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「A Girl From heaven」 Part 3/3 (中文版將在明天公佈) by 江佩珍
2017/05/04 09:28:19瀏覽3454|回應0|推薦0


A Girl From heaven  Part 3/3 (中文版將在明天公佈)

        Surface on the top of the tower was about 6 feet in diameter and there were not any safety railings or barriers around the flat top. Perhaps, its because people here can fly, there was no need for any barrier to prevent them from falling off the rock tower. The tower top had enough room only for two or three people. A man in his early 50’s, with sporting clean shaven face and short crew cut hair sat in cross-legged Buddhist meditation position on top of the tower. He wore a chalk white long sleeve shirt with dark blue grid pattern and a solid chalk white classical trouser. He was tidy and well groomed. No, he didn’t have long beard; nor did he wear a flowing long robe like the god figures from movies. He had a Chinese-European mixed blood look. He could pass for any other kid’s grandfather. He looked very serene and full of love and kindness but had a serious demeanor, barely smiling even to a small child.  He stood up. He was tall and well-built.  He looked down at me first and then squat down. He told me in English with a straight face: “You are on your own once you at this gate.”  However, whoever sent me down to earth must have been aware that this journey was full of treacherous dangers awaiting me. My guardians such as the large brown bird, the cobra and the white snake had suffered either severe injury or death in battling the powerful evil creatures that tried to kill me.

        I turned to the left, facing the other side of the lake shore which was about 40 feet away and there was no path of access to the other side of lakeshore. The lakeshore on the other side was like a deep descending so deep that I could not see anything but cloud and blue sky. I looked askance at the gate guardian and saw that he gave me a gentle nod of approval. I didn’t know if I jumped or flew down to the unfathomable depth on the other side of lakeshore. When I landed, I didn’t see any single inhabitant and felt desperate in such a desolate, foreign land.  A tear rolled down my cheek. I realized that I was way past the point of no return.  I had no memory of my journey from the exit gate to earth.

      Every story has an ending, yet the end of my prior life in the yonder above is just the beginning of my new cruel and turbulent life on earth.  It has been very cruel and unfair to my family on the earth who just had no alternative in the matter but collateral damages. This family’s tremendous suffering has always caused deep sorrow on me. Even though my father’s physically cruel and violent behavior was intended to kill me many times, I have never harbored any hatred towards him. Yes, I had lived everyday under life threatening misery. I never knew as to when I would be killed by my father atrocious behavior towards me. Every one of his attack on me was savage and deadly. However, he died when I was eight years old.  Through the years, I had endured the psychological scars from his brutality and violence. I am sorry to say that I felt relieved when he died.

      I have invariably harbored deep resentment against the selfishness of whoever that sent me down to earth. Why was this pitiful family, especially my siblings, targeted to suffer such misfortune and misery?  I realized that I could not have survived on earth by myself without the layers of protection from whoever sent me down here. However, what angers me is why they must sacrifice, as victim of collateral damages, a possibly perfect family on earth in order for me to survive here.

       Jennie’s Story is the true story based on real experience of Jennie. The story contains brutal, violent, cruel and bloody material which may not be appropriate for children under 13.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 05/03/17 美國

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