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2010/06/01 00:29:36瀏覽3608|回應4|推薦16 | |
美國學校實況:搜查學生置物櫃,無需理由,不必通知 金甌女中訓導人員利用學生開週會時,夥同學生幹部,搜查學生書包和抽屜,引起學生抗議,還上了報紙。我說學校當然有權有這麼做,但有讀者不以為然,說只有極權國家才會這樣,說這是人權的倒退,是學校不尊重學生的隱私權;還有說美國學校絕對不會這樣做。 既然台灣人那麼迷信美國,那我就講講美國學校會怎麼做。美國中學生沒有自己的教室和座位,他們每個人在走廊有一個專屬的置物櫃,書包通常裝在裡面。據我的了解,絕大部份的美國學校教育人員認為學校有權搜查學生的置物櫃,無需理由,也不必事先通知。 以下是本地某一個中學的手冊規定,請注意紅色部份,明明白白的登在學校網站上面。這只是一個例子,絕大多數美國學校都有類似的規定或作法。當然,什麼事情都有例外,但,例外是例外,我們在講的是常態! Each CPA student will be assigned a locker. Students should bring their own lock (only combination locks are acceptable) and register the combination with the school office. CPA requires that students keep their locker locked throughout the day. The school is not responsible for items stored in lockers. This includes theft of books (considered to be the property of the school) and personal belongings such as lunch boxes, jackets, etc. It will be incumbent on students to ensure their lockers are locked at all times, and to conceal their lock combination numbers to avoid lock tampering. CPA reserves the right to inspect student lockers at any time, with or without notice, and at any time with or without reason. Students are not permitted to write on or otherwise deface school lockers, inside or out. They may tape non-offensive posters or photos inside their lockers, but may not glue or paste stickers, and no decoration may be placed on the outside of any locke r (excepting “Birthday Surprise” decorations on lockers, which must be removed at the end of the day). Students may bring backpacks, gym bags, and purses to and from school. These items must be stored inside lockers or on the designated shelving units in the locker area during the school day, and may not be brought into classrooms or left on the floor/ground. Backpacks and gym bags should be free of messages, offensive or inappropriate to the academy environment. Academy officials may search and seize property when there is reason to believe that some material or matter is present that is detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of students. 出處網站:http://www.chandlerprep.org/index.php?Itemid=36&id=19&option=com_content&task=view |
( 時事評論|教育文化 ) |