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How to deal with President Trump’s unsubstantiated claims (中文版將於2019年5月21日發布)江佩珍
2019/05/15 10:51:40瀏覽3403|回應0|推薦0

Perhaps, for many wealthy Chinese parents, money can make everything possible. If Ms. Zhao paid $6.5 million for her daughter college-admission or she thought the $6.5 million was a donation to Stanford University. Is it worth it to spend $6.5 million to help her daughter securing a spot at a top US university? While President Trump has claimed that every Chinese student studying in US is a spy. $6.5 million is a lot of money. It makes no sense that Ms. Zhao paid $6.5 million for her daughter, whether it is college-admission or donation, her daughter is considered a spy here. President Trumps unsubstantiated allegations, she and other Chinese students may face a hostile school environment here.

President Trump is a descendant of Germany and I had many employees of German descent in US yet they are all good at lying and they may make unsubstantiated claims come exaggerated insults directed at anyone who may disagree. As China advances rapidly in technology and closes the tech gap with US, in fact, some high-tech in China has surpassed the United States, such as 5G, President Trump becomes more anxious about China and his tactics is to come up with all kind of unsubstantiated allegations against China and create a hostile environment for China to slow Chinas high-tech progress.

 Chinese authority or government speakers must rebut any President Trump’s unsubstantiated accusations by producing fact. Unfortunately, Dealing with Trump, Chinese must rebut Trump’s unsubstantiated claims as many times as need. Otherwise his ill-founded statements become widely circulated as being true.

 If President Trump renewed Chinas trade threat is part of his trade talk strategy or tries to distract voters attention from his battle with members of congress. Again, American can not win this trade war with China. President Trump should understand that if it is a trade war between China and US, then the Chinese government can and may impose a 25 percent tariff on US service industry in China for retaliation. One can read my articles "A consequence of the Trade War and Why China won’t come to the table on the trade talk with US?"  which posted on my Facebook, Blog and Weibo Jennie 609 on April 07, 2018 and Oct 16, 2018 respectively.  Again, neither country can come out a winner if there is a trade war between US and China. Although China may not win in the short term, America may well be the loser in the long-run as the table turns again. American should carefully understand that Chinese people can and definitely will adjust their lifestyle in no time and American products will be soon be replaced by alternative goods from either domestic sources or other countries, such as Germany, France, Japan and Britain etc..  Once America loses the Chinese market, various forces will ensure that it becomes very difficult for American to regain its loss.

PS. I graduated from Temple University, my husband from Princeton University, his brother MBA from Harvard University and his sister from University of Pennsylvania. We are based on our ability, not on bribing colleges.


Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/08/2019

CC.: President Trump, leader of China and Taiwan and leaders of the countries indicated in this article as well as Chinese media. 

( 在地生活北美 )
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