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2017/04/20 20:11:53瀏覽1155|回應6|推薦71 | |
清 明
清明爬山訪杜鵑, 枝葉恒繁花已殘。 遙想遠年諸情景, 幸遇陣雨把面掩。
長子返鄉祭祖先, 傳來破落相一捲。 唯有青松尚青蔥, 此番只有指掩面。
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Qing Ming (Chinese Grave Day) to see the azalea. but flowers were faded. far aback and away. to cover my face. to visit my parents’ graves. He transmitted to me a roll of photos to have some long gaze. all others were so grim. could cover my grief.
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