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The United States and N. Korea conflicts must be prevented ( 中文版將在明天公佈) by江佩珍
2017/08/16 11:39:28瀏覽3179|回應2|推薦0

China must prevent the escalation of conflict between the United States and North Korea.

This article was written by me, Jennie PC Chiang, in both English and Chinese. The article is based on the fact with reasonable research. The article has been emailed to Chinese leaders, 习近平主席及总理李克强 and President Trump as well as Russian President Putin Vladimir and now is available in my Facebook and my Blog as well as in my Chinese Weibo.

I was pro-Trump against Hillary Clinton and I still support Trump in many ways. However, regarding the North Korea debacle, war has never been the solution for what is basically a geopolitical conflict. President Trump should understand that America cannot win this war if over-escalated military conflict breaks out between US and North Korea. President Trump should realize that at the end of the day, China and Russia will be forced to choose sides to prevent Asian continent becoming another chaotic region like the Mideast currently is.

North Korea certainly should be allowed to develop any and all conventional weapons it desires, including long-range missiles, just as many other sovereign nations have done so already. Both North Korean and American leaders’ verbal provocations and threats are unacceptable. I am not a fan of Kim Jong-un as he has hijacked China and Russia to face off against the US because of the North Koreans’ clear and bitter memories as victims of a long history of American’s policy of bullying and treachery as well as atrocities against their country. Dating back to Theodore Roosevelt days, the Americans shamefully sold out and extinguished Korea as a sovereign country and gave it to Japan as a slavery colony. During the early days of the Korean War, before China was forced to intervene, the Americans systematically wiped out at least 25% of North Korea’s population, committing unprecedented atrocities against the elderly, women and children. It was this very same “Asian Lives Don’t Matter” sentiment that led the US to drop two atomic bombs in Japan, whereas the same destruction definitely would not have been perpetrated against Nazi Germany no matter how bad the war had gotten.

The Americans will most opportunistically use the North Korea debacle to instigate geopolitical damage and limited military offensive actions directly against China. This ugly hidden agenda is clear and China should not be gullible and passive to be thereby taken advantage of. Instead, China should use this opportunity to assert herself against the US and its so-called allies and gain geopolitical advantages. As for so-called allies of the US, Japan definitely harbors deep but conflicting ulterior motives regarding South Korea. On the one hand, Japan would like to see South Korean economy badly disrupted if not permanently damaged because the huge competition to Japanese industry posed by South Korea is practically insurmountable and growing fast. On the other hand, Japan does not want to see a unified Korea in the long run, whereas such unification is prohibitively risky and costly to South Korea. Therefore, a military conflict involving the US against North Korea and China is definitely the highly desired goal for Japan as it would not only nail several birds with one stone but also give Japan a strong excuse for military buildup. Therefore, China definitely should raise the stakes inexorably high for both US and Japan to prevent such misguided adventure.

To be fair US unequivocally poses the greatest threat to world peace. Due to its unbridled arrogance grown out of WWII victory, the US is fast becoming the number one rogue state. It has unilaterally deceived, manipulated and bullied throughout the world with outlandish indifference to international law and conventions, resorted to violence, and invaded and violated sovereignty at will, all under the guise of “Democracy”. The Americans themselves don’t even have a good, viable understanding of what the word means any more other than conveniently regurgitating it and sounding like a broken record. The self-declared Clinton Doctrine is a recent example whereby the US simply entitles itself to the unilateral use of military power in geopolitical disagreements, even for such purposes as to hypocritically ensure uninhibited alleged humanitarian concerns. The fact of the matter is that US is using the rest of the word as an exercise playground for it military alliance and as a live testing ground for its latest and greatest weapons, all at the expense of the lives, resources and sovereignty of other nations as well as of any prospect for world peace.

It is sad to say that U.S. and its military alliances constitute the biggest, single original source of destabilization to world peace. Has any American/NATO military involvement in any regional conflict wound up in a good ending? Any country into which the US and West get involved invariably becomes a chaotic failed state and the West never cleans up the mess it creates. The US and its so-called allies frankly don’t care about the death and suffering of the direct victims as well as the collateral damages caused by its superpower whims. How much innocent blood must be spilled and how many refugees must suffer to feed the American/Western craze for absolute power and world dominance. China and Russia must prevent both the same replay in the North Korea standoff as well as collateral damage caused by hunger and refugees.
Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 08/15/18

( 時事評論政治 )
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2023/04/12 15:31
I think the world now needs to be at peace so that the people can live peacefully and do business, any escalation must be stopped to avoid the worst that can happen. If you want to improve your English pronunciation, Taylordle is a good choice.(an87@gmail.com)

2022/11/19 15:35
The United States and North Korea have a long history of conflict. The two countries have fought several wars and several attempts to resolve their wordle 2 differences have failed. The current tensions between the two countries could lead to a major conflict. (lizee467@gmail.com)