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營養素食沙拉菜: Eggplant and Coriander Salad (茄子香菜沙拉)
2010/01/16 06:40:28瀏覽1916|回應0|推薦66

沙拉菜不見得都是生食 這道沙拉菜對不敢生食的朋友可以試一試
我最喜歡吃沙拉菜 因為沒有油煙而且既簡單又營養又養生又健康

Ingredients (成份):

2 small eggplants, halved lengthways
2 條茄子 切長條型
3 small zucchini
3 條櫛瓜 下圖示
2 tbsp olive oil
2 湯匙i橄欖油
1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander
1/2 杯切碎新鮮的香菜
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 湯匙檸檬汁
1 tbsp orange juice
1 湯匙柳丁汁
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 茶匙胡椒粉

Method (作法):

1. Cut eggplant into thin slices. Place in a colander and sprinkle with salt. Allow to stand for 15-20 minutes.
把茄子切成薄片 放到濾水盆 再灑上鹽巴 然後放在一旁15-20分鐘

2. Using a vegetable peeler, slice the zucchini thinly and set aside. Wash the eggplant and pat dry with absorbent paper. Brush both sides of the eggplant lightly with a little olive oil and place on a baking tray.
用削皮刀 把櫛瓜削成一片一片 然後把灑鹽的茄子洗後用吸水紙拍乾
然後在茄子兩邊都刷上少許的橄欖油(純橄欖油 Pure Olive Oil) 再把它們放到烤盤上

3. Cook under a preheated grill for 3 minutes on both sides or until lightly browned. Set aside until cool.
把烤盤放到預熱的烤箱3分鐘 烤到輕微的焦黃 然後放到一旁等涼
*沙拉菜如果需要用到烤箱 低溫燒烤(100-120度)都還是很健康的方法
*有生機飲食專家都建議癌症患者 生食或低溫煮食
所以 生食或低溫煮食 是能避免腫瘤長大的

4. Place the eggplant, zucchini, oil, coriander, juices and pepper in a bowl and toss to combine. Serve as an appetiser or as a side salad to a main meal.
最後把茄子 櫛瓜 橄欖油(特級初榨橄欖油 Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
香菜 果汁 胡椒粉 全倒進沙拉碗調拌
有主菜時 可以把這道沙拉菜 當開胃菜 或當配菜
煮食是用-純橄欖油 Pure Olive Oil
涼拌是用-特級初榨橄欖油 Extra Virgin Olive Oil

來源: http://au.food.yahoo.com/recipes/recipe/-/5349375/eggplant-and-coriander-salad/

( 知識學習健康 )
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