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澳洲人: 五種簡單的方法對抗流感(5 simple ways to fight the flu)
2009/09/20 06:22:19瀏覽1687|回應0|推薦75

Headache, Sore throat:
頭痛/喉嚨痛: 蜂蜜+檸檬 泡熱水喝
All you need is some generic paracetamol, honey and a lemon. Take the paracetamol as directed for your headache, then make a soothing drink for your sore throat by squeezing the lemon juice into a mug and adding a tablespoon of honey. Fill with hot water and stir well. It's just as good as an over-the-counter remedy, but much cheaper.

*適意藤的話: 這招平常天天喝一杯 真的好!! 原因是避免感冒 又補充營養
蜂蜜可以換成糖蜜(甘蔗糖蜜Molasses) 它是大補品
它含有大量的維生素和礦物質(鈣 鎂 鉀 鐵)
一湯匙提供高達20%的每日價值每個人的營養 現在它是一個保健品
澳洲一瓶有機的糖蜜(甘蔗糖蜜Molasses)才賣澳幣5-6元 超便宜!!
圖示: 甘蔗糖蜜Molasses

咳嗽:切片的洋蔥(胖圓蔥)+紅砂糖/黑糖 撲蓋洋蔥上醃到出水
睡前喝一湯匙 不會有咳嗽失眠的夜晚
Slice an onion onto a saucer. Cover the onion with brown sugar, and place another saucer on top to cover it. Leave for an hour for the onion juice to collect. Take one teaspoon of this liquid before bed and hey presto - no more cough, and no more sleepless nights.

Stuffy nose:
鼻塞: 數滴的尤加利樹油放在熱水盆裡
放在安全的地方 讓蒸氣蒸整個房間
另外滴一滴或兩滴在枕頭上 幫你睡個好覺
Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil in a large bowl of steaming hot water and place in the room well out of harm's way. The vapours will fill the room. You can also put a drop or two on your pillowcase to help you sleep easier.

Stave off colds:
避免感冒: 每天吃一片新鮮的蒜頭 有用又省錢
Many people take garlic capsules to stave off colds, but you can save a fortune and stay healthy by eating fresh garlic instead. Based on around $20 for a jar of 30 garlic tablets, replacing the capsules with one clove of garlic a day can save you over $200 a year - and it's just as effective.

用專用的按摩胸/太陽穴的膏 治頭疼偏頭痛
還可以按摩腳底 完畢穿上襪子 治咳嗽 小孩不喜歡吃藥 這招對他們最好
A jar of generic chest rub is a handy standby. It's brilliant on headaches and migraines when rubbed gently into the temples (keeping away from the eyes). To quieten coughs, massage into the soles of the feet and cover with socks. Perfect for kids who hate taking medicine.

來源: http://www.thatslife.com.au/article.asp?ArticleID=2462&Pid=6
( 知識學習健康 )
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