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2019/02/15 06:01:35瀏覽2143|回應5|推薦91 | |
一個迷人的女孩, 為慶賀中國的新年, 送了籃稀罕的甜瓜, 還有盒精美的甜點, 給一位著名的議員。
他曾在議會裡 對她的父親色厲言疾。 在那時他是個 市立農產品市場經理。
後來他也曾發誓 會跳愛河泳浴, 如果她父親能贏得 高雄市長的選舉。
公認是雙方勢力懸殊, 成功的機率極低。
但是經過激烈的競爭, 他發揮出無比的魅力, 獲得狂熱的擁護, 贏得壓倒性的勝利。
打破了政壇的紀錄, 被認為是一個奇跡。
她原諒了他的批評, 不在乎他的誓語, 赦免了他的跳河, 且回報以甜言慰語。
在美好的一年開始, 她又送出友誼的贈禮。
他選購珍貴的對錶, 作為他的回禮, 一隻給她父親, 一隻感謝她的體己。
讚美的聲浪, 即刻陣陣的湧起, 不僅在他們的島上, 且逥響在世界裡。
就連該品牌的手錶, 也被移情並珍惜, 很快被搶購一空! 亦令世人驚奇!
詩/剧中之三位主角: 一位是王世堅, 一位是韓冰, 一位是韓國瑜。
英文原詩附後 並請批評斧正
Sweet Political Story
A glamorous girl sent a box of delicate candy and a basket of uncommon melon to a prominent politician, as a Chinese-New-Year’s present.
He had been once a caustic criticizer of her father, while he was a market manager selling produce of the farmers.
Later he swore to jump into the famous Love River, if he won the election for the Kaohsiung mayor.
Everybody knew the chance was extremely scarce.
But after a fierce competition, he exerted his magic charisma, got people’s frenzied support, won an overwhelming victory.
A marvel to all people. A record of long political history.
She forgave his criticisms and ignored his swear words, not only pardoned his river-jumping also comforted him with sweet words.
and later these friendly gifts at the beginning of a fine year.
He repaid her with a pair of precious wristwatch, one for her favor, another for her father.
Instantly and repeatedly raised chorus of praise words, not only on their isolated island also in the vast world.
Even that brand of watches were cherished with warmth, soon were all snapped up! Another surprise to the wide world!
Three characters in this dramatic story: 1. Wang Shih-Chien, the politician. 2. Han Bing, the daughter. 3. Han Kuo-Yu, the father.
( 創作|詩詞 ) |