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2013/07/09 19:15:50瀏覽2116|回應9|推薦21 | |||
更年期症狀 熬過就會好?5個QA解答更年期報到 三高、骨鬆更該注意身體一向不錯, 而且生活飲食都是健康示範 , 但, 最近更年前期身體完全失控, 失眠 、頭髮掉滿地 ,洗髮時 ,滿手頭髮, 己看了家醫 ,可是情況沒有改善, 各位有妙方嗎? [2014年九月後記:感謝留言的格友,結果是老媽媽說了一句:為什麼運動不太流汗?開始每天早晨五點半出門快走,跑跳逼汗,流了一身大汗才走回家。連續三天,治癒失眠。頭髮看了皮膚科,確認頭皮毛孔無損,睡眠改善後,換洗髮水、肥皂,現在好多了。] Med: progesterone cream, kavinace ultra pm, black cohosh 什麼是Progesterone?助孕激素、黃體素。Anti-estrogen Progesterone is a hormone produced in the body which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle of women. In women, progesterone is produced just before ovulation in order to enhance the possibility of becoming pregnant. Progesterone also serves several other important functions in the body. It aids in immunity, reduces swelling and inflammation, stimulates and regulates the production of the thyroid gland, and keeps blood-clotting levels at normal values. Progesterone also can be said to be an "anti-aging" hormone. It keeps bones strong, produces collagen, and helps keep nerves functioning at appropriate levels. Some researchers are now testing the effects of progesterone shots on people with multiple sclerosis to see if it can help keep nerves and skeletal muscles from deteriorating.
As a woman ages, levels of progesterone and estrogen begin to decline. This gradually leads to menopause. It is easy to see how the decline in these levels not only affects the menstrual cycle but also contributes to aging, because less collagen means less skin elasticity, which contributes to skin wrinkling. Low progesterone levels also decrease the body's ability to create new bone cells, which puts a woman at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis. 膠原蛋白(collagen)目前,日本學者及保健食品界提出的安全食用量是一天2∼5克,並建議搭配維他命C一起食用。(維生素C是膠原蛋白生成的主要原料) 5招養出一頭黑髮 中醫認為「腎藏精,其華在髮」,而且「肝藏血,髮為血之餘」,所以頭髮能反映我們「肝」、「腎」的健康狀態,也就是「腎精」、「肝血」是否充沛。 一個人如果腎精不足,頭髮容易失去光澤,提早出現白髮;而肝血虧虛的話,沒有足夠養分可送達末梢的頭皮,就比較容易掉髮。 中醫認為要擁有一頭烏黑亮麗,不易斷裂的秀髮,需從調脾胃、養肝血、補腎精,及維持氣血暢通(尤其頭部)幾方面著手。(1)攝取黑色食物 (2) 睡眠充足,11點以前就寢 (3)規律運動,放鬆身心(4)壓腎經的湧泉穴、肝經的太衝穴 (5) 以梳子或手指,由前往後梳頭 The closer women get to menopause itself, the less they sleep. 格友烏拉瑰建議: "我一般很少建議服用black cohosh, 因有的病人會頭痛。 我通常建議evening primrose,效果非常良好。豆類的萃取補充品也可以試試。 有時沒效果, 因為1.補充品來源低劣;2.沒有按照劑量服用." 滿桌中西藥,會吃才有效
from Meow: "趕快想辦法調回來,損傷太大了!身體保護機制啟動開始抗議了"
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