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我是否能在我的下一個生死決戰中生存?(Also English version underneath) by 江佩珍
2015/01/08 08:57:49瀏覽3831|回應0|推薦0



 我從來沒有連接從我以前事故的圓點,直到兩至三個星期前。我的父親或是我以為是我的父親,嘗試或者說,他一直找機會要我自從我有生活的記憶,是的,他幾乎殺了我,當我五歲時。他去世時,歲,他從來沒有在我的夢裡出現自從他死了後。他第一次在我夢裡, 我在一個房子有不平泥地。我不知道我是怎麼到了 那裡 以及為什麼我在那裡,這是在下午2點左右房子有個大約2½'X6'X36” 笨重的黑桌子和一個1'X6'×20”板凳桌子旁,在我右手邊當我面對的大門, 就好似我的童年的家。我的父親走進門而他手裡拿著尖砍刀與殘酷凶狠的 樣子。我感到非常害怕但試圖對他微笑他試圖刺我,但他錯過了。他告訴我,於台語,我是無處可逃,無處可藏。

我試圖跑出大門他用左手想抓我並試圖與他右手的大砍刀刺我我用我的右手我所有力量推開他的左手他的身體, 並且我的左手擋他的砍刀。他向後傾斜, 我爭奪出了門。馬路距離房子大約70英尺。我趕緊跑到馬路上, 在馬路的兩側 農田。它必須是十月底,它充滿了乏力的陽光和涼爽的溫度我看購物中心大約650英尺的距離(大約兩個街區距離)我無所適從並從恐懼中顫抖。我迅速跑到一個購物中心,在 我的腦子裡較多的人在購物中心較易躲起來在大人群中。此外,我 覺得在人群中稍微安全當我感到明顯而現實的危險,或在黑暗中。該購物中心是一排和一層的建築面向道路。我跑到商場建築物的後面,並試圖隱藏。商場建築物的後面開闊的田野與散落在空曠的原野幾棵樹而在右邊的角落有一個垃圾箱。我跑過購物中心建築物的後面,並回到右側購物中心建築物前面我看到好幾個人在停車場或商店的前面,並與美國口音說英。我意識到,我仍然在美國。我的父親是其中在停車場之一。可怕的邪惡的眼神看著我帶著殘忍地的兇臉距離我大約60英尺和他沒有猶豫對我丟尖銳鋒的砍刀。我以為我會死,然後,我看到了一大塊東西擋我和大砍刀之間而我醒了過來。我的左手在流血,當我醒來的時候,我仍有很長的疤痕。


Jennie PC Chiang/江佩珍 01/07/15 美國 

Will I be able to survive in my next life and death of the battle?

Last battle was so fiercely and brutally. Three guardians, trying to protect me and I know them since I have memory, may have lost their lives. Please refer to my early Jennie’s Story. I have tried very hard to separate subconscious mind or so-called hallucinations from conscious mind or reality. However, people should make their own judgment after completely finishing the Jennie’s Story. Most of Jenny's story is from my memory; I tried to tell the story of accuracy from my memory.

It has never dawned on me to connect the dots from my previous incidents until two to three weeks ago. My father or I thought it was my father who attempted or said he has always looked for an opportunity to kill me since I had memories of the life and yes, he almost killed me when I was five years old. He died when I was eight years old and he has never been in my dream since he died. His first time in my dreams, I was in a house with uneven dirt floor, I don't know how I got there and why I was there? It was about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. There was an approximate 2 ½’W X 6'L X 36"H old bulky black wooden table and a 1’W X 6’L x 20”H wooden long bench beside the table in my right hand side as I faced the door. It is like my childhood home. My father walked in the door and he was holding the sharp machete with a savagely fierce look. I was very frightened but I tried to smile. He tried to stab me but he missed. He told me in Taiwanese that I had nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

 I tried to run out the door. He tried to grab me with his left hand and tried to stab me with his machete in his right hand. I pushed his left hand and his body as hard as I could with my right hand and fend off his machete attack with my left hand.  He tilted back, I scramble out the door. The road was about 70 feet away from the house. I quickly ran down the road. There were farm fields on both sides of the road.  It must be end of October; it filled with anemic sun and cool temperature. I see a shopping center about 650 feet away or about two blocks.  I was disoriented and trembling from fright. I quickly ran to the shopping center, in my mind were more people at the shopping center easier to hide in a large crowd. Besides, I feel more secure in the crowd when I am a clear and present danger, or in the dark. The shopping center was a row and one story building facing the road. I ran to the back of the shopping center building and tried to hide. But in the back of the shopping center building was open fields and scattered in the open fields of a few trees and a dumpster in the corner on the right.  I ran behind the shopping center building, and back to the front right side of the shopping center building. I saw several people in the parking lot or in the front of stores and spoke English with an American accent. I realized that I was still in the United States. My father was one of them in the parking lot. I was horrified when he gave an evil look with his cruel, fierce and evil-smiley- face about 60 feet distance from me and he did not hesitate to throw pointedly sharp machete toward me. I thought I would die, and then I saw a large block of things between me and machete and I woke up. My left hand was bleeding when I woke up; I still have a long scar.

 **To be continuing**

( 創作連載小說 )
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