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《南傳法句經》第 28 


故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。


  《法句經》第 28 偈的故事挺有意思,縱使是大修行者也難抵好奇心發作,疏忽了正經事。話說有一回,大迦葉(Mahā Kassapa)尊者在畢缽離(Pipphali)洞窟修行的時候,運用神通去察看誰正念現前、誰放逸混日,還有誰快要撒手人寰了、誰即將再度出生。






[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada


028 Heedlessness Should Be Conquered by Heedfulness


Pamādaṃ appamādena

Yadā nudati paṇḍito


Asoko sokiniṃ paja

Pabbataṭṭho’ va bhummaṭṭhe

Dhīro bāle avekkhati



When a wise man dispels heedlessness by heedfulness, he ascends the palace of wisdom and, free from sorrow, surveys the sorrowing beings. Just as one standing on the mountain top looks at those on the ground below, so the wise one (the Arahant) looks at the ignorant.










註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers;

Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede


Pamāda: (m) sloth, heedlessness, indifference

Appamāda: (m) heedfulness, diligence, vigilance, earnestness, carefulness

Yadā: (adv) when, whenever

Nudati: to dispel, remove, avert, reject

Paṇḍita: (adj) learned, skilled, wise   (m) a learned man, wise man, pandit

Paññā: (f) wisdom, intellect, reason, insight, knowledge, recognition

Pāsāda: (m) a lofty platform, a building on high foundations, a terrace, palace

Paññāpāsāda: (m) the stronghold of supreme knowledge

Āruhati / ārohati: to mount, climb, ascend, go up into  ger. āruyha

Asoka: (adj) free from sorrow

Sokī: (adj) sorrowful  (f) sokinī

Pajā: (f) creature, people, mankind, race, descendants

Pabbata: (m) a mountain, hill, rock

Pabbataṭṭha: (adj) standing on the mountain

Iva, viya, va: (part.) like, as

Bhumma: (adj) belonging to the earth, earthly, terrestrial (n) soil, ground

Bhummaṭṭha: (adj) standing on the ground; being in the earth, found on or in the earth, earthly

Dhīra: (adj) wise; resolute, firm; brave   (m) a wise person

Bāla: (adj) ignorant, foolish; young   (m) a fool; a child up to 16

Avekkhati: to look down upon, look at, perceive, contemplate, consider





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