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「A Girl From heaven」 Part 2/3 (中文版將在明天公佈)by江佩珍
2017/04/27 10:39:18瀏覽3255|回應0|推薦0


A Girl From heaven」  Part 2/3 (中文版將在明天公佈)

It was a cheerfully bright day with the sun shining profusely on the forest and reflecting on the ground water. It was indeed a sight of extraordinary beauty basking in the golden light.  To reach the gate, we walked bare feet for about 300 feet along an eight feet wild winding road, which was carpeted by dense, neat and soft grass. However, I cannot remember whether I had seen any other foreign living beings on way to the exit gate or whether we walked through or we flew over watery forest floor as my feet were dry. The two people who accompanied me, a woman dressed in a long pale pink gown reaching down to her ankle and a man, wearing dark grey pants were all dry when we walked on the lakeshore footpath.

The lake was bordered and ended at the exit gate. I couldn't see anything but blue sky on the other side of the exit gate. It looked like the mythical heaven, suspended in the air through some inexplicable and invisible mechanism. I wondered how big is the “heaven”, to the extent that it possesses or can generate enough force to counter balance the gravitational pull on earth. The exit gate is not really a gate in architectural sense of the word. But it appeared to be a natural towering rock formation of approximately 26 feet high and 6 feet in diameter. Leading to the exit gate, there was a path about one foot wide, consisting of a series of four flat-top, stone posts, two feet apart and protruding about 8” above the deep, dark blue water whose waves steadily pound against posts. There were four rock steps as a path that stayed about 8” above the surface of deep and dark blue water with big blue waves to the post. Each rock had a flat surface about a foot diameter and distance between each rock was about two feet apart. There was a giant cobra upper body in front of a rock tower above water was at least 14 feet diameter and 25 feet tall. I had always been afraid of snakes and unfathomable dark blue water with waives. I stood in front of cobra and hesitated for a moment. Cobra bent down, kissed the top of my head, and then moved to the side. I did not know then that the cobra would be one of my guardians when we were at this unusual first encounter.

I leaped from one rock-step to another toward to the rock tower.  I looked up at the rock towers when I was on the last rock step in front of a rock tower. It was a very high tower. I hesitated and stood on the last rock step for a moment.  Just then a woman with beautiful long brown hair, who had accompanied me to the gate, yelled out to me instructing me in English that I could fly. I didn’t know what languages they spoke. They solemnly walked behind me without speaking or any interaction between them or me until she instructed me in English at the gate. As I think about it now, it seemed as if, I was capable of understanding and even speaking at least both Chinese and English before I came down here on earth. I didn’t know if I jumped up or flew to get to the top of a tower. Either way, I was one step short to reach the top of tower and I tried to climb up. It was a bit difficult as my feet were wet from the lake waves hit the rock steps and splashed water on me, and besides, I was only a small child. It took me a minute to crawl up to the top of the rock tower.

Jennie PC Chiang

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