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2008/08/27 01:53:19瀏覽2088|回應4|推薦10



倫敦已經辦過兩次奧運,分別是19081948年。1908那年正是大英帝國的鼎盛期,那時英國的外交部有大約600個幹部,這600人卻管了日不落帝國下所轄3億人口,面積是歐洲的4.5倍(加拿大,澳洲,南北非,中東,和印巴),那時英國外交部門的一個低階辦事員曾經帶著淺笑低聲地說:(外交部)600人,每人管得不多,no more no less than 2.4 minutes. 蓋該衙門管得其實是<日不落帝國的日照>,太陽照地球每天24小時,剛好把英領各殖民地3億人口普照一輪,這就是大英帝國外交部殖民司的<工作範圍>24小時除以600人,所以不多不少,每人分到2.4 minutes......












1. 中國失去香港不止99,而是155,99年指的是1898年擴大租借,是指九龍半島,回歸選中七月一也不是因為中共的黨慶,而真是1898年七月一號那天英國依約進駐九龍城寨.香港的割英,前后牽涉好幾次換約加碼,香港的本島是1842的江寧(南京)條約.這也是眾所周知的第一個不平等條約(*尼布楚條約遠早于此,但是否不平等,另有討論),百年屈辱的起點.

2. 就法論法,不平等條約也是約,所謂《惡法亦法》,孫中山的共和政府也概括承受了滿清簽下的國際條約。按條約內容,香港的各區,依歷史原因,而有不同的位階,九龍是租借,香港本島卻已永久割讓。英國最后放棄的真正理由是因為香港本島的供水及農產日用,全部來自九龍半島以北的新界,如果中英真的撕破臉,中方可以斷水斷糧,英國要喝水僅管從倫敦運水過來!

3. 通常近代史講<袪百年民族枷鎖>雖然也可以是概括性的泛指,但也可以精確的指1842南京條約到1942的廢除不平等條約.

4. 鄧小平曾兩次經過香港(赴法勤工儉學來回),鄧楠敘述她的父親最最渴望的一事就是歸還中國后能重踏上香港的土地一次,壯志未酬身先死,空留遺憾.鄧實在最有資格主持中國作主人的這場奧運.

5. 黃仁宇說:
透過北伐和抗戰,蔣介石所領導的國民黨建立了一個上層結構(省和中央);透過內戰和土地改革,毛澤東所領導的共產黨建立了一個下層結構(鄉鎮到村里),這兩個結構疊在一起,使得中國具備了用數目字管理的基礎。在這個基礎之上,鄧小平和蔣經國分別進行了中國的現代化建設.1943年全國鋼鐵產量約等于1989時全國鋼產量的萬分之一,亦即1943年的全國所產鋼鐵總量,可以在1989的一個小時內完成。這個成績卻是由意識形態彼此水火不容的兩個團體,接力完成!(黃仁宇,蔣介石的歷史地位---:文字依記憶所及,與原文容有出入),我請所有讀到他這段話的朋友們牢牢記住: 今天奧運會所展示的是中國兵不血刃的軟實力,這也是幾代人(水火不容?南轅北徹?你死我活)接力完成的。

What are some interesting facts about the handover of Hong Kong to China on July 1, 1997?
4 Answers
Quora User, Have lived in China, Taiwan or Hong K... (more)
165 upvotes by Quora User, Edwin Li, Marc Bodnick, (more)
(Photo from WWW.SINA.COM)
•    The official handover ceremony was held at 11:30PM at the Convention Centre in Wanchai. At the time of the ceremony, the Convention Centre had not yet been completed. (It was completed in 2000.)
•    Officially, Beijing never recognized British control of HK, although it recognized all treaties which were made. So, for the British, the challenge was "How do you arrange protocol when the Chinese refuse to recognize the handover?" The official Chinese term for the handover was 中國政府對香港地區恢復行使權 The translation of this is "The Chinese government recovers sovereignty over Hong Kong and its regions" Notice that there is no mention of any handover in the Chinese or mention of British sovereignty over Hong Kong.
•    Because there was no recognition of British sovereignty over Hong Kong, the Chinese and British officials did not talk to each other, shake hands or acknowledge each other after the ceremony began.
•    The ceremony had to follow a strict schedule: the British Union Jack HAD TO come down before 12 midnight on June 30, and the PRC and HKSAR flags had to run up immediately after 12 midnight on July 1.
•    Because the ceremony was indoors, there was no wind to make the flags wave. So the Chinese punched holes in the back of the flag poles, and put powerful fans at the base to blow air up through the flag poles and out through vents so that the flags would wave.
•    After Prince Charles and Governor Patten spoke, Governor Patten and his family immediately took the Union Jack and boarded the Queen's yacht HMS Britannia, which was right outside the Convention Centre. The Chinese president and government officials then proceeded with the second Chinese half of the ceremony. The Chinese officials did not acknowledge the British officials departure from Convention Centre, and the ceremony continued without interruption.
•    By the time the Chinese half of the ceremony ended, the HMS Britannia had already left dockside.
•    At exactly 12 midnight, just as the Chinese flag was rising in the Convention Centre ceremony, 12 Chinese military trucks full of Chinese military personnel drove across the Hong Kong border without stopping at Chinese and HK customs. These were the first Chinese military personnel to be stationed in what was formerly the Prince of Wales Building in Central, and would become the garrison for the PLA in Hong Kong.
•    All the troops on the trucks were chosen from their units two years previously in 1995, and since then had practiced for this moment. All were EXACTLY 190 centimeters tall. All were ordered to stand at attention while the trucks drove at 60MPH to their destination without stopping. They were ordered to keep their eyes looking straight ahead