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奧巴馬對華遏制策略是“在玩火自盡” 。美日軍事遏華的陰謀如酒肉朋友, 各懷鬼胎。(Also an English version)by 江佩珍
2013/10/17 10:05:24瀏覽946|回應0|推薦0

美國加英國和法國打著民主旗號或不惜采取任何手段制造出絕大多數世界上的混亂問題達到他們主導世界的目的. 而這些問題最終返回糾纏著他們. 我們繞著世界跑一 圈,是否美日這盤圍堵中國的棋有效嗎?答案是否定的。美國必須明白,如果中日戰爭爆發。大部分的亞洲人,包括韓國,新加坡和台灣,將不會站在美國和日本的那邊。我是台灣人,我知道大多數台灣人反對美國涉及在釣魚台島衝突。

日本軍人在二次大戰殺害了大量的非戰鬥人員,以及從事掠奪, 而婦女不僅被強 姦,但殘酷的折磨並肢解,甚至活埋中國人或韓國人當日本入侵台灣,中國,韓國和其他亞洲國家。如果你是一個納粹戰俘,你所面對的4%的機率不倖存的戰爭; (比較)被日本抓住的戰俘死亡率近30%。安倍晉三否認二次大戰一些暴行以及他不斷在靖國神社參拜,其靖國神社中包括被定罪的甲級戰犯。人的特質不會因時間或環境改變。事實上,日本曾多次試圖降至最低日本人可恥的歷史,擦掉它國家險惡及殘酷的歷史形像, 以建立一個合法性 的基礎來實現它再次佔領其鄰國的目標。

美國在1970年代設置了這盤圍堵中國的棋最終將破壞亞洲大陸的穩定,而非美國原來意圖的策略。美日這盤棋演變成酒肉朋友, 同床異夢,各懷鬼胎。日本極需美國精 心策劃和執行廣泛的美化和整形它歷史的形像。日本懷有險惡的希望,認為這樣的美化後,可以成功地未卸本身從它醜陋的,殘酷的過去和文化的無情,也可助於日本極右翼極端分子達到其領土擴張而再次對鄰國侵略的野心。日本領導人心知肚明,為了滿足其優越感,實現在國際舞台上佔主導地位的超級大國地位,日本必須具備的基本能力始終如一及強行侵犯,剝削和從鄰國採取違背他們的意願它所需要的資源,無論是石油,礦產,人類勞動,領土等。日本最終會挑戰美國的超強地位, 而將毫不猶豫地再次地佔據關島和攻擊夏威夷,如給日本機會因為日本在其內心深處認為,關島和夏威夷是被美國不合法的佔領。

對於美方,日本是它的其中一個棋子。美方早已計算到中日有一天會為釣魚島列嶼主權起紛爭,當美國給中國領土釣魚島予日本控制之下。這個問題最終也會成為美方牽制中方的其中一步棋子。奧巴馬總統及有些美國政客們如此不顧一切後果地遏制中國,因為有些美國政客是如此疑神疑當中國逐漸成為發達國家。美國已經完全忽視或否定日本在亞洲大陸在二戰中的暴行和殘酷, 如此可能會導致歷史重演。如 歷史重演美國可能不會得到任何好處從這個衝突亦可將加劇的損失。

以下句子引述南華早報“而對沖中國在地區以 至世界範圍內的經濟的領導地位外, 從中日東海釣魚島領土之爭、中菲越南海島嶼主權爭議、以至中印疆域爭議,美國都在背後以軍事作支撐,用政治外交操作在地區針對中國「揳釘子」,目的就是要誜(教唆)使她的所謂「亞太盟友」在必要時從東、南、及西面方向跟中國在軍事上「打群交」。美國遏華戰略的「最優選項」,就是如果中國和美方盟友一旦有周邊軍事衝突,美方只會對「盟友」提供(1)戰役實時情報共享;和(2)軍備物質持續支撐;從而使戰事「擴日持久」來消耗中國的軍力和經濟實力,最後才在適當時間上前來收拾「屍橫遍野的殘局」。然而,正如上世紀的「朝鮮戰爭」和「越戰」一樣,美國不可能以為可以坐享「壁上觀戰,自得其樂」。如果戰爭一旦打響,面對「盟友」迅間兵敗如山倒的態勢,美方最終還是難逃惹火燒身的命運!

我個人可以保證.中國不會,也不想取代美國在亞洲大陸的主導地位的領導者,中國也無興趣成為地區霸權,但是必然一個力量予以處理,以穩定亞洲大陸。但是,我不能保證, 中國將不反擊,以保護其利益。如果奧巴馬總統將繼續逼中國到牆角 達到控制中國。中國就像是水泥,它的力量來自壓力。我們(美國)在不久的將來必定會後悔如果美國濫用中國的善意而越線過頭的推動它的運氣。中國或中國人是高度的重視朋友。中國領導人通常較受限制的批評的朋友。但是,中國可以非常積極的反擊,如果我們不斷以對立和對抗的態度來對中國, 而美國將不能保證贏得 這場搏鬥。美 國真 正的敵手非中國。我們, 美國,對中國的不應該是如此偏執狂, 而不警惕日本。這 不是一個批評,但美國總統奧巴馬對中 國政策應該仔細評介。

President Obama's China containment strategy is “suicidal playing with fire”.

