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"A girl from heaven" Part 1/3 ( 將在明天發布中文版。)
2017/04/19 10:30:53瀏覽2767|回應0|推薦0


"A girl from heaven" Part 1/3 ( 將在明天發布中文版。)

Is it possible that there are two worlds coexisting? A world called “earth” where people live and another world up there called “heaven” whose existence people may not even be aware of. Deep in my memory, long ago and far away, I can feel that another world, heaven, does exist. The question is why I had been sent down here, an earth. Was it because my life was more vulnerable up there than down here or there were other reasons? I was between 3 years and early 4 years old when I left that distant, nebulous place on top of earth. However, my memory just cannot go back much beyond the exit gate separating the two words. However, I can vaguely remember that, I was very unsettled on the way to the gate. It seemed that I was aware of the perils on this journey. I looked straight-ahead reluctantly and walked stiffly in fear and trepidation the way to the exit gate.

Two people accompanied me on my trip to the exit gate, a beautiful long brown hair woman walking two feet behind and to the right of me on my right and a man, who I could never make out what he really looked like, walking next to the woman behind my left. There was a very beautifully water soaked tropical forest on my right side and a huge dark blue lake with ripple waves on my left, a lake so huge that I could not see the shore on the other side. I was and I am still scare of any water wave motion in any type of water body such a lake, river or ocean. Naturally, I was a bit of uneasy to walk alongside of the mysterious lake shore on my left. However, the water on the forest floor was about two inch deep and it was calm, perfectly pure and very transparent water. I didn’t know whether the water on the forest ground is due to the flood or it is on its perennial natural state. The forest was abnormally clean and tidy; there were no shrubs or weeds on the forest floor. I didn’t know how vast the forest was. The landscape seemed to be completely covered all over by approximate 2” deep water. The tree trunks were slender and very straight. The beauty of the trees was that they formed a kind of tidy structured, but intricate network of vertical and reclining straight lines crisscrossing the entire space. The low branches of each trees emanates from the trunk at about six feet above the ground and shoot upward. A space between each tree was about 4 ft. X 4 ft. There was an approximate 8 ft. wide, endlessly long cutout in space. It may well be a tree-lined pathway.

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 04/18/17 美國

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