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There is way to make youself forever young. (中文版將在明天發布)
2017/05/11 10:23:43瀏覽3026|回應0|推薦0

Health is your guarantee of eternal youthful looks. To be healthy, one needs to do daily exercise and to eat healthy foods starting with one’s young age. So, it keeps your body straight, firm up muscles and tightens the skin as well as flattens your belly. So, you’ve got to shape yourself up to improve your own health.

My photos were taken by my husband on May 09, 2017, yesterday. I am 64 years old and last time I went to see my doctor was in January 2008. Overweight can shorten your lifespan! Overweight persons, and not just those who were obese, may also be subjected to increased risk of premature death as obesity linked directly to health problems. Obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions that may result in a higher development of heart disease, diabetes or cancer risk and so on. Diet and exercise are the main factors to prevent weight gain. Taiwan’s traditional diet which is usually a lot of vegetables and fruits are very healthy food.  Cosmetic surgery may cause the risk of your health problems and may be painful. There are the ways to keep one forever young, without painful surgery or injection of chemical drugs.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/10/2017 美國

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