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Self Awareness (1)
2007/11/12 14:04:39瀏覽603|回應1|推薦5
Universe was dark until he became self-aware.
Universe becomes dark again after he ceased to be self-aware.

Plunged into life, knowing not who woke him up from the previous blackout.
Toiled along, uncertain of the meaning of traces left behind.
Grew tired, fearing yet another blackout looming at the end.

Was he nobler than a vacuum cleaner?
Plugged, feeling justified to own a viewpoint, he roared irritatingly while sucking in dust of the world.
Unplugged, he fell helplessly silent, ridiculously ignorant of the house still lit and noisy.

Three personalities constantly struggling in him:
1. Animal, whose self-awareness amounts to alertness to sense data.
2. Philosopher, who live under the weight and futility of seeking meaning to his self-awareness.
3. The blessed, who embraces the faith that life is not a mere blip in eternal blackout.
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Why is Universe "HE"?
2007/12/27 16:52
It's politically incorrect.
北橋客(northbridge) 於 2007-12-27 23:51 回覆:
You are more than welcome to change it to SHE 
But it's a vaccum cleaner, so you might want to think it twice.