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Happy Thanksgiving!
休閒生活旅人手札 2010/11/28 04:40:28

Thank you for working today -- any part or a full 12 hr shift.

Your presence on the unit with patients and their families while your family waits at home is a blessing that too many outsiders do not even comprehend. PLEASE know that there are those that know and understand your personal sacrifice. And we are thankful.

It is my sincere prayer on this Thanksgiving Day...

that your nurse manager has scheduled the team fairly and your employer is compensating you well.

that your patients are kind.

that your patients' families are generous.

that your unit's potluck turkey lunch is delicious.

that you and your loving work buddies love and cherish each other.

and that you are genuinely knowledgeable of your value to everyone you touch -- TODAY AND ALWAYS...

Happy Thanksgiving!
2010/11/28 04:40:28 |瀏覽 905 回應 3 推薦 21 引用 0
Thank you for working today -- any part or a full 12 hr shift. Your presence on the unit with patien...
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