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「凍齡」, 看了我文章裡的四張照片後。你是評委, 告訴我,我是八十多歲了還是二十多歲?by江佩珍
2015/09/15 09:14:40瀏覽3214|回應0|推薦0


看了我四張照片, 這篇文章在一起,拍攝201598日後。你是評委, 告訴我,如果我是八十多歲了還是我二十歲?沒有任何整容手術或任何非手術面部年輕化我身體的每一個部分就是我出生以。是的,我的本質頭髮是深褐色。我的身高為5英尺4英寸,119磅,我的腰是24¾。上次我去看我的醫生,20081月。



Let us freeze our age as we see fit at any point.

After browsing through my four photos, together with this article, which were taken September 8, 2015, you are the judges, telling me that if I am eighty years old or my twenties? absolutely no cosmetic surgery or any non-surgical facial rejuvenation and every part of my body that I was born with. Yes, my essence hair is dark brown. My height is 5 feet 4 inches, 119 pounds, and my waist is 24¾ ". Well, last time I went to see my doctor, was in January 2008.

However, we cannot outsmart Mother Nature. Freezing age doesn't freeze muscle loose, sagging skin, body size or health if one does not exercise daily and eats healthy foods. Exercise and healthy food or nutrition can and could help maximize bone formation and minimize bone loss, which ultimately make the skin tightened. My actual age is 63 and I expect that is what I want to look like when I am eighties.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 09/14/15 美國

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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