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“車禍” 第3/3部分 (上) 文章是令人膽戰心驚, 凶狠皆披攘,步步驚魂, 而冷汗淋灕。 (Also English versions) by江佩珍
2014/03/02 07:42:25瀏覽1889|回應0|推薦1
我意識到一件事情,一個龐然大物出現在我的夢裡每隔一天,當我的媽不在我身邊時。隨著時間過去,怪物變得更加凶狠和迫切而我必須還擊難當。如 果怪物不能把我帶走或制伏我當我10歲的時候。那麼,我必須具備一些先天的力量。以防止怪物對我攻進。我對自己說,我一定要反擊。怪物似乎被什麼東西驚動 而均放緩當飛過我的鄰居房子的屋頂時, 在我鄰居的游泳池之上距離我的臥室窗 口約200英尺或少於。我對自己再次的說, 即使 如我擁有一些固有先天的力量但我不知道如何使用這力量,我仍然需要幫助。然後,在閃電的光,看到一個東西出現在天空中移動,速度好像與閃電扣人心弦抓住怪 物之一當他差不多到一排灌木叢或松針樹上頂, 這一排松針樹是劃分我們和我們的鄰居的屬性之間的分 界線,距離我站在窗大約40英尺, 這是一個大的深褐色鳥。這隻鳥進入我的生活,當我很 小時在我對生活記憶, 其可能已在我的生活裡在我有記憶之前。我不知道這是否是一個 夢想還是現實生活中。正如我在我早期珍妮的故事,這大的鳥每天晚上用它的溫柔和波浪移動的翅膀使我入睡。該鳥從我的夢想還是現實生活中消失了,當我在早期 四歲。

另外兩個怪物也快速衝鋒於大鳥從不同的方向。鳥丟棄/鬆開所抓住的怪物,並試圖擋開攻 擊。鳥的每一個行動猶如閃電般的速度。兩個怪物不能匹配該鳥的速度和強度,其中第三個怪物從鳥的抓住丟棄,在我看來,已經受傷而慢慢飛回去原來路線。兩個 怪物舒展他們的腳用尖銳的巨爪向內外圈子兩側的圍繞鳥旋轉。盤旋的速度是如此之快。它看起來像土星環包圍的鳥而圓圈跟隨鳥的移動。在圈子的內側和外側的巨 爪,它看上去像鋒利的刀刃,它可以砍伐鳥成片。怪物的圈子不只可以針對圈內鳥的圍堵,它也可以防止任何幫手接近圈子救圓圈裡的鳥。怪物圈子是對鳥收緊。它 越來越接近至鳥。我能清楚地聽到嘯聲的寒風從怪物加速盤旋速度。我的鄰居,在我們的房子的後面,在鄰居泳池旁邊,的兩個狗開始吠叫,有時嚎叫。除了狗的吠 叫及嚎叫聲, 加上轟鳴的雷暴聲,閃電和一整排松針樹 的頂端猛烈搖晃從怪物盤旋的風。是的,它使人感到膽戰心驚而令人毛骨悚然。怪物是釐定拿我而鳥決心保護我。這就像一個生死搏斗。怪物是如此強勁,我不知 道,如果鳥有辦法打敗那兩個怪物。鳥降低了其撲動速度。我試著完結“車禍”,但我仍有近5000字剩下,我不認為這將全部融入第3/3。所以,我要第3 /3部分分開 (上) 及 (下) 兩版。

 “A Car Accident” Part 3/3 (A).

One thing I realized, a monster appeared in my dreams every other day, when my mom was not with me. With time passage, the monster became more vicious and desperate and I had to fight back harder and harder. If the monster could not take me away or subdue me when I was just 10 years old, then, I must possess some innate power to hold the powerful and scary monster advances.  I said to myself, I got to fight back. The monsters seemed to be alerted by something and were slowdown when flying over the roof of my neighbor’s house and above my neighbor’s swimming pool which is about 200 ft. distances or less from my bedroom window. I said to myself again, even if I have possessed some innate power yet I would still not know how to use the power, I would still need help. Then, in the light of lightning, I saw something appeared in the sky moving as if with lightning speed to grab one of monsters when they        were almost above the row of bushes, which divided ours and the neighbor’s property, about 40 ft from the window where I stood.  It is a large dark brown bird.  This bird coming into my life when I was very young in my living memory, it may have been in my life before I had memories. I did not know and I still don’t know whether that was a dream or real life. As I indicated in my early Jennie’s Story that the large bird was using its gentle and wavelike motion to put me to sleep with its wings every night. The bird disappeared from my dream or real life when I was in my early four years old.

 The other two monsters also quickly charged at the big bird from different directions. The bird dropped/loosened the monster in its grip and tried to fend off the attacks. Every move of the bird is like lightning. Two monsters could not match the bird speed and strength as the third one which was dropped from the bird's grip, it seemed to me, had wounded and flew slowly back to the original route. The two monsters extending their feet sideways were circling around the large dark brown bird with a sharp craw in both of the inner and outer sides of the circle. The circling speed was so fast. It looked like a bird surrounded by rings of Saturn and the monsters’ circle was tracking and adapting to the bird’s movement. The craw in the inner and outer sides of the circle, it looked like a sharp blade, it could cut the bird into pieces. The monsters’ circle no only could be for the bird inside the circle containment, it could also prevent any helper approaching to the circle to save the birds. The monsters’ circle was Tighten up against the bird. It was getting closer and closer to the bird. I could clearly hear the howling of the wind speed from the monster circling acceleration. My neighbor’s, who is in the back of our house and in the neighbor next to the pool, two dogs began barking, howling sometimes. In addition to the dogs barking and holing, the roar of thunderstorms, lightning and the top of a row of pine needle tips, the pine trees are the dividing line between our and our neighbor’s property, violent shaking from monsters circling winds. Yes, I was tremble with fear and bloodcurdling. The monsters were determining to get me and the bird determined to protect me. It was like a battle of life and death. The monsters were so powerful and I didn’t know if the bird had the way to defeat those two monsters. The bird reduced its fluttering speeds. I try to wrap-up “A Car Accident” yet I still have almost 5000 words left and I don’t think that it will all fit in Part 3/3. So, I am going to break Part 3/3 into (A) and (B) two editions.

 Jennie PC Chiang/


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