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跟名人或偶像學英文,基本上就是學習他們曾說過的話,我們對這些名人就更有一份親近感,學習英文也多了一些動機。這些名人說過的話,有些是至理名言而發人深省、有些幽默風趣使人莞爾一笑、也有對日常生活的分享感嘆讓我們感同身受。從這些話語中,我們能想見這些名人的情操個性,也更容易心嚮往之,例如當翁山蘇姬 (Aung San Suu Kyi)被緬甸軍政府從軟禁中釋放時,她說道I want to do as much as I can while I’m free…But we never know how much time we have. (在我自由的時期我要盡所能地去努力但我們無法知道還有多少時間),簡短幾句話,道盡和平民主運動的無奈以及翁山蘇姬在此無奈局勢中的決心。這些內容大部份來自英文新聞如Time, CNN等媒體上的演講稿、接受採訪或記者會上的發言,對於我們學習英文應有相當助益。 

Ø  What we are calling for is revolutionary change through peaceful means. I’m not afraid to say it, and I’m not afraid to ask for all the help I can get.

Aung San Suu Kyi, Burmese Nobel Peace laureate




1.      第一句中的片語call for有「要求」的涵義,可引申為「呼籲」。如要表達「需要的情況」時可說It’s a situation that calls for…,例如It’s a situation that calls for some creative thinking. (這是需要一些創意思考的情況);另外,學術研討會需要論文徵稿時可說call for papers

2.      句中「和平方式」peaceful means中的means,不管單複數都一定要於字尾加s,例如I'm going to use every means at my disposal. (在我能力範圍內我會每種可能的方法);或如Money is only a means to an end. (金錢只是達到目標的手段)這兩句裡的every和a後面都是加單數的means。其它與means相關的常見表達方式還有by means of… (藉由方式), by all means (盡一切方法), The ends justify the means. (為達目的,不擇手段)等。 


Ø  Great businesses do not succeed because they’re focused purely on making a profit. Great businesses succeed at a high level of profitability because they are doing fantastic things for their people, for their customers and their communities. Find that fragile balance and you will build a profitable business. Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more experienced than yourselves and share the success with them.

Howard Schultz, Starbucks chairman




1. 第一句和第二句都是以great businesses (偉大企業)作主詞,第一句講great businesses不會成功的原因,第二句才說great businesses會成功的因素,兩句相互對照,但重點放在後句的效果。

2. 全段說了三次利潤,分別以名詞make a profitsucceed at a high level of profitability,以及形容詞build a profitable business表現,用字較有變化。

3. 最後一句話Surround yourself with people who are smarter and more experienced than yourselves則凸顯霍華蕭茲謙虛為懷、用人惟才的胸襟。


Ø   I don’t claim that God doesn’t exist. God is the name people give to the reason we are here. But I think that reason is the laws of physics rather than someone with whom one can have a personal relationship.

Stephen Hawking (Time 11/15, 2010)




1.      claim按照Macmillan English Dictionary(麥克米倫詞典)的定義是to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof (儘管缺乏實證,仍說某事為真),一般就譯為「宣稱」,適用於論述上帝的存在與否,因為沒有人能確實證明此論述。

2.      雖然史蒂芬.霍金這段話一開頭就宣稱他沒說上帝不存在,但仍使人覺得他就是位atheist (無神論者),因為他是用the laws of physics (物理法則)來取代上帝,也反對傳統anthropomorphic god (人格神)的概念。

3.      第二句後面的子句one can have a personal relationship最後原本還有with,但因不宜以介系詞結尾,因此放到子句前關係代名詞受格whom的前面。


Ø  There were points in my life where I felt oddly irresistible to women. I’m not in that state now.

Jack Nicholson




1.      當要表達某事物對我們有無法抗拒的吸引力時,就可用「人 + feel irresistible to + 事物」。句中irresistible是以字首ir-表否定,加上resistible (可抵抗的)而成,類似的字彙構成還有irreconcilable (不相容的), irrefutable (無法辯駁的), irresponsible (不負責任的), irretrievable (無法補救的), irreversible (無法逆轉的)

2.      第二句的片語in that state指的是某個狀態或階段,第於at that stage,例如英國樂手Elton John (艾爾頓)面對Lady Gaga (女神卡卡)音樂的強勢競爭,也曾說過I’m at that stage where I don’t think I can write pop music anymore. (我已處於無法再創作流行音樂的階段),兩人的談話都有英雄白頭的無奈與自嘲。

( 知識學習語言 )
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