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2010/09/03 05:41:21瀏覽2876|回應9|推薦32 | |
First, Do No Harm. (1) --- 哲人已遠,典型常在。 First, Do No Harm. (2) --- 爾愛其洋,我愛其理。 First, Do No Harm. (3) --- 寧無寸功,勿貽尺害。 吾國討論醫道,多以為政比擬,不為良相,則為良醫。著眼在社會一如身體,邏輯也類似。西方觀點裡,治病如作戰,醫道更像兵學。因為一翻兩瞪眼,因為精打細算,少輸為贏。因為風光的時候少,為難的時候多。因為機會稍縱即逝,勝敗瞬息萬變。因為刀有雙刃,將無常勝,伴君如伴虎,掌聲伴隨臭罵。Hippocrates的警句,充滿屈志老成的清醒,和實事求是的中庸。自始定位清楚,就是來打仗的單兵,自始絕意招搖,就是來看病的公務員。他拒絕虛無的掌聲,因為載舟覆舟都是水: Keep a watch also on the faults of the patients, which often make them lie about the taking of things prescribed. Life is short, the art long. Make a habit of two things: to help; or at least to do no harm. Many admire, few know. Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease. Prayer indeed is good, but while calling on the gods a man should himself lend a hand. Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance. The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words. The life so short, the craft so long to learn. To do nothing is also a good remedy. Walking is man's best medicine. What medicines do not heal, the lance will; what the lance does not heal, fire will. Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity. Hippocrates的教導,讀來有伊索寓言的靈犀、尚書的簡潔。。。。。紀昀奉旨登壇祈雨,打開詔書竟然是空白,眾目睽睽等他朗讀祭文,他臨危不亂,當場掰詞,將尚書各章摘句,湊成一篇:念到: 帝曰:咨爾*龍(尚書堯典),歲大旱,民苦,用汝作霖雨(尚書說命),汝其往,欽哉!(我說:龍王聽令,本年大旱,老百姓受罪,派你去降雨,去吧,欽此。) 這個七步成詩真是太好。好在哪里?像少林高僧出手,大巧為拙,返璞歸真,卻斷碑裂石。那語氣就是皇帝老子對龍王下命令,不但字字有出典,又句句恢弘大派,語氣直白,不怒自威,總司令對中尉發令,沒的商量。讀Hippocrates語錄,也像紀昀的祭雨,典型在夙昔。 * 【咨爾多士,為民前鋒】的“咨爾”正是出自其尚書的語句。國歌歌詞原是從國父對黃埔的開訓演講稿脫胎,胡漢民起頭,一人兩句,最后再作文字潤飾總其大成。四書五經13經是科舉的指定必考,胡21歲就中舉,革命是因為救亡圖存,絕非考不上吃醋。自己擠不進仕途宦達就要推翻既得利益階級取而代之。他的國學底子好,(跟那個誰一樣。。。。。。)
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |