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普皇無敵 -- 到奴役之路
2007/12/07 08:51:44瀏覽1343|回應3|推薦6

奉俄國總統普亭 (Vladimir Putin)為最高領袖的 United Russia 政黨,以壓倒性多數贏得週日(12/2)的國會選舉。該黨拿到三分之二選票,普亭志得意滿,說這是俄國人民給他的"道德任命" (moral mandate)。這詞翻成古文就是"天命",意思是他從今後愛怎麼幹就怎麼幹,因為天命在孤,誰能抗之?誰敢抗之?

近一期的經濟學人(The Economist)對普亭大辣辣操縱規則、獨占媒體、騷擾反對黨領袖的行徑有所描寫。Garry Kasparov,前世界棋王、United Civil Front 的領袖,被抓去關了5天,然後在投票前釋放。Kasparov 說他們競選的訴求是給俄國人民"另一個選擇 (an alternative)",簡直微弱地如一聲嘆息 -- 但絕大多數的俄國人連這一聲嘆息都聽不到。反對黨完全被消音了。

是誰在大聲呢?數千普亭少年團員(Putin Youth),凊一色紅夾克黑線帽在克里姆林宮前對普亭歡呼效忠。俄國的新秩序,新沙皇,這前KGB的老奸慣惡,在世界媒體的面前、在Google伺服器的虛擬實境中,毫不害羞地冉冉升起。我不敢相信,納粹式的崛起、文革式的飆揚、現代史中記載的瘋狂,今天在眼前上演。

我想起海耶克(Hayek)的<到奴役之路>一書,分析大獨裁者如何在紊亂不成熟的民主社會中,使用煽惑的語言、以救主的姿態崛起。前輩學人的洞見令我毛骨悚然 -- 普亭和俄國人民簡直就是照著海爺爺生前寫好的劇本演出。

台灣的民主也有些紊亂,當然比俄國好太多了,但不知道那一天會走到臨界點。夜郎自大、貪婪好吃、精明做作的民進黨,和老眼昏花、智力退化、乾瞪傻笑的國民黨,這一對相拼相撞的難兄難弟,大概是出不了大獨裁者。就怕最後給對岸撿了便宜 (他們對於創造新秩序可是經驗豐富)。

沒時間讀海耶克的朋友,可看 到奴役之路(Road to Serfdom)漫畫版
沒有內涵又踐踏規則的叢林式民主 --> 搖晃的經濟 --> 失去耐心而渴望秩序的群眾 --> 英明領袖的誕生 --> 極權的國家機器 --> 有秩序的奴役社會
( 時事評論政治 )
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Do Check out Plato Republic ”国家”
2009/01/11 10:53
Do Check out Plato Republic ”国家”


名譽政治 > 寡頭政治 > 民主政治 > 專制政治

又民主政治 > 專制政治過程中
{紅杉軍 > 司法大審 > 發消費卷 土地改革 >對外戰爭>虐殺革命同伴}

2007/12/12 10:11
Dear Wenhao,

Always a pleasure to read your response.

The history repeats itself so often that I think the totalitarian system is really a prototype of human politics. It also reminds me of William Golding's <Lord of the flies>. Civilization is but a fragile, superficial icing on the cake whose true material is primordial barbarism. I found the behavior of a mass of men is quite predicable if it's viewed as a covetous, cornered beast, though I did not derive pleasure from this angle of observation.

Great literatures like <Lord of the flies> and <The call of the wild>, and even great movies,  are often a truer and sharper redition of the reality of human conditions than social or political theories (even the ones by Hayek), which are but timid attempts constantly paled by the arbitrariness of a dark figure looming in the abyss.

Best regards


Wenhao Cheng
ditto Star Wars
2007/12/11 15:19

Excellent point.   Histories just repeates itself over & over again in different mode.  In the movie "Star Wars", that is how exactly the Galatic Empire was formed by plotting a pseudo crisis conspired by Sentator Palpatine ... with the nice guys "Jedi"'s help!