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馬王鬥是馬總統違憲亂政及殘酷的政治仇殺, 還是未使用正確措辭上的法律問題? by 江佩珍
2013/09/26 10:20:17瀏覽1039|回應1|推薦1

總統馬英九不恰當的用辭讓不少人或媒體覺得馬總統手段拙劣而語氣是字字見血而且刀刀見骨的想剷除王金平院長。我們繞著世界的另一邊跑, 埃及,許多埃及人聲稱,埃及總統穆罕默德·穆爾西被埃及軍方趕下台,因為他是一個甚差的公共演說家,未正確使用詞語,以及埃及沒有明確的計劃。多數美國總統的演說由演講寫作人員所寫。一個用詞不當的政客往往讓反對黨有機會找到他的破綻

民主不祇是喊口號或選舉。民主是在混亂社會及自由之間。民主是不能運轉或起作用, 若民主社會沒有緊密聯繫適當的政府功能,如健全憲法和法律制度強加在會利益以及均勻分佈的教育水平。

我沒有密切的追隨這案情。所以,如果我錯了,請大家指正。王金平先生的作為從我讀美國或其他中國媒體報導,作為一個議長,王金平先生遊說當時的司法部長曾勇夫及高等法院檢察辦公室主任陳壽煌放棄上訴針對高法院的判決無罪不是 一個非法遊說,而是妨礙司法公正在法律上的術語。一個人試圖阻止或做防止,執行合法的過程中是妨礙司法公正,應交由台灣政府檢察官來處理。為什麼馬英九總統帶頭,這是非常不當。馬英九總統不是一個律師,因此,非法遊說是不妥當的用語,這可能會導致的混淆及不必要的問題。馬總統需要一個良好的顧問有法律背景而且也是一個優秀的演講稿撰寫人。



President Ma Ying-jeou inappropriate terms used making many people or the media feel that President Ma relies on the coarse means and holding knife with blood (drawing blood on every move) of wish to eradicate Wang Jin-pyng, the speaker of a legislative assembly. Running around the other side of the world, Egypt, many Egyptians claim that Egyptian President Mohammed Mursi has been Ousted by the Egyptian military, because he is a rather poor public speaker, improper use of words, and with no clear plan for Egypt. Majority of US president’s speeches have been written by a speech writing staff. If incorrect or wrong words have been used by a politician, it often allows opposition parties have the opportunity to find his flaws.

democracy is not only Shouting slogans or just elections. Democracy is between the chaotic society and freedom. Democracy can not be functioning or work, if democracy is not closely associated with properly governmental function, such as soundly constitution and legal systems impose in interests of community as well as the level of the education

I did not follow this case closely. So, please correct me if I am wrong. Mr. Wang’s action from what I read in English or other Chinese media reports when Mr. Wang Jin-ping, as a legislative speaker, “lobbying then justice minister Tseng Yung-fu and the High Prosecutors Office head Chen Shou-huang to drop an appeal against a high court's verdict of not guilty” is not an illegal lobbying but the obstruction of justice under legal term. A person attempt to prevent or do prevent, the execution of lawful process is an obstructing justice which should be handled by Taiwan judicial office. why President Ma Ying-jeou was taking the lead which is very improper. President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) is not a lawyer, thus, the words “illegal lobbying” is not proper words which May cause confusion and unnecessary problems. President Ma. needs a good adviser with legal background and a excellent speech writer.

Again, I realized that Taiwan's judicial system is not perfect, there are many problems due to immature legal system as well as uneven distribution of the level of an education. I am going to apply US federal laws assuming it would have occurred in the United States. Expelled from membership in the KMT is not impeachable offence, this is an internal affair of the KMT. What is anything to do with the court of justice. Judicial action is to seek judicial redress injustice. Unless the party expelled Mr. Wang Jinping is not legitimate.

Generally, if Mr. Wang Jin-pyng would have found a guilty of obstruction of justice and would have occurred in the United States. Under federal obstruction of justice is punishable by up to five years in prison. If the obstruction occurs in connection with the trial of a federal criminal case, the defendant may be sentenced to either five years in prison, or the maximum sentence that could be imposed in the trial in which the obstruction occurred, whichever is greater and it is a felony. A committed felony may disqualify for his official position, but I don’t know if it will also cost his membership of the party?!

Jennie PC Chiang江佩珍 09/26/13 美國

( 時事評論政治 )
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2013/09/27 14:52