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2005/10/19 09:56:57瀏覽913|回應3|推薦14 | |
最近全世界都在關切一件大事,不過這則新聞對台灣媒體來說似乎是封鎖的。 美國將海珊抓走後,很有心地培植了一個親美的政權,也盯著該政府制定了一個西方社會可以接受的憲法。然而,制憲的程序最後還要交由伊拉克人民自行公投決定,這才是真正的民主。 本來在周一就應該要結束開票並且公佈這部憲法人民是否接受,可是卻讓一件小事擔擱了,讓大家猜猜看:錯!不是自殺炸彈;錯!不是穆斯林暴動;錯!與伊斯蘭民族主義無關;錯!伊拉克人不搞兩顆子彈、國安機制、限制軍警投票......。延誤開票結果的真正原因,竟然是人民支持這部憲法公投的得票率超過90%,伊拉克官員認為太高了,所以要重新驗票。 如果一個在西方觀察觀察團眼皮下所進行,得到超過90%贊成的民主程序,慎重的伊拉克人都認為應該要馬上重新驗票。反觀台灣總統得票差異,比美國總統佛州得票差異都低,卻死皮賴臉硬是拖延半年,之間又有封存所停電,監視器沒拍到,帳本移失......,台灣人連這樣處處差錯的選舉程序也能信,簡直就是比不知民主為何物的伊拉克人還好騙幾十倍! 被國民黨教化了半世紀的民主台灣,一交到了民進黨手上,竟然連被海珊高壓統治了半世紀,沒有享受過一天民主的伊拉克人還不如,誰能告訴我,扁政府到底拿什麼臉去跟人家領民主人權獎? 參考資料: Iraqi election officials said Monday that they were investigating "unusually high" vote totals in 12 Shiite and Kurdish provinces, where as many as 99 percent of the voters were reported to have cast ballots in favor of Iraq's new constitution. The investigation raised the possibility that the results of the referendum could be called into question. In a statement on Monday evening, the Independent Election Commission of Iraq said the results of the referendum on Saturday would have to be delayed "a few days" because the apparently high number of "yes" votes required election workers to "recheck, compare and audit" the results. The statement made no mention of the possibility of fraud, but said results were being re-examined to comply with internationally accepted standards. Election officials say that under those standards, voting procedures should be re-examined anytime a candidate or a ballot question got more than 90 percent of the vote. |
( 時事評論|政治 ) |