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誤導黃龍山紫砂礦謬論 1 To misleading Huanglong Mountain Yixing mine fallacy 1
2012/01/19 22:39:46瀏覽1464|回應0|推薦5



謬論 1 如下 不看也罷 鬼扯



但近年的大規模採石運動中在原趙莊山區已發現新的小紅泥礦脈,這些趙莊山石黃泥〈小紅泥〉石英含量高,泥質細膩,粘結度也不錯,雖泥胚的可塑性較差,但成品的燒成率高,燒成收縮率僅在9 – 12 % 〈這與大家印象中趙莊朱泥的燒成收縮率應有25 – 30 %有很大的不同。〉在1180度燒成後,顏色暗紅,略帶黃色,斷面燒結度不完全,顆粒完整,透氣性較佳,因石英含量高,表面顆粒豐滿,透明度顯比黃龍山朱泥要高。

提到黃龍山朱泥,才是一般宜興行內人所稱的”朱泥”,產於黃龍山嫩泥層之間的一種含鐵極高的黃色粘土,此泥料含溶劑性原料偏高,且熔點較低,燒結易玻化,表面效果滋潤光亮,但燒成收縮率在25 – 30 %,這給成型製作帶來很大的不便。





黃龍山朱泥 25 – 30 %
趙莊山小紅泥 9 – 12 %



以上言論純粹大陸官方釋出錯誤知識在誤導黃龍山已然斷泥無礦可採硬扯為不同泥在於不同製程而成意圖在掩飾化工泥事件 ...


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Internet a long time not just marked the Huanglong Mountain found this a fallacy, I do not know to be abducted to time, have a clear picture in this blog Home, different mud differences, not use different processes of different mud on the misleading Huanglong Mountain is no longer mine can adopt the reality. 

The error on the see May 2008 for the sale and write spread to date. 

Fallacy 1 follows not look worth mentioning Guiche 

Zhuni, Zhao Zhuang Xiaohong mud, its production characteristics 
Zhuni pot in the purple self-contained system, but most of the books as long as the to mention Zhuni majority did not elaborate, it is difficult to explore in depth. 

Week high from the Department of Yangxian tea pot "and Wu Qian" Yangxian Tao recorded 
Are pointed out: "Stone Wong Nai out zhaozhuang mountain, that is not touch the wind date stone bone, is the Tao of variable cinnabar color 
This is the earliest records of the relevant Zhuni 
The stone Wong, from zhaozhuang Hill the Yixing line Personal'' Zhao Zhuang Xiaohong mud'' 
According to legend, the original veins in the already extinct in the late Qing. 

But in recent years, large-scale quarrying movement in the original zhaozhuang mountain to discover new small red mud veins of these zhaozhuang rocks Wong Nai Little red mud content of quartz, argillaceous fine, the bonding is also good, although the mud embryo plasticity is poor, but finished the firing rate, firing shrinkage rate in the 9 - 12% <with the impression we zhaozhuang Zhuni firing shrinkage rate should be 25 - 30% are very different. > Firing in 1180 degrees, the color dark red, slightly yellow, the cross section sintering degree incomplete, particle integrity, better permeability, due to its high quartz content, the surface particles fullness, transparency significantly higher than the Huanglong Mountain Zhuni to. 

To mention Huanglong Mountain Zhuni, is generally the Yixing insiders called "Zhuni", produced in Huanglong Mountain soft mud layer between an iron high yellow clay, the high solvent raw material of this mud and low melting point, sintering easily vitrified, shiny surface effect of moisture, but the firing contraction rate in 25 - 30%, which gives the molding produced a great deal of inconvenience. 

The main difference between the small red mud of the the Huanglong the Hill Zhuni zhaozhuang Hill: 

Huanglong Mountain Zhuni color bright yellow delicate, grease sense. 
The Hill zhaozhuang small Hongni was a khaki-colored, relatively dry, shape tender stony. 

Firing effect: 
Huanglong Mountain Zhuni rosy and bright, poor ventilation, surface porosity is also poor, and the shrinkage due to firing, often corrugated wrinkled <Zhu does not wrinkle the origin of> the same due to sintering and high percussion soundTsim Sha Tsui. 
Red mud color than in zhaozhuang Hill dark, slightly yellow, good ventilation, surface porosity is also better. 

Forming production: 
Huanglong Mountain Zhuni plasticity, the bond good, easy to shape, difficult to firing, the yield is too low. 
Plasticity is poor the mountain zhaozhuang small red mud, are difficult to shape, easy firing, firing high yield. 

Sintering shrinkage: 
Huanglong Mountain Zhuni 25 - 30% 
The mountain zhaozhuang small red mud 9 - 12% 

data excerpt above ps Mr. Yu Chenfou "Zhuni, Zhao Zhuang Xiaohong mud production features the article, 
Article source "Banhu, Purple" 
In fact, the mountain zhaozhuang small red mud and Huanglong Mountain Zhuni our understanding of the Zhuni, but has its own characteristics, to understand these features would not be on the characteristics of the Zhuni confusion, but also for the old Zhuni pot identification of the Department of great help. 

For example, in general, before the Qing Dynasty in the late Zhuni pot, common relatively large Zhuni shapes, or mixed with coarse particles, the permeability is also good pot table particles fullness obvious, or jug ​​small silver flash silicabelongs to the "Little Red Mud> Department of zhaozhuang Zhuni. 
Clear in the end after more common aggravation delicate rosy and bright small Zhuni sound hit the high tip, which mostly Department of Zhuni, Huanglong Mountain. 

The above expression of sheer mainland official release error knowledge misleading in Huanglong Mountain is already off the mud ore mining hard pull for different mud is a different process from intention to conceal chemical mud events ... 

Insiders a word that is known

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