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「追殺令」是否是因為我的存在對追殺令背後人是致命威脅?by 江佩珍(also English versions)
2016/02/10 13:23:28瀏覽2990|回應0|推薦0

    為什麼那些怪物一定要殺我?誰是這背後殘忍,惡毒,不擇手段的殺令者? 所有的兄弟姐妹也逐漸, 一個接一個,成為附帶損傷的受害者隨即我出生之後. 即使我們可能不完全相關的兄弟姐妹。我注意到當我小的時候,我的血型我所有的兄弟姐妹或父母完全不同。它是殘酷有條理的方式來毀壞我的兄弟姐妹,因為這樣它很難歸因於當時的台灣社會的異常。這可能是因為我父親拼死命殘忍地想殺我的理由我出生後。他我八時去世。但是,他不會原諒我,即使他死了。他仍然回來困擾我和想殺我,請參考我是否能在我的下一個生死決戰中生存? 發布172015年。有時,我問我自己:難道我個人對這個家庭造成了那 麼多的悲傷和痛苦

     從我媽引述及根據事件發生時序, 第一起事件發生在我出生我的大姐是我 出生後的第一個受害者。她成了啞巴創傷性令人震驚的事件發生之後在收養家庭的家。她被收養為童養媳。有時,我不知道我是誰而我從哪裡來, 為什麼我降生 到這個世界而且這是否是因為我的存在對追殺令背後人是致命威脅或其他基本原理為他們的行動方針?  

      繼續“車禍珍妮的故事, 3/3部分發布日期201436,怪物圈子對鳥收 緊。它越來越接近至鳥。怪獸圓周離我距離約20英尺突然間,怪物中的一個從它身體跳出來帶著殺氣騰騰當飛近我穿過紗窗對著我惡狠狠地它的長而鋒利的爪子,而另一個怪物猛烈襲擊鳥。我完全被怪物的動作嚇呆了。它的靈魂從它身上跳出來攻擊我,並且空蕩盪的機體外殼依然能單獨發揮作用大型深褐色的鳥兒繼續盤旋。在一個危險的關鍵時刻,我被突然一陣並且把我回到我的身體另一股強勁風拖著怪物出我的房間。    

     我沒有任何記憶我的靈魂被回落進入我的身體之後不過,我的腿和我的手有一種經歷的麻木感在我醒來。我有一種蹣跚的幾乎跌在地板上。我看著窗外,並且仍在下雨。有許多風砍伐松樹,或者由雷雨大風或怪物盤旋鳥造成的漩渦, 西從那時起有點害怕獨自在家因為我的臥室幾乎成了怪物的殺人刑場

      天氣一直非常慘淡。我不喜歡潮濕,陰鬱的天空, 這給了我一個非常不祥的預感我應該在清晨離開公司到卡羅來納州批發和訂單禮品展在北卡羅萊納州。通常自己開著一輛大型商務麵包車到那裡經由81號州際公路。我預計在傍晚到達北卡羅來納州.  但是,我離不開而我需要, 大約八個半小時的車程, 漫長車程的道路 上,被拖到週四下午505分。展會在週六開始,我需要一天設置為展會開幕當天。出發時,我簡直精疲力竭,非常弱像一個行屍走肉。倉庫的打包人,他把我嚇了一跳幾次當我轉頭看他時怪物的臉帶著陰險的笑容出現在他的臉上, 未能 完成打包展示樣品。已經打包展示樣品在我的列表上超過三天, 28項目包 五個大型和青銅雕像塑像,重達大約2028英鎊大型蒂芙尼燈罩,他應該在前一天完成打包。此外,他打包三個或四個相同樣品在同一個項目 不少樣品在我的展示樣品列表上沒有打包任何一個樣品。他徹底雜亂無章,摸索偽裝的方式通過他的工作。



 Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 02/10/16 美國


Pursuit of a killing order if it’s because of my existence is a mortal threat to whomever behind the killing order?     

       Why those monsters must kill me? Who is behind the cruelly, viciously, unscrupulously killing order? All my siblings have gradually, one by one, become victims of collateral damage right after I was born; even we may not wholly related siblings. As I noticed when I was little that my blood-type is totally different from my siblings or parents. It was brutal and methodical manner to mutilate my siblings and as such it would be hard to attribute to then Taiwan social malfunction. It could be the reason that my father tried desperately and brutally to kill me since I was born. He died when I was eight years old. However, he would not forgive me even he was dead. He still came back to haunt me and tried to kill me, please refer to “Will I be able to survive in my next life and death of the battle?” posted 01/07/15. Sometimes, I ask myself: Am I or was I the person who has or had caused so much grief and pain to this family?

        As quoted from my mom and based on the timing of an incident, the first incident occurred around the time of my birth. My oldest sister was the first victim immediately after I was born. She became mute after a traumatically shocking event occurred at an adoptive family's home for a period of time. She was adopted as a child bride.  Sometimes, I wonder who am I, where did I come from, why was I born into this world and if it’s because of my existence is a mortal threat to whomever behind the killing order or other fundamental reasons for a course of their action?

       Continuing from “A Car Accident” of Jennie’s Story, Part 3/3 (A) posted 03/06/14, total three parts, the monsters’ circle was Tighten up against the bird. It was getting closer and closer to the bird.  Circumference of the monsters’ circle was about 20 feet away from me. Suddenly, one of the two monsters jumped out of its own body with highly aggressive look and ready to kill when it flied closer to me coming through the window screen and ferociously swiped its long and sharp claws at me while the other monster was violently attacking the bird. I was totally petrified by the monster's action that its soul was able to come out of its physical body to attack me and its empty body shell was still able to function by also circling around the large dark brown bird. At a critical moment of danger, I got swept away and dropped me back into my body by a sudden gust of swirling wind while another powerful gust of wind was dragging the monster out of my room.

       I have no any memory of what happened after my soul was dropped back into my body. However, I had an experiencing numbness in my legs and in my hands when I woke up. I had a faltering and almost fell on the floor. I looked outside the window and it was still raining. There were many pine trees, which divided ours and the neighbor’s property, toppled in different directions by either the thunderstorm or the swirling wind created by the monster circling the bird. I have been a bit scared at home alone ever since because my bedroom almost became the monster’s killing ground.

       The weather had been awfully dismal. I didn’t like the dampness and gloomy sky which gave me a very bad vibe. I should have left the office in the early morning to Carolina Wholesale and Order Writing Gift Show in North Carolina. I drove a large commercial van there by myself via Interstate 81 and I expected to be in North Carolina in the evening. However, I could not leave and be on the road for the long drive, about eight and half hours, until 5:05PM Thursday. The show would start on Saturday and I would need a day set up for the show opening day. By the time of departure, I was absolutely exhausted and very weak like a walking dead. The warehouse man, who startled me couple times when I turned to look at him that I mistakenly saw monster’s face with a sinister smile appeared over his face, had failed to pack the show samples on schedule. He had packed show samples on my list, about 28 items included five large and heavy solid bronze figurine statues which approximately weighed 20 to 28Lbs for large Tiffany Shades, for more than three days and He was supposed to have done it the day before. Moreover, he packed three or four identical samples for the same item and did not pack even one sample for many items on the show list. He was totally disorganized and fumbled and faked his way through his job.


A dreary overcast and Lifeless air covers the sky, following the endless pass. Passing wind engulf the sound. At that instant I had this foreboding that my life could be in danger, especially when the sky appeared so ominous when I stopped at first traffic light on the way to North Carolina.

   =============   To be continuing=================

( 在地生活北美 )
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