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2010/03/29 11:56:01瀏覽762|回應0|推薦4

《心靈獨奏》(The Soloist) 雖然由 Jamie Foxx 和 Robert Downey Jr. 兩位才華出眾的演員擔綱,但似乎沒引起什麼注意或話題,就船過水無痕似地消失在去年電影市場。每年都會有這類「遺珠之憾」的電影,看多了後也就習以為常了,但我逐漸瞭解會成為遺珠之憾電影不是沒有道理的,最可能的原因就是拍得不夠好吧。

之所以還找來看,主要是好友Lisa說片中Downey Jr.飾演的專欄作家角色讓她想到我。

當卡司強但電影不叫好或叫座時,問題通常出在導演或劇本,The Soloist兩個問題都有。英國導演Joe Wright拍了新版Sense and Sensibility和Atonement拍出名號,但來拍美國都市廢墟的遊民故事就顯得水土不服 (大家還記得王家衛失敗的《我的藍莓夜》嗎) ,從頭到尾似乎找不到電影的tone調節奏,觀眾情緒無法連貫。這和劇本很有關係,改編自洛衫磯時報專欄作家Steve Lopez的同名原著,不知是書寫得不夠好還是改得不好,劇本顯得凌亂瑣碎。

這並不表示電影一無是處。The Soloist描述一名曾經是茱麗亞音樂學院的天才大提琴家,因精神疾病輟學進而淪落街頭,偶然間被專欄作家發掘的真人真事,有點像新版的Shine,故事散發的感情是真摰的,而且並非以喜劇收場。電影嘗試傳達一個訊息:既使有再多的主觀善意,有些傷痕是無法修補的;過多的善意反而不是被施予者所能承受的;行善的激情冷卻後我們會發現,被我們關心的人也許要的並不多。套句片中的台詞:"Just be there, be his friend."

電影以Steve Lopez的專欄文章收尾,Downey Jr. 用低沈充滿磁性的聲音旁白,聽來讓人不禁對人性恢復一絲信心:

“Points West” by Steve Lopez

A year ago, I met a man who was down on his luck and I thought I might be able to help him. I don’t know that I have. Yes, my friend Mr. Ayers now sleeps inside. He has a key. He has a bed. But his mental state and his well-being are as precarious as they were the day we met. There are people who tell me I’ve helped him. Mental health experts who say that the simple act of being someone’s friend can change his brain chemistry, improving his functions in the world. I can’t speak for Mr. Ayers in that regard. Maybe our friendship has helped him. But maybe not. I can, however, speak for myself. I can tell you that by witnessing Mr. Ayers’s courage, his humility, his faith in the power of his art, I’ve learned the dignity of being loyal to something you believe in, of holding onto it. Above all else, of believing, without question, that it will carry you home.


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