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2019/04/18 08:25:44瀏覽2515|回應8|推薦100 | |
代擬參選聲明 ( I ) 這是一篇,以詩人之腹,度英雄之心的小品。 臺灣不幸,誤選不肖政黨執政。只會搶位掠肥,也能胡作非為;不顧經濟萎縮,任由民生憔悴。且更反親忤鄰,置使民命險危。
曾賦小詩一首,以證師出名正 當選 小節可不拘, 大節不可虧。 自古有訓諭, 至今須遵遂。 . 天人同委任。 眾意何能違? 普天降甘霖, 遍地受福惠。
但是: 自古英雄多君子,君子自古多抱憾。 由來世事多變化,世事變化多由天。 英雄常遭貶。 世事恒難圓!
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Should be Selected and Elected
Minor ethics can be overlooked, Major ethics cannot be ignored. It is taught by our ancient ancestors, It should be observed by us right now.
A man is chosen by both Heaven and human. How can he shirk their mutual appointment? Happy rain should be sprinkled everywhere. Everywhere would be splendid with happy rain!
But: Since the ancient, heroes are mostly gentlemen, gentlemen’s lives are mostly regretful. From the beginning, things are keeping changing, all the changes are often fateful.
Things are mostly hard to be successful. Heroes are often disgraceful.
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