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Would You Still Love Him if....
2007/08/01 01:29:36瀏覽477|回應0|推薦4

Would you still love him if he likes potatoes more than rice?

Would you still love him if he does not want a child in life anymore?

Would you still love him if he loves his daughter more than you?

Would you still love him if you cannot avoid talking to him without arguing?

Would you still love him if he does not give you his paycheck?

Would you still love him if you need to ask him for money and explain to him that you'd just like a new shirt in the closet?

Would you still love him if his retirement plan only includes himself?

Would you still love him if you need to work for the money?

Would you still love him.... if you have the choice?? 

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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