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2017/05/01 05:28:33瀏覽1661|回應10|推薦68 | |
創 譯
文譯不宜直譯 為免生澀呆板 應可添油加醋 亦可截長補短
不妨顛三倒四 何妨改頭換面 只要作品合意 勿斥譯者荒誕
英文譯詩附後 並請批評指正
Creative Translation
We cannot literally translate a literary work avoid to be boardy jerky raw and awkward We can add some sweetener even vinegar also prolong it longer or shorten it shorter
No matter we change its color make it over or ignore its grammar and alter its order if the work is better to the author and reader do not curse the absurdity of the translator
A great deal of translations of this collection of verses were created by way with a good deal of creatively translational flavor
這原是一首卷首歪詩, 不得已把它移到這裡。 以說明作者的作風, 並解釋讀者的問題。
有人喜歡直譯, 有人主張意譯。 敝作者只能胡譯, 卻美冒其名創譯。
荒唐? 稀奇? 哈哈! 嘻嘻!
( 創作|詩詞 ) |