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2017/05/28 21:13:00瀏覽1325|回應4|推薦59 | |
舊詩新譯重披 再請斧正
夢 痕
你能不能懂? 夢在愛情中, 是一種特殊的素材, 可藉以明確的表白。
他告訴她: 真是奇怪, 竟會在夢中, 開了她的懷。
她正是苦無藉口, 心癢難捱, 正好便將夢就夢, 送抱投懷。
這讓我忽然想起來, 在紅樓夢中, 有半個回目: 賈寶玉初試雲雨情。
便是一場夢醒, 他把夢中情景, 表敘給那個 整天在他身邊磨蹭,
又溫柔又體貼的, 花一樣的俏女傭; 羞打打的看, 笑迷迷的聽。
一個是意猶未盡, 一個是意欲嘗新。
於是他們二人, 就半推半就, 半生不熟的 摸索戲弄;
照著夢中情形, 你儂我儂, 顛鸞倒鳳, 體驗了一番夢幻情。
誰說是春夢了無痕? 這可是作了一場, 演了一齣, 遺留了一份:
五彩繽紛, 十分銷魂的 千古美夢, 萬代名痕。
好個曹雪芹, 只為解苦悶, 隨便寫一寫, 便刻畫了個夢痕,
可讓兩個人 回味終身。 也讓億萬人 終身品論。
朋友們, 不要稱能, 隨便發高論。
說不定, 有人不平, 恨敲你一棍
何不回家, 作你的美夢, 多留幾份痕?
看它們, 能有幾人爱? 能有幾人恨?
能有幾人看? 能保幾日新?
你還能-- 勝過曹雪芹!
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Trace of Dream
She was itchy and hot, opened her arms.
So, to fulfil his dream, embraced him hard. Then entangled together they started to blossom. This makes me think of, entitled: Jia Baoyu First Time Tastes Lovemaking Flavor. to his personal chamber maid.
She was beautiful as a flower, soft, gentle, and considerate, served and took care of him, all day and every intimate day.
So, they half pushed and half pulled,
splitting and sticking.
Enjoyed an ecstatic joy!
Who says the spring dream leaves no trace?
Very prominent! That Cao Xueqin! of his boredom and depression,
casually he created such a dream scene. It gave two persons a lifelong reminiscence.
It left a lasting trace to thousands and millions, some lifelong topics of pursuance and arguments.
Dear friends, Do not show your character, carelessly issue criticisms or opinions. may disagree with them,
How long they can stay to be seen.
an awful achievement, even better than Cao Xueqin!
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