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2017/06/25 10:52:10瀏覽1266|回應1|推薦54 | |
有人在演講, 有人咒駡, 有人鼓掌。 有人在祝賀生日快樂, 有人在哭喪。
滾蛋的小子們瘟又躬。 隔壁的阿嫲在罵阿公。 樓上的大姑娘還在洗澡。
電視裡的名嘴經常嚼是非。 立院的兩派仍舊打架。 高臺上跑出來個老醉鬼。 深井裡跳出來隻小蛤蟆。
你那年把我給摔了, 到如今還是滿身的痕與恨。 現在有人愛我愛的不得了! 你知不知道你很笨?
我那天看見你又上了場, 却夾著根尾巴並柱著根棍! 很有心上前再捧你的場, 忽然間兩腿發軟頭發昏。
嗚呼! 啊!呀? 搞甚麽鬼?
嘻嘻! 哈!哈? 拜甚麽神?
05/16/2017(修改) 英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
What the Hell
Someone is delivering a speech,
Losers bungle, bow and disappear. An old woman scolds her man next-door. A big girl is still taking her shower upstairs.
On TV critics always criticize their foes. Two sides still fight in their legislature. From a deep well jumps out a small toad. On the high stage appears an old drunkard.
That year you threw me hard to the dirt. Today I can still feel its scar and hurt. Now someone loves me with all his heart. Don’t you know you are stupid? Dear Dullard!
The other day I saw you was on stage once more. But why, exposing a tail and holding a walker!? I intended to go nearer, once more be a cheerer. Suddenly, my legs felt softened, head swirled.
Oh, Oh! Hey! Hey? What the hell?
Alas! Ha! Ha? Where is God?
( 創作|詩詞 ) |