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MIL: A Mother's Day--Be careful of what you asked for
2009/05/11 00:49:49瀏覽724|回應4|推薦16

So Hubby was talked into making a phone call to his mother after I talked to mine on the phone yesterday morning.

"...ask her if she and Papa would like to come out for lunch to celebrate Mother's Day." I said. Knowing for sure that my mother-in-law will find all things to say just to stay in the house on Mother's Day, expecting all her own kids or grandkids to call her or come visit her in her house, I'd rather we offer to take her out the day before.

Yes, an offer. Something about my mother-in-law here. She would NEVER come out of the house if it's too windy, rainy, sunny. Not to mention if it gets too cold or too hot. She NEVER comes out when she is, in general, "not feeling it" -- which includes, she had a bad night, or a bad day, or she is too drowsy from her allergy medication, aches from her wrists or knees, or wheezes from her asthma, or simply does not like the restaurant we want to take her to. I am NEVER really sure which time is which. But in her own mind she thought she is an easy-going old lady, who is young at heart and likes "hanging out" with the kids.

Looking out the window, I figured it was cloudy, drizzling and kinda snippy. I bet she would find another thing not to come out again. But the point is WE OFFERED and WE REMEMBERED TO OFFER. After all, the thoughts count, right?

I have come to realize that MIL is not as simple as she appears to be. Take her recent birthday back in March for example. I verbally reminded Hubby to drop off a card or make a phone call of taking Mom out for birthday lunch. He forgot and I was busy at work. I did not know this old lady was all passive-aggressive until we brought a box of brownie from Costco one Sunday afternoon to see her in the house.

MIL asked us if the brownie was her "birthday present" from D (Noting here, not D and Purr). "...you kids know what I really wish for 'birthday'? A pumpkin pie from Costco," she said. A PUMPKIN PIE? How am I going to find a pumpkin pie at any pastry shop in North America either in March or May?

Then I heard this coming from the kitchen. "...Mother said she would like to go to Long John Silver around 1 or 2, hon." Hubby yelled out. REALLY? Did I mention that when we made the phone call, it was about 11:30. It was almost like a booty call for inviting anyone out for lunch. But then again when she is available, she is available. Looking outside, I was pretty sure there was no blue moon or red rain. It was just pouring.

Now it was Hubby and I who got a little panic. We have not had a card for MIL yet. (Have to get one at CVS.) Have not had the grocery shopping done yet. (Have to get a card at CVS on the way to Costco.) Got the laundry just started 30 minutes ago. (Damn, I run out of uniforms for tomorrow.) Most importantly, gotta make sure that we will get A PIE for MIL this time.

YUP. A Mother's Day with my mother-in-law was full of fun.  

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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Itś called
2009/05/16 23:14
Job security. 
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-05-17 22:01 回覆:

ha ha. i guess motherly criticism is the trait in ALL mother's blood...

but honestly, mothers need to learn to "choose the battle" once in a while. Or in my MIL's case, none of her children takes her words seriously because none of the things we do make her happy and she says things NONE-STOP anyway.

Add some humor to it
2009/05/16 09:55
That sounded just like my own mom would do everyday! Relax, they need to complain something to get your attention -- that is their job. :)
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-05-16 17:12 回覆:

thanks for coming, pita2006!

well, it must be a damn HARD job.

nothing special
2009/05/11 09:30
I mean the movie. I just don't think J.L. is good in that movie.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-05-11 17:21 回覆:

ha ha ha. i thought you meant this old lady. oops...

but i admire J.Lo's perseverance. she just finished a triathlon.

2009/05/11 09:28
sooner or later, people change. so what about the fun part at the lunch?
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-05-11 17:11 回覆:

the fun part was....

when we got to the restaurant, she said they did not have the shrimp that she wanted. (please, this is a fast food restaurant. they carry the same menu for years.) and then when finally she got her order and the food came, she said the fish was more salty than it used to be.

some people will NEVER change.