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Allegations of cyber-attacks constitute good politics for US(中文版將於01/09/2019發布).
2018/12/31 10:58:16瀏覽3329|回應0|推薦0

If the allegations of cyber-attacks against China constitute good smart politics for the United States? (中文版將於01/09/2019發布)

          I often wonder whether the hackneyed cyber-attack accusations against China or other US rivals constitute good smart politics for the United States. In fact, it is absolutely amazing that whenever the state of affairs is not conducive to an American plot to impose its will on rival sovereign entities, high flying allegations of cyber hacking, human rights abuses, unfair practices by national institutions, religious discrimination and persecutions, etc…suddenly all come out of the woodworks.  In particular, such attacks against China invariably sound like a broken record by now.

          It is incredibly difficult to determine the true identity or the exact real geographical location of a hacker, especially when involving international cyber-attacks, without breaking or hacking into the innermost core infrastructure of the suspect perpetrator’s internet service provider.  In particular, the hackers strategically route their attacks through the devices of innocent victims or proxies and misleadingly make it appear as if they originated from calculatedly incriminating locations such as Shanghai or Beijing, China.  Just about any government entity, especially agencies such as the American NSA and CIA, can route through and fake cyber-attacks from such major Chinese cities where every country in the world has some type of physical local commercial presence.

        However, one puzzling and disturbing but sure aspect to the alleged Chinese cyber-attacks is that the attackers did not appear to be after much given the huge amount of effort expanded.  Indeed, it is downright senseless and embarrassingly foolish undertaking especially for such powerful and resourceful entity like the Chinese government to waste time and energy and risk exposure for such meager gains.  As pointed out by more thoughtful observers, the real culprit may be the US, in consort with its Western affiliates such as Great Britain, Australia, Canada or German, setting up China to create pressure for more concessions.   

              President Trump’s administration claimed that the hackers from China hacked into US companies to steal US technology. I agree with a Chinese People’s Daily “some Americans (President Trump’s administration and many American politicians) have a narrow perspective on the world, like a frog at the bottom of a well. They flatter themselves into believing that only the United States can lead in science and technology and that others can only achieve a same or greater level of success through theft.” In fact, many of advanced technologies in the United States were stolen from German, then Nazis, during War II. I realize that many Chinese are abasing themselves when dealing with white American or the appearance of Western Europeans. However, it does not give the United States acts like snobbery against China. President Trump should understand to think of oneself as terrific, and it wont make the US great again.

              American politicians should read more history. Anyone familiarity with history knows that during the Tang and Song periods, China was technologically more advanced than Europe. Due to historical geopolitical changes, China had gradually lost its technological advancement to Europe.  

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍, 美國  12/25/2018

CC.: President Trump, leader of China and Taiwan and leaders of the countries indicated in this article as well as Chinese media. 

( 在地生活北美 )
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