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如果沃爾瑪已經經營觸犯了法律?(both English and Chinese versions)by 江佩珍
2014/07/03 09:04:09瀏覽2903|回應0|推薦0

沃爾瑪變得更加積極追求高利潤,那麼,沃爾瑪的管理可能導致欺詐或欺詐性商業行為。它是欺騙性的商業行為根據賓夕法尼亞州賓夕法尼亞州18 Cons. Stat §4107當在任何廣告作出假或具誤導性的語句向公眾或大幅部分其促進購 買出售貨物或服務的目的。

 沃爾瑪的管理可能導致欺騙或欺詐性商業行為。下列事件發生在我身上很多次自2012年起在沃爾瑪,大部分時候,我逮住了價格差異在他們結賬線時。 如果一個人沒察解在結賬行時,那可以 很容易地浪費十五分鐘甚至一個小時, 有時一個人可能有不愉快的經戶服務中心。


在二月初,2014年,約翰,我先生, 幫我購買了一個黑色眼鏡繩在沃爾瑪眼鏡部 門。廣告招牌的價格被顯示2.50美元。然而,結帳價格為5.00美元。一個出納聲稱只有沃爾瑪的經理可以覆蓋較高價格,所以,我們在那裡等候約8分鐘等一位經理來。花了經理另有7分鐘,以覆蓋更高的價格,然後我們發覺眼鏡繩上有一個黑色的電膠。約翰要求沃爾瑪的經理去除黑電膠帶。但是,磁帶被綁定在一起斷眼鏡線。我們又花了二十分鐘才找另一個卻只有一個2.50美元,但線被打破。所以,沃爾瑪的經理聲稱,視覺部門是不是沃爾瑪的一部分。於是,他不得不向我們收取5.00美元。如果沃爾瑪能夠執行或安排眼鏡部門將在沃爾瑪的的名字進行的,那麼,沃爾瑪應該過度控制沃爾瑪眼鏡部門。因此,沃爾瑪不能開脫的沃爾瑪的說犯罪行為的法律 責任在15 Pa.CSA§§5131713


2015620日,我買了一個8磅包橘子。在一個大的廣告牌顯示7.48美元但結算價格為$7.98我沒發覺到的價格差異,直到我在食物入口的地方我先生在等著我。我去客戶服務中心。Rashona女士是忙碌,她是唯一一個在客戶服務中。我在那裡等候約8分鐘。然後,另一個客戶聯繫人,阿德里安娜S.女士出現,並幫助我。我把橘子放在客戶服務中心的櫃檯上。以下是原話,我告訴阿德里安娜S.小姐的價格應該是在你的大廣告牌顯示7.48美元,但你收了我7.98美元。我只是想0.50美元退款。她離開了客戶服務中心,我想,她去查看價格。然後,我對Rashona女士再說一遍,當我在等阿德里安娜S.女士返回,當時Rashona女士以不忙,價格應該在你的大廣告牌顯示7.48美元,但你收了我7.98美元。我浪費太多時間在這裡只為了$0.50“。她微笑帶著 歉意的看著我。

6分鐘後,阿德里安娜S.女士帶回來一個較小包的橘子, 我想應該是4磅。我發現 這是很奇怪,為什麼她帶回了4磅袋的橙子從未在我們的談話內。說,較小的袋4.98美元。我告訴她,是的,較小的一個是4.98美元但大的,8磅包,額為7.47和你收了我7.98美元。我只是想讓你退還我不同。她說,她不能這樣做。我問為什麼?然後,我意識到只為了0.50美元,我在客戶服務中心已超過35分鐘,我丈夫在食品入口等著我。於是,我告訴她:退還吧。當我告訴我的丈夫關於這事故。他到客戶服務中心,要求值班經理。我丈夫跟一個男經理在她的前面交談這事件。她編造了一個故事。她聲稱,我要了較小的袋售價。


我們在沃爾瑪的客戶服務中心,一個小時的時間僅僅只為了0.50美元而在我們離開沃爾瑪客戶中心前阿德里安娜S.聲稱,她是客戶服務經理,。在賓州18 Pa. Cons. Stat. §4107§4107正是輕罪,甚至是重罪。如果公司或法團作出的任何廣告假或 具誤導性的聲明及向公眾推銷商品或服務的目的。你應該聯繫你的州首席檢察官或美國司法部,司法部長埃里克 H. Holder Jr,如果你已經受到傷害被企業或公司 以欺騙性的商業行為。


If Walmart has run afoul of the law?

Wal-Mart has become more aggressive pursuit of profits, then, Wal-Mart's management may lead to fraud or deceptive business practice. It is captive or fraudulent business practices under Pennsylvania 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 4107 when makes a false or misleading statement in any advertisement addressed to the public or to a substantial segment thereof for the purpose of promoting the purchase sale of property or services.

The following incidents happened to me many times, most times I caught them at check-out line, since 2012 in Wal-Mart, Reading/Exeter Township, PA. However, if a person does not catch price difference in the checkout line, it can easily be wasted fifteen minutes or even one hour at Wal-Mart’s customer service center. Sometimes a person may have a very unpleasant experience at the customer service center.

