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如何征服外表的老化. 是否能重振自己的青春容貌?是可行的,但是-----! (also English versions) by 江佩珍
2014/08/19 01:05:13瀏覽2834|回應0|推薦0

秦始皇知道長生不老是健康的生活方式,而不是所謂的仙人長生不老藥。秦始皇不會派徐福帶領千名童男童女入海尋找長生不老葯。徐福帶領的浩大的艦隊出 發了, 但他在海上漂流了好長時間也沒有找到他所說的仙山,更不用說是長生不老藥,“人類是能征服人的外表老化?”人們可以看起來像20多歲,甚至你已是65〜 70 歲無 需整容或任何藥物提高你的青春容顏。整形或藥物可能會導致你的醫療問 題,並更迅速地變老化。。問題是,你可以有性關係與一個實際20多歲的人?

健康是您永恆青春容顏的保證。為了健康個人需要每天做運動和 吃健康食品,從年輕時開始。我仍然在做極端的運動,如激烈的健美操和其他極端的滾球運動。因此,它讓我的身體挺直,.堅定的肌肉和皮膚緊收而肌膚的潤澤以 及扁平的肚皮。你會看起來衰老,如果你有老年性的彎腰駝背和肌肉鬆弛。皮膚鬆弛會導致你皮膚上的皺紋。

一個人的外觀會逐漸變老在四十到 五十多歲之間並開始脫髮。因此,我們需要一個良好的運動計劃,並確保你吃的是健康食物。我吃各種蔬菜,水果和豆類。我總是自己做飯,以確保我吃的是健康食 物。一些蔬菜和水果可能會防止你的脫髮,我有很多的頭髮,我通常須多付些燙我的頭髮。是有方法讓你的頭髮重新長出來並防止白髮, 我們將在下一次討論。照片的我是拍攝2014年7 月29日而我已62歲。我身高5英 尺4英寸, 119磅。而我的腰圍是24¾“。我最後一次去看我的 醫生是2008年1月。

再次,這是可能的以恢復青春容貌無需整形手術或注射肉毒桿菌或蒙塔格的膠原蛋白。然而,這是非常複雜和困難得多在恢復青春容貌比擬保持青春-容貌在開頭。我們可能未來會 討論如何返老還童外觀我們可能會討論如何返老還童外觀。

How to conquer the appearance of aging. Is it possible to rejuvenate youthful-looks? It is feasible, but----!  

 Qin Shi Huang knew if immortality is a healthy lifestyle, rather than the so-called immortals elixir of life. Shihuang would not send Xu Qin with one thousand boys and girls led into the sea to find the elixir of life. Xu led the vast fleet of departure, but he drifted at sea for a long time but could not find what he said Spirit Mountain, not to mention is the elixir of life.

"Humans are able to conquer the aging appearance?" People can look like 20s- years-old, even if you already are 65~70 years old without plastic surgery or any drug to improve your youthful looks. Plastic surgery or drugs may cause your medical problems and change more rapidly aging. The problem is, you can have sexual relationships with an actual 20s- years-old?

 Health is your guarantee of eternal youthful looks. To be healthy, one needs to do daily exercise and to eat healthy foods starting with one’s young age. So, it keeps your body straight, firm up muscles and tightens the skin as well as flattens your belly. You will look aging, if you have elderly hunched over and muscle loose. Sagging skin can lead to wrinkles on your skin. I am still doing extreme exercise, such as intense aerobic and other extreme rolling ball exercise.

A person's appearance will gradually change or be old looks between forty to fifty years old and begin hair loss. Therefore, you need a good exercise program, and make sure you eat healthy foods. I eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and beans. I always cook my own meals to make sure I eat healthy food. Some fruits and vegetables may prevent your hair loss, I have a lot of hair and I usually have to pay more to perm my hair. There are ways to make your hair grow back and prevent white hair, we will discuss next time. The picture of me was taken on July 29, 2014 and I am 62 years old. My height is 5 feet 4 inches, 119 pounds and my waist is 24¾ ". Last time, I went to see my doctor is January, 2008.

Again, it is possible to restore the youthful appearance without plastic surgery or injection of Botulinum or collagen Montag. However, it is very complicated and much more difficult to restore youthful appearance than maintain a youthful appearance at a young age. We may discuss how to rejuvenate one’s appearance in the future.


Jennie PC Chiang 江佩珍 08/18/14 美國 

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