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                                                                                                                               李鈞震 10.28.2007


但是,什麼是公平? 傳播學者能公平的看待社會嗎? 對於保護基本人權的「憲法」無法反映民意,無法保護人民,傳播學者不吭一句話,就是道德的淪喪,甚至成為極權統治者的共犯。這就是台灣傳播學界的現象。

「批判理論」來自法蘭克福學派的德國學者。這個理論源起於馬克思,這個批判社會的馬克斯傳統至今仍持續著。法蘭克福學派的領導人:霍克海默, 迪奧多阿多諾, 以及哈柏馬斯他們都深信「過往的歷史是刻意塑造而來的,被一種不公平的擺佈力量所傷害」他們點出現代西方民主社會也有一樣的不公平現象,「擁有一切」的階級,持續剝削「什麼都沒有」的階級。







台灣的傳播學者任由各大媒體,把女性的裸露當成商品販賣,台灣女性被汙辱而不自知、習以為常。各縣市的中正路,每天24小時不斷凌辱白色恐怖的受難家屬;如果各縣市都有「陳進興路」,其中一條在白冰冰家門口,那白冰冰小姐是不是該包容? 社會大眾應該要求她忘記過去、不要計較她如果要求「正名」,是不是就是沒出息? 陳進興殺多少人? 蔣介石殺多少人? 公平在哪裡,我的新聞學教授?











這就是在台灣,一群特務背景的學者整天搞的民調數據,攻擊民主的真實面目;一堆沒經濟學常識的電視名嘴,整天比經濟成長率,來打擊民主政治,「經濟學」的核心價值是經濟成長率嗎? 知識經濟的時代,貧富的差距,是自己要負責的,知道嗎? 我的老師。





The Frankfurt School in Taiwan


In the 1970s, Taiwan was recognized by 65 nations. Today, only 24 mostly impoverished countries consider Taiwan independent.” (Seeing Time magazine on Sept, 15, 2007) In the 1970s, Taiwanese were the slavers of dictator Chiang Kai-shek.

  James Lee Oct, 28, 2007 

The critical tradition regards communication as a reflective challenge of unjust discourse.

But what is just discourse? Can the scholars of communication treat the society with justice? The constitution related to human rights is not voted by Taiwanese and it can’t protect citizens as well. Taiwanese scholars of communication who were educated by the dictator, say no word about it. This is a decay of ethics, morality. Furthermore they commit the crime to be the cooperators of the totalitarian Chiang Kai-shek’s party,they owns huge assets by armed robbery 60 years ago. This is the state quo of communication and journalism in Taiwan.  

The Frankfurt School rejects the economic determinism, so do Taiwanese. The leading figures of the Frankfurt school─Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and Herbert Marcuse believe “all previous history has been characterized by an unjust distribution of suffering” They spotted the same pattern of inequality in Taiwan democracies where the “haves”, known as Chiang Kai-shek’s party and its scholars and the mass media, continued to exploit the “have nots”.

There are discrepancies between the liberal values of freedom and equality that Chiang Kai-shek’s party leaders proclaimed and the unjust concentrations and abuses of power that made those values a myth. They got a great asset by killing Taiwanese and divide the ill–gotten profits into parts to Chiang Kai-shek’s party and its politicians, judges, businessmen, scholars, gatekeepers of mass media. They refuse to return the bloody assets, reject to deliver the killers who had committed the crime and feel no shame to run in the presidential election.

The old professors of communication and journalism were trained by Chiang Kai-shek’s secret agent, the chief offender Tseng Hsü-pai is also the founder of the National Chengchi University. None of them has guts to confess or criticize their suppression over the freedom of speech. Of course, none of them has courage to criticize the chaos in Taiwanese mass media with specific words. The chief staff of mass medium is the students of the old professors, they can’t criticize their teachers, and instead they plot to control the media. The professors regret of losing the chance to be the pioneer of democratization. If they had done something, they would have the ring of light. They really have the ring of light as a professor, that permits them to swindle a huge research fund out of the government budget. They are the true Power in the democratic period in Taiwan.

They love to destruct the constitutional system, for example “the red shirts” events. They somehow regret the missing of the chance to be the indicators of democratization, the ring of light. To compensate for it, they wear the scholars’ ring of light to challenge all the unjust discourse based on the ideology from dictator Chiang Kai-shek’s education. These papers bring them money and power.