At the early 2013, I bought a 12 pack of Raman instant noodles in Wal-Mart, $ 2.00 a large advertising sign at the front of 12 packaging Noodle Soup. Wal-Mart charged me $2.28 and I didn’t catch it until I came home. I called next day and asked for a manager. A man claiming to be assistant manager to answer my phone, I told him that Wal-Mart charged me $ 2.28 for the 12 packaged noodle soup, but a large advertising signs clearly show that $ 2.00 for a 12 pack. He told me to hold a minute, so he could go to check prices. He came back and told me that the price should be $2.28 and $2.00 an advertising sign should have been removed. He then went on to say that we (Wal-Mart) refund customers for any different if customers would have found out that the checkout prices are difference from the prices on the signs. I told him why Wal-Mart did not remove advertising signs so as not to mislead the Wal-Mart customers. In addition, it is inconvenient to customers, like me, to drive almost 50 minutes a round trip for $.28. He told me that was not his problem. He did not make an effort to apologize for inconvenient to the customers. A month and half or two months later, $ 2.00 a large advertising sign was still in the front of a pallet of Raman noodles in the main aisle not far from food entrance and I was still charged $2.28 each time.

On early February, 2014, John, my husband, purchased a black eyeglass cord for me in Wall-Mart visions. The price on advertising sign was shown $2.50. However, the checkout price was $5.00. A casher claimed that only Wal-Mart’s manager can override it, so, we waited there for about 8 minutes for a manager to come. It took a manager another 7 minutes to override the higher price and then we found out that the eyeglass code had a black electric tape wrapped up on the code. John asked Wal-Mart’s manager to remove the black electric tape. However, the tape was binding broken glasses cord together. We spent another twenty minutes to look for another one yet there was only one for $2.50 but cord was broken. So, Wal-Mart’s manager claimed that vision department is not a part of Wal-Mart. So, he had to charge us $5.00 for another one identical to broken one. If Wal-Mart can perform or cause to be performed in the name of Wal-Mart’s visions, then, Wal-Mart should have control over the Wal-Mart visions. Thus, Wal-Mart cannot exculpate legal responsibility of Wal-Mart’s visions for said criminal acts under 15 Pa.C.S.A. §§ 513 and 1713.

Early June, around June 1st 2014, my husband bought a bag of 200 Jumbo cotton balls in Wal-Mart. The bag indicated jumbo yet cotton balls inside the bag were more like small size cotton balls than jumbo size. I did go back and change the size of the bag shown.

June 20, 2015, I bought an 8Lbs. bag of orange. $7.48 shown on a big advertising sign yet checkout price was $7.98. I didn’t catch the price difference until I was in the food entrance where my husband was waiting for me. I went to customer service center. Ms. Rashona, who is only one in customer service, was busy. I waited there for about 8 minutes. Then, another customer associate, Ms. Adrianna S., appeared and helped me. I put the orange on top of customer service center's counter. The following are exact words I told Ms. Adrianna S. "the price should be $7.48 shown on your big advertising sign, but you charged me $7.98. I just want $.50 refund." She left the customer service center, I guess that she went to check the price. Then, I repeat to Ms. Rashona while I was waiting for Ms. Adrianna S. to returns, by then Ms. Rashona was not busy, "the price should be $7.48 shown on your big advertising sign, but you charged me $7.98. I waste too much times here for just only $0.50". She smiled with apologetically looking at me.
6 Minutes later, Ms. Adrianna S. came back with a smaller, I think it was 4 Lbs, bag of orange. I found it was very strange why she brought back 4 Lbs bag which had never been in our conversation. She said that smaller bag is $4.98. I told her, yes, smaller one was $4.98 but big one, 8 Lbs bag, was $7.48 and you charged me $7.98. I just wanted you to refund me different. She said that she could not do so. I asked why? Then, I realized only $ 0.50, I was more than 35 minutes at the customer service center and my husband was waiting for me in the food entrance. So, I told her "just return it". When I told my husband about it. He went to the customer service center, asked the manager on duty. My husband talked with a male manager in front of her in this incident. She made up a story. She claimed that I asked for a smaller bag price. Ms. Rashano had a break and came back later. I asked her if I ever mentioned $4.98 for 8 Lbs. bag of orange. She confirmed that my conversation with Ms. Adrianna S. was "the price (of 8 Lbs. bag of orange) should be $7.48 shown on your big advertising sign, but you charged me $7.98." The $4.98 had never been in our conversation between Ms. Adrianna S. and me. Wal-Mart has cameras in customer service center and I wonder if the cameras have audio recording. It bothers me when Ms. Adrienne S. told the story, she knows is completely false.

We were in Walmart’s customer center for an hour for just only $0.50 and Adrianna S. claimed that she is customer service manager before we left Walmart customer center. It is a misdemeanor or even a felony under Pennsylvania 18 Pa. Cons. Stat. § 4107 if company or corporation makes a false or misleading statement in any advertisement addressed to the public for the purpose of promoting the sale of goods or services. You should contact your state attorney general or Department of justice, Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. if you have been harmed by corporation or company with fraudulent business practices.

Attorney General of the United States                PA Attorney General/Ms. Kathleen Kane
U.S. Department of Justice                                  16th Floor, Strawberry Square
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                             Harrisburg, PA 17120
Washington, DC 20530-0001                                717-787-3391
202-514-2000 or comment line: 202-353-1555   Consumer Protection line: 800-441-2555

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 07/02/14 美國

Ps. Walmart Market manager, Ms. Ann Marie Supinski, has responded to my husband’s call yet she did not address the problems which some Walmart's stores may be deceptive business practices. Again, the incidents above are based on my experience of Walmart's store near where I live.

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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