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試譯 "李敖的七段話"
2013/11/01 23:50:24瀏覽293|回應1|推薦5
(Retiredbum notes:  I didn't ascertain that subject words were given by Mr. Li Ao.  Supposed it is, Mr. Li please allow me to have some rendering on it without your prior permission, thank you.) 
1、氣質是你一生最好的名牌。一個人若有氣質,遠比穿一身名牌更美,更受人肯定。想擁有氣質 你甚至不必花一毛錢,只需注意自己的脾氣、端正自己的品格、淨化自己的思想、充實自己的內 在,無形之中,你的談吐、態度、舉止都會烙印上一股清新而脫俗的標籤。
1)  A temperament of quality is the best brand you've ever possessed throughout your life.  Such a temperament you've owned will surely make you look more beautiful, more respectable than any branded attire will.  You don't have to cost anything to be a person of presence, but to control your temper, to dignify your character, to purify your mind, and to enrich your inner life; in so doing, the way you talk, you present and you behave shall all be virtually tagged with a mark of purity and freshness, without any vulgarity. 

2)  Pay little heed to the people around you, or to the things they are doing.  More or less, in this world there are always people who make you sad and jealous, and even makes you gnash your teeth.  That doesn't necessarily mean they are all bad guys; you are upset because you care what they are doing.  So if you want to get yourself peace of mind, the first thing you have to do is showing you don't care.  You don't care about things, the things won't hurt you; you don't care about people, they won't make you mad.  As long as you care, you are a loser.  A peerless one is the one who cares about nothing. 
3)  A person with a slightly addled brain is liable to obtain sense of happiness, whereas a person with clearly  sobering  mind is liable to tackle troubles.  It is because a sobering mind can easily see things through, so the discerning eyes can see troubles everywhere; whereas an addled mind won't fuss about much, on the contrary it can savor the real life of simplicity and ruggedness. 
4、欲成大器,先要大氣。大氣之人,語氣不驚不懼,性格不驕不躁,氣勢不張不揚,舉止不猥不瑣,靜得優雅,動得從容,行得灑脫。大氣之人,能安安心心做好本分的角色,認認真真幹好手頭的事情,不為名利而爭鬥,不為錢財而糾結。 大氣之人能讓自己的世界海闊天空,即便一時失意,終得大器晚成。
4)  You must possess yourself with a bearing of vastness before becoming a person of great stature.  Persons of vastness show no scare and fear when speaking, no arrogance and rush when appearing, no exaggeration or overstatement when presenting, no infra dig moves when acting.  They also show grace when in tranquillity, composure when in motion, and being free and easy whenever in public.  Persons of vastness can play their roles perfectly well, get their jobs on hand conscientiously done; scramble for nothing of fame and profit, and embroil themselves into nothing with pecuniary porpose.  Persons of vastness are able to make their world immensely wide, and always be the ones who come from behind and have the last laugh.
5、人生的忠告:再長的路,一步步也能走完;再短的路,不邁開雙腳也無法到達。不要讓太多的昨天佔據你的今天。重複別人走過的路,是因為忽視了自己的雙腳。 貪婪是最真實的貧窮,滿足是最真實的財富。經受過嚴寒的人,才知道太陽的溫暖;飽嚐人生艱辛的人,才懂得生命的可貴。
5)  Some pieces of advice for life:  step by step to finish your journey no matter how long the road is; stand up and set off, otherwise you will never reach the destination even it is just a step away.  Don't let too many things of yesterday to occupy your time of today.  Repeat stepping on the road others have already trodden on is to neglect the reality that you have legs of your own.  Avarice is genuine paucity, and contentment is real wealth.  Only when having got through the ordeal of bitter cold, is one able to appreciate the warmth of Sun; Only when having experinced the travail of life, is one able to understand the true value of life. 
6)  Get rid of your bad habits such as impatience, laziness and being doing things in fits and starts; empty all thoughts out of your brain to resist temptations from outside, close your eyes which are liable to any allure, even a sight for sore eyes, shut up you mouth which is prone to talk gossips and nonsense, and calm down yourself to concentrate on your jobs if you think it fit to start doing meaninful things strenuously. 
7)  Your lover is like a road, and your friends are like trees.  There should be only one right road ahead of your life, and as many as trees on the road.  Therefore, when you are rich, don't go astray into other roads; when you are a down-and-out, do lean on the trees.  When you are in happiness, don't forget you're on the right road; when you in respite, don't forget to sprinkle on those trees.   

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2013/11/02 07:03

柿柿如意 金塊高掛
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-11-02 09:41 回覆:
Much obliged, Mr. Chin, Master of Martial Art!