is usually paired or expanded with "on one hand."
That’s right! When you use both "on one hand" and "on the other hand," you can show two different sides of a situation.
You can kind of imagine someone holding something in each hand and balancing them to decide which is heavier.
That makes sense. It’s a way to consider both the pros and cons of a decision.
Yes! And you can use it in many situations. Like, "On one hand, I want to go out with friends, but on the other hand, I have a lot of studying to do."
It’s basically a useful way to explain the competing factors that are influencing your decision.
Well, Rex, you might be struggling with the new phone decision, but it’s pretty clear this phrase is a good one for our friends at home to remember and use.

on one hand以及on the other hand
當我們面臨兩難的抉擇,你可以用今天分享的用語 "on one hand" 以及 "on the other hand" 來對比兩個選項。
"On one hand" 可以表達一方面,這個選擇會帶來什麼樣的好處與壞處;
"On the other hand" 可以表達另一方面。例如,"On one hand, I want to go out with friends" 一方面,我想跟朋友們一起出去;
"On the other hand, I have a lot of homework" 另一方面,我有很多作業要做。
"On one hand" 以及 "on the other hand" 就可以表達兩個選項之間的對比與張力。
這就是今天的 InfoCloud,我們下次云端見!

Deep sea mining.
Ironically, some scientists are concerned that deep sea mining could actually increase the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
Currently, tiny ocean creatures absorb about 25 percent of carbon emissions.
If deep sea mining kills these creatures, it could intensify global warming.
Deep sea mining has the potential to power green technologies but also to do direct harm to the environment. Further research is needed to evaluate the extent of the risks and determine whether the benefits are worth the costs.
接下來來看 "ironically" 這個副詞,意思是具有諷刺意味的或意想不到的。例如,"We signed up for a wilderness survival course, ironically forgetting to pack a lighter or matches."
"After signing up for a class to improve his public speaking skills, Pat was ironically paired with someone who was more scared of public speaking than he was."
"Or Susie spent all morning on her online dating profile, ironically ending up with a notice that there were no matches in her area."
最後來看動詞 "intensify",意思是強化或增強。例如,"With each passing hour, the storm intensified with heavy rain and high winds."
"Or as the patient’s symptoms intensified, the doctor ordered stronger medication for her."
"Spices like chili flakes and hot peppers can be added to intensify the heat of a dish."
Okay, we’ve talked about some of the problems with deep sea mining.
Friends, let’s see how our article is going to conclude. We read here: "Ironically," you saw that in the Language Lab, "some scientists are concerned that deep sea mining could actually increase the amount of carbon in the atmosphere."
Well, wasn’t that the whole point of mining things at the bottom of the sea to begin with?
Yeah, you know sometimes there’s this term "greenwashing," and it just means to make something seem green so that you can just go ahead and do your original plan.
But we’ll talk about greenwashing some other time.
Let’s read about what happens at the bottom of the sea.
We read here currently—that means right now—tiny ocean creatures absorb about 25 percent of carbon emissions.
Wow, okay, first of all, "absorb," what does that mean?
Well, it means to take something in, either physically or even chemically.
"Absorb" is a really useful word for studying too!
It really is, because you could absorb information.
There are all different kinds of things that you can absorb.
Some buildings absorb heat better than others based on what they are built from.
All right, but so what’s being absorbed here are carbon emissions, and the things that are absorbing them are these tiny ocean creatures.
If deep sea mining kills these creatures, it could intensify global warming.
You’ve probably heard this term before, friends.
Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall temperature.
Yeah, you could say global warming seems to be making the weather change and get more extreme.
It’s a term you definitely need to know. The globe is an important noun, and when we say "the globe," it means the round planet Earth.
So a globe is like a little round model of the Earth that you might see at school.
That’s a globe!
Okay, so to finish our article, we read here: "Deep sea mining has the potential to power green technologies but also to do direct harm to the environment."
So this means there might be some choices to be made here.
Further research is needed to evaluate the extent of the risks and determine whether the benefits are worth the costs.
Let’s talk about this a little bit.
We need to evaluate—what does it mean?
If you evaluate something, it literally means to find out the value.
How valuable is something?
The definition is to form an idea of the number, size, or value of something.
And so yeah, it’s really about building this idea.
Yeah! So if you evaluate something, it means that you are going to decide what is a better choice.
You could evaluate your options before you make a decision, which means you’re going to look at the pros and cons of both of them.
But we also see this word "extent" here. Let’s talk about that for a moment.
The extent literally just means the size of something or the scale of something, like a problem.
There’s the word "extend" that means to reach out, so the extent is the reach of a problem.
Yeah, we often use the word extent with the word problem.
What is the extent of the problem or the extent of the damage?
Okay, so we just have to decide: are the benefits worth the costs?
This is a great thing for you to talk about in English, friends.
And we’ll talk about it a little bit more right after today’s fun fact!
Hello, facts friends!
I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun ocean fact for you today. Did you know there is a fish on the bottom of the ocean called a blobfish?
It is very ugly, but it does not want to be mined.
Think about the blobfish before you mine.
And that is today’s fun bottom of the ocean fact!
We have a very serious question to end our program with. It is one that you’re going to have to think about, friends.
Here’s the question: Do you think governments should allow deep sea mining? Why or why not?
Wow, this is a hard one! Fishing in the ocean already has a lot of questions.
The ocean is shared by so many different countries, so I’m pretty sure that deep sea mining will happen.
But I think governments should really, really try to work together for the sake of the whole globe.
It’ll be tough, but it’s doable.
I think that’s a good point.
I also think that it’s one thing for governments to regulate it with a law, but it’s another thing to actually make sure that people are following that law.
So there could be a law for or against it, but how are they going to actually ensure people are following the rules?
There are a lot of questions with deep sea mining, friends.
Talk about this topic in English. What do you think?
We’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!

n.a bottom-dwelling住處 deep-sea fish with a large head.

mine 開採(礦物)
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