In fact, the subtle sway of society’s have’s over its have-not’s result in media hegemony and that fulfills Chiang Kai-shek’s disciples’ interests and leads Taiwanese in confusion about the value of democracy. Chiang Kai-shek’s disciples control 80% mass media in Taiwan. They block up the way to democratic renewal, restrict the people's right to referendum on constitutional revision, stop clearing the account of Chiang Kai-shek’s unjust assets over a hundred million USD, prevent Taiwanese from having a new constitution, oppose the application for admission to the United Nations under the name of Taiwan.

The critiques offered no apology for their negative tone or pessimistic conclusions. As Marcuse noted ,“Critical theory preserves obstinacy as a genuine quality of philosophical thought.”When Hilter came to power in Germany, that obstinacy forced the Frankfurt School into exile─first to Switzerland, then to the United States. Peng Ming-min proposed the Taiwanese wanted to be governed by neither the Nationalists nor the Communists, but themselves, and that in self-interest and self-preservation Taiwanese must replace Chiang Kai-shek's regime by a government freely elected and responsive to the public welfare. The“ Declaration of Formosan Self-salvation" forced Peng Ming-min in exile e─first to Switzerland, then to the United States, back to Taiwan.

What types of communication research and practice are critical theorists against

1.      The control of language to perpetuate imbalances

Critical theorists condemn any use of words that inhibits emancipation. For example, advocates of democracy tend to be a muted group because China and Chiang Kai-shek’s disciples are the gatekeepers of language, and somehow the White House is their prop. The resultant discourse is shot through with metaphors like “Taiwan is a trouble maker”. This concept of muted groups is not new. Marcuse claimed that “The avenues of entrance are closed to the meaning of words and ideas other than the established one─established by the publicity of the powers that be, and verified in their practices ”

In Taiwan, many roads are named after Chiang Kai-shek, one main line in front of the Taiwan university is Roosevelt road named after American president. No road is named Yuab Tseh Lee, a well-known Nobel Prize winner.

It is imperative for Taiwan to rectify its name. Erasing the late dictator Chiang Kai-shek’ status from the public view is meaningful considering the victims’ relatives, but theTimemagazine never understand it. The coverage Taiwan’s  Statue War in May,24,2007 reveals that the American press regard the policy as a political drama. The reporter interviews Taiper’s Mayor Hau Lung-bin, the son of Chiang Kai-shek’s waiter, young citizens John, Tom or Mary whatever. Where is the victims’ relatives Where is Peng Ming-min, one of the establisher of our  country Taiwan

The field of communication continues to be stubbornly sociologically innocent. Anyone dares to oppose the frame of hegemony, then American Institute in Taiwan director Stephen M. Young would say“ I will see …… .” in the mass media in Taiwan.

2.      The role of mass media in dulling sensitivity to repression.

Marx claimed that religion was the opiate of the masses, distracting working-class audiences from their “real” interest. Critical theorists see the culture industries of television, film, CDs, and print media as taking over that role.

TheTimemagazine accuses “Under Chen, cross-strait relations have been frozen.” in the coverage of “10 questionsMa Ying-jeou” on Jun,10, 2006. In fact Taiwanese companies continue to invest heavily in China this 7 years, cultural interactions is prosperous even more. The performance of “Mini-three-links between Taiwan and China” proves the reporter lie.  

Adorno was hopeful that people might rise in protest once they realized their unjust repression. Yet he noted that “with populations becoming increasingly subject to the power of mass communications, the pre-formation of people’s minds has increased to a degree that scarcely allows room for an awareness of it on the part of the people themselves.”

Former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) is the one influenced by the mass media and Chiang Kai-shek’s party. He praised the late dictator Chiang Ching-kuo in public “The decision Mr Ching-kuo made to lift martial law was historic ... a brave, resolute, and forward-looking decision.” quoted from Taipei Times Jul,16, 2007. Chiang Ching-kuo is notorious in the White Terror, more than 140 thousands innocent people were prisoned at Chiang Ching-kuo’s Time and Lee Teng-hui was his vice president two years before he died.

Marcuse was even more pessimistic about social change coming from the average citizen who is numbed by the mass media. He claimed that hope for change in society comes from “the outcasts and outsiders, the exploited and persecuted of other races and other colors, the unemployed and unemployable.”

3.          Blind reliance on the scientific method and uncritical acceptance of empirical findings

Horkheimer claimed that “it is naïve and bigoted to think and speak only in the language of science.” Naïve because science is not the value-free pursuit of knowledge that it claims to be. Bigoted because survey researchers assume that a sample of public opinion is a true slice of reality.


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