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清理掉佔據立法院現在的反服貿學生抗議者或釀成日後的流血。( Also English versions) by 江佩珍
2014/04/03 07:27:19瀏覽2597|回應0|推薦0

我不認為學生將和平方式離開立法院而不戰。學生的舉措轟動國內外、頻頻上頭條而模糊了初衷,開始加碼:從反服貿擴及, 在我看來,到政治鬥爭和權力搶奪。我認為,台北市長應考 慮指令台北市警察局清理抗議學生非法佔據立法院。這是不衛生和不安全的睡在和陣營在立法院。學生抗議或露營在立法院,它就會像雪球台北市等待較長將會更惡 化。驅逐將結束抗議活動,並有可能引發衝突或也許, 但我懷疑這會發生, 推他們到一個新的動盪期是更難警方控制。學生可能 不只是反兩岸經貿,但是否背後有其他動機。民進黨鼓動學生的霸占台灣立法院,就算霸占行動最初不是民進黨組織的,大家如今還是理所當然要問,民進黨支持學 生霸占的背後思維究竟是什麼。

我有很多辯論, 三個老外,一個英國人,一個烏克蘭的名字,但我認為他是一個美國人兩者支持而參與學生反服貿抗議和日本人在英文報紙台灣台北時報。與烏克蘭名字的傢伙聲 稱,國民黨是外國勢力佔領台灣,他希望我能支持學生。我的回答他是“國民黨或馬總統被多數台灣人選出來。因此,國民黨是台灣的政黨,而不是一個外來的勢 力。” 英國小伙要求我支持台灣獨立,因為我是妄 想症關於中國攻擊台灣當台灣宣布獨立。他聲稱,他只知道“中國不敢打台灣。我的回答他的是“你也低估了中國的意志和軍事能力。中國將毫不猶豫地攻擊台灣, 如果台灣宣布獨立。你是英國人,我不認為你很了解中國。再次,我所有的兄弟姐妹和親戚都在台灣。我只是一個人在美國。”

非 法佔據立法院或在立法院露營不是言論自由或民主社會,而是肆意的,文化素質低落目無法紀。反服貿學生抗議者違反台灣人民和立法委員的憲法權利。學生領袖林 飛帆聲稱海峽兩岸服務貿易協議「先立法、再審查」的重要性。糾正我,如果我錯了,兩岸貿易協議已辯論並通過了台灣立法委員, 那就是立法, 而協議經過辯論就是審查。它不應該被視為「黑箱」,即使通過由於國民黨多數 的立法院席位。我不理解學生抗議呢,  更改兩岸協議,如果它已經通過適當的憲法和民主進程。

Clean out the anti-Cross-Strait Trade Pack protesters in the Legislative Chamber now or the seeds of future bloodshed.

I do not think that students will leave legislative Yuan without a fight. The students attracted attention at home and abroad, frequent headlines while blurred original intention of the anti-black box and gradually increased demand from the anti-trade services extended, it seems to me, to political fight and power grabbing. I think the mayor of Taipei should consider ordering the police to clean up protesting students who are illegally occupying the Legislative Yuan. It is unsanitary and unsafe to sleep in and camp in the Legislative Yuan. It will be like a snow ball. Longer Taipei mayor waits, the worse it become. The eviction would end the protests and it may set off clashes or perhaps, but I doubt it will happen, push them into a volatile new phase that is harder for police to control. Students may not just anti-Cross - Straits Trade Pack, but if there are other motives behind. DPP encouraging students to occupy Taiwan Legislative Chamber, even if action was not initiated by DPP, we would like to ask what exactly thinking behind the DPP's actions to support the students.

I had many debates with three foreigners, a British, a Ukrainian name but I think that he is an American both supporting and participating in student protests and Japanese in English Newspapers, Taipei Times Taiwan. The guy with Ukrainian name claimed that KMT is an occupying Taiwan of foreign force and he wanted me to support students. My answer to him was “KMT or President Ma has been elected by majority of Taiwanese. Therefore, the KMT is Taiwan's political parties, not a foreign force.” British guy asked me to support Taiwan independence, because I was paranoid of the Chinese attack Taiwan if Taiwan declares independence. He claimed that he just knew “China would not dare to attack Taiwan."  My answer to him is “You also underestimated the Chinese will and military capability. China will not hesitate to attack Taiwan if Taiwan declares independence. You are English man and I don't think that you know much about China as I do. Again, all my siblings and relatives are in Taiwan. I am only a person in US.”

Students who are illegal occupying or camping in the Legislative Chamber is not freedom of speech or of a democratic society,  but wanton, frenzied, poorly educated lawlessness is in violation of the constitutional rights of the people of Taiwan and legislators. The student leader Lin Feifan demanded for Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services "first legislative, then re-examination" of importance. Correct me if I'm wrong, cross-strait trade agreement has been debated and adopted by the Taiwanese lawmakers, it should be a legislation and if following the debate the cross-Strait Agreement is to be considered to review the agreement.  It should not be considered a "black box/黑箱" Even by the Kuomintang majority seats in the Legislative Yuan. I don’t understand what students protesting do to change cross-strait agreement if it has passed the appropriate constitutional and democratic processes.

 Jennie PC Chiang//江佩珍 04/03/14 美國

( 時事評論政治 )
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