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「台灣災難是否不可避免? 」如台海危機升高為什美國不保衛台灣?為何日本對台灣的戰略利益是? 台難民往哪裡逃?
2015/10/13 09:38:22瀏覽3066|回應0|推薦0







If Taiwan’s catastrophe will be unavoidablethe Taiwan Strait crisis why the United States will not defend Taiwan? ---Why Japan's strategic interests of the Taiwan Strait are to ensure that Taiwan will not unify with China or it does not become a Chinese foothold?--- To where Taiwanese refugees will flee?


From current Lai Chin-da’s (賴清德), Tainan DPP incumbent mayor, speech, DPP will use every device to entrap the U.S., under Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s encouragement, in a cross-strait crisis in an effort to achieve its dreams of independence from China. Now, the question is if Chinese PLA attacks Taiwan, how long can Taiwan withstand a full scale attack from China?

Most Taiwan DPP and Solidarity Party caucus believes that Taiwan is strategically important to US and Japan. The US and Japan will come to defend Taiwan if Taiwan is attacked by China. However, the harsh reality is that the US, even together with Japan, is unable to defend Taiwan as China military capabilities which can easily challenge American military power if US involving in the Taiwan Strait’s conflict.  Despite American and its media claimed or talked tough about military superiority. A US-China conflict would impose equal risks and costs on both sides.  China's leaders think they hold the advantage if a crisis escalates in the Taiwan Strait, and they are probably right. It is a big mistake that the United States and its allies keep assuming, as President Obama and many people seem to do, that China would be sure to back off to avoid conflict escalated in Taiwan Trait.

Taiwan DPP, Solidarity Union Party and ex-President Lee Teng-hui or KMT ulterior motives of some members of the Taiwan independence should think twice about or should not be foolhardy attempt of Taiwan independent. For the United States, American military will not and cannot expect a swift and certain victory in a war over Taiwan and the consequences of any Taiwan Strait’s conflict would be just as serious destruction of America as of China. Ultimately, the United States will not confront China over Taiwan in considering military action to defend Taiwan, and it is not worth risking nuclear war or economic collapse over.  

For Japan, Tokyo’s strategic interests and objective on Taiwan is to make sure that Taiwan will not unify with China or it does not become a Chinese foothold as Mr. Shinzo Abe and most Japanese know very well that in order to satisfy its superiority complex and achieve dominant superpower status on the international stage, Japan must possess the basic capability to consistently and forcibly infringe on, exploit and take from its neighbors against their will the resources it needs. And in order to establish a ground for the pursuit of sinister goals to brutally re-occupy its neighbor again, Japan must first re-occupies Taiwan which is strategic important for Japan’s trade and energy imports pass or its military vessels freely navigate through.

Tsai Ing-wen claimed the future direction of Taiwan's government; it would be decided by a new public opinion. However, the DPP and TSU often use the tactic of manipulating ethnic hatred and incite the minority Taiwanese to hijack Taiwan majority in order to achieve their own political purposes. The DPP has not accepted, nor recognized, this description of the Taiwan-China relationship. However, China has said it will not deal with any administration that does not accept the 1992 Consensus;   Tsai Ing-wen claimed that she would improve Taiwan economic. The question is how Tsai Ing-wen will improve Taiwan economic without improving the Taiwan-China relationship if she will have become Taiwan president.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 10/12/15 美國  

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