US-Japan military containment of China conspiracy as a fair-weather friend or Strange Bedfellows and they each has their own selfish ulterior motives. This is not a criticism, but U.S. President Obama on China policy should take a closer look.

Britain and France, plus the United States under the name of democracy or have recklessly resorted to any means to create confusion in the vast majority of the world's problems to achieve their purpose of dominating the world, and these problems would eventually return to haunt them. We run a lap around the world, if a strategy adopted or the game of chess played by the United States and Japan will effectively contain China ? The answer is NO. The United States must understand if the war breaks out between China and Japan . The majority of Asians, including South Korea , Singapore and Taiwan , will not be on the side of America and Japan . I am a Taiwanese originally and I know deep in my heart that most Taiwanese are against the United States get involve in Diaoyutai Island conflicts.

Japanese soldiers killed a large number of noncombatants and engaged in looting and women were not only raped but brutally tortured and mutilated or even buried Chinese or Korean alive when Japanese invasion of Taiwan, China, Korea and other Asian countries. If you were a Nazi prisoner of war you faced a 4% chance of not surviving the war; (by comparison) the death rate for Allied POWs held by the Japanese was nearly 30%. Shinzo Abe has denied some of the atrocities Japanese committed during the War II and he has continually prayed at the Yasukuni Shrine, which includes convicted Class A war criminals in its honored war dead. Human nature does not change because of the time or the environment. In fact, Japan has repeatedly attempted to minimize Japanese shameful history and wipe its slate clean in order to establish a ground of legitimacy for the pursuit of sinister goals/motives which means to brutally re-occupy its neighbor again.

United States in the 1970s set up this game of chess will eventually undermine the stability of the Asian continent, not the original intent of the U.S. strategy. This US-Japan’s game of chess evolved into a fair-weather friends/good time buddies, ulterior motive/own ax to grind. Well, Japan needs US to orchestrate and perform extensive beautification and plastic surgery. Japan harbors the sinister hope that after such a disguise it may successfully unshackle itself from its ugly, brutal past and culturally ruthless, ultra-right extremist to achieve its ambition of territorial expansion and aggression against its neighbors again. Japanese leaders know very well that in order to satisfy its superiority complex and achieve dominant superpower status on the international stage, Japan must possess the basic capability to consistently and forcibly infringe on, exploit and take from its neighbors against their will the resources it needs, whether it be oil, minerals, human labor, territory etc. Japan will eventually challenge the U.S. superpower status and Japan will not hesitate to re-occupy Guam and attack Hawaii again if Japan has a chance as Japan deep in its heart believes Guam and Hawaii was illegally occupied by US.

For the United States , Japan is one of China containment strategies. At that time the United States have already calculated that, one day, China and Japan would have the Diaoyuda Islands sovereignty dispute When the United States gave Chinese territory Diaoyuda under Japanese control. The dispute would eventually become one of the United States to contain China ’s strategies. President Obama and some American politicians are so desperate to contain China , as some U.S. politicians are so paranoid when China has gradually become a developed country. U.S. has been completely ignored or refused to acknowledge atrocities committed by Japan on the Asian continent during War II.

This might cause history to repeat itself. If history repeats itself the United States may not get any advantage from this conflict and it might also exacerbate losses. The following paragraph quoted from SCMP "to hedge China in the region and worldwide economic leadership, from the East China Sea territorial dispute over the Diaoyu Islands, Vietnam, the Philippines Sea islands dispute over sovereignty, as well as the Sino-Indian frontier dispute, the United States military for support in the back, with the political and diplomatic operations in the region against China "wedged nails" and its purpose is to make her instigation the so-called "Asia-Pacific allies" when necessary from the east, south, and west directions to gang up on China. U.S. containment strategy in China's "best option", that is, if China and the U.S. so called allies once a military conflict, the United States would only to provide "its allies" (1) battle real-time intelligence sharing; and (2) continue to support arms substances; thus war "extended days lasting" to consume China's military and economic strength, and finally came to pick up at the appropriate time " littered with corpses Endgame." However, as the last century “Korean” and "Vietnam War", the United States is impossible believe that they can sit back and enjoy "wall of spectators, their own entertainment." If war breaks out, confront with "allies" never led the trend is fast, the U.S. court disaster eventually could not escape the fate! "

I can personally guarantee that China will not and does not want to replace the United States as dominated leader in Asian continent nor does China is interesting to become a regional hegemony, but is necessarily a force to be dealt with in order to stabilize the Asian continent. However, I can not guarantee that China will not fight back to protect its interest if President Obama will continue to push China into a corner. China is like cement it derives its strength from the pressure. We ( US ) will regret in near future if America abuses China ’s goodwill and pushes its luck too far over the line. A friend is great importance to China or Chinese. Chinese leaders are usually more restricted criticism friends. However, China can be very aggressive fight back if we are continually antagonistic and confrontational attitudes toward China and US will not guarantee to win the battle. A real adversary is not China . We, America , should not be so paranoid about China and takes its guard off Japan .

Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 10/17/13 美國

CC. President Barack Obama and countries indicated in this article, by E-mail.

( 時事評論政治 )
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