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故事為鄙人摘譯自 K. Sri Dhammananda 長老主編的英文版 The Dhammapada,添枝減葉若干。
《法句經》第107偈承續前一偈的要旨,但主角換成舍利弗的外甥,出家前,他也是婆羅門。有一回,舍利弗問他:「你近來是否做了任何功德?」外甥答說:「我每個月都貢獻一隻羊當火供祭品,期望下輩子能投生梵天界。」舍利弗語重心長說:「你的老師教你的,無非是虛幻的期待,他們根本不曉得往生梵天界的方法。」 隨後,舍利弗引領這位年輕的婆羅門外甥去見佛陀。佛陀向他開示,教他可以往生梵天界的佛法,並告訴他:「頂禮真正的聖人,儘管只有須臾片刻,遠勝於火供祭獻一百年。」
[巴利原文與英譯取自 Nārada 長老編譯的 The Dhammapada]
107 A Moment’s Honour to the Pure Is Better than a Century of Fire-Sacrifice
Yo ce vassasataṃ jantu Aggiṃ paricare vane Ekañ ca bhāvitattānaṃ Muhuttam api pūjaye Sā yeva pūjanā seyyo Yañ ce vassasataṃ hutaṃ
Though, for a century, a man should tend the (sacred) fire in the forest, yet, if, only for a moment, he should honour (a saint) who has perfected himself, that honour is, indeed, better than a century of fire-sacrifice.
林中拜火神,事火一百年, 未若須臾頃,供養修己者。 如是之供養,勝祭祀百年。
NOTES 註釋主要依據: A Dictionary of the Pali Language, by R. C. Childers; Pali-English Dictionary, by T. W. Rhys Davids and W. Stede
Yo: (pron. m) who, what, which; he who, whoever (n) yaṃ (f) yā Ce: (adv) even, if Vassa: (m/n) a year, rain Vassasataṃ: for a hundred years Jantu: (m) a creature; an animal; a man, person Aggi: (m) fire, flames, sparks; sacrificial fire; Agni - the deity of fire Paricarati: to attend, minister to, serve, honor; wander about opt. paricare Aggiṃ paricarati: to keep a fire constantly burning, to keep up the sacred fire (worship Agni – the Hindu fire god) Vana: (n) forest, a wood, grove Eka: (adj) one, single; alone; a certain; the same; chief; unique Bhāveti: to cultivate, cause to exist, produce; increase, perfect; practice, be versed in, develop; dwell upon, contemplate pp. bhāvita: practiced, perfected, trained, developed Attā, ātumā: (m) self, body, person, individuality; life, mind, soul acc. attaṃ, attānaṃ ins./abl. attanā gen./dat. attano: of oneself, one’s Bhāvitattā: (m) one who has perfected himself Muhutta: (m) a moment, a while acc. muhuttaṃ: for a moment, for a while Muhuttam api: even for a moment Pūjeti, pūjayati: to revere, honor (with), offer, present (with) opt. pūjaye Sā: (pron. f) this; that Eva, yeva: (adv) just, quite, even, only Pūjanā: (f) veneration, honor, worship Seyya: (adj) better, excellent (m/n/f nom.) seyyo Huta: (n) sacrifice (pp. of juhoti: to sacrifice)
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