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2017/07/27 12:53:06瀏覽1147|回應6|推薦62 | |
一幅舊畫,改了幾條枝椏,加了一條尾巴,又翻成了英國話。 因此又臭又長。希望不會挨罵。
尋 梅
老小子,別無長處, 只是很聽老妻的話。 一聽她說,此地實不宜老居, 就趕快籌備,遷回寶島的家。
要捨得,異域的, 秀山柔水,茵草繁花。 要捨得,自己的, 破衣爛衫,寶書要夾。
可是萬分捨不得 結交的一幅畫。 畫家住金陵, 卻也是個窮畫家。
買不起白宣紙, 買幅白布來畫。 付不起裱裝費, 自己把裱邊畫。
但是這幅紅梅 卻畫的鐵骨錦華, 蕊茂苞壯, 英姿更風發。
頗似當年時, 當故園的冰雪化, 雙梅來報春, 美的令人傻。
是那年故都溫故, 傷感於皇陵下。 靈谷寺隨喜禮佛, 有幸遇到了她。
立即與她結伴, 飛回臺灣的家。 繼續結伴與她, 飛到北美的家。
也得自行裱褙, 再製一副框架。 掛到租來的書房, 滿室立即飄采霞。
自那日我們是朝夕相處, 親熱又融洽。
每日裡,她看著我, 聽著我, 護著我, 喜怒哀樂, 胡讀亂說,胡塗亂畫。
我也會不時的回過頭去, 看看她,摸摸她。
為了償老妻多年的心願, 不得不拆了框,揭了蓋, 小心翼翼的捲起她, 裝進了運寶匣。
一路上揹著她,抱著她, 鑽天穿雲,飄陸過海, 除非必要 捨不得分開一刹那。
來到了桃園機場, 搭上了國光客運, 要到松山轉機, 再飛兒子的家。
或許是勞累顛簸, 再加上失眠時差, 不知不覺睡的著著, 竟完全忘了她。
朦朧中覺得 老妻推了我一把, 糊裡糊塗的 就跟著她把車下。
機場內交運了行李, 忽然一驚一嚇, 哎呀! 我的畫?
急忙請航站小姐, 幫忙把電話打。
直到晚間才來了消息, 駕駛梁俊傑先生有回話, 已先行下車照顧行李, 回車沒見到有遺畫。
一下子希望破滅, 身心俱垮! 算了吧! 忘了吧! 卻忍不住淚直下。
萬事有因緣。 緣來聚,緣盡散, 再各另結緣。
祝福那位淑女君子, 有幸能遇到她, 也結一段好姻緣。
你若能像我一樣, 喜歡她,愛護她; 我也可無牽無掛, 把這片心放下。
因曾託舍親就近查詢, 傳來了音訊, 梁先生願意幫忙 繼續去追尋。
那一天松山航警 來電通知舍親, 說是有人,不願留名, 曾送去一個長畫筒。
啊? 呀! 謝天謝地。 這可是天大的喜訊! 經過反復查證, 果然是家珍!
航警溫庭妤小姐。 知我老邁, 且遠居後山, 她也是位花蓮人。
心存仁慈, 免得我往返勞頓, 願意請假為我送來, 也順便回家省親。
寶島富義情. 臺灣多好人。
各人豐義與盛情, 永將銘我心。
見到了溫小姐, 是在什麼地方,
她說是: 就在航站之內, 一位站內同仁, 發現她被遺忘在, 到花蓮的班機
!!!! ???? 我要— 發昏!
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Pursue the Plum
There was no good point of the Old Boy, this is truly not a good place for old people. at a treasure island, on the earth’s other side.
He must part with his present place’s beautiful hills and gentle rivers, smooth lawns and blooming flowers. He must dispose of his personal old clothes and flimsy furniture, precious books and important files.
But this piece of red plum was depicted with iron branches and satin petals, to report that spring time had arrived. all silently stupefied.
It was in that year, I went to the old capital as a reminiscing sightseer. so, to enter the Linggu Temple to worship Buddha the great teacher.
with fury or fervor.
my wife’s long-years desire, peel off the covering shield, across the land and seas, except it was necessary, car bump and fatigue, unconsciously fell into sleep.
pushed me hard. we checked our luggage. shockingly startled! Oh! my God!
Until late in the evening, came the reply, hot tears stream out of my eyes.
Everything is determined by affinity. When it happens we are related. When it ends we are separated. Then separately re-related.
My blessings to any lady or gentle man may meet her and make friends with her, can be also happily associated.
like her and love her, give her the necessary shelter and aid,
continue to pursue the painting nearby. She called to tell me that Mr. Liang was willing to help to do the job. called my relative to notify: There was an anonymous person had sent them a painting box.
What a great news! What? Ha Ha! Thanks everyone! Thanks God!
After a repeated verification,
Miss Wen Tingyu of aviation police, with a leave at her earliest convenience, so, to save me the trip and expense
Taiwan is full of good people! They are full of virtue and passion! These people and their goodness will be forever engraved in my brain!
eagerly I asked her, Where did that good person meet my good friend?
She said, it was a co-worker, in the terminal building, at the place of Hualien flight’s luggage service station.
Oh! Oh…! Aw! Aw…! Why? Why…? How? How…?
I was about -- to faint.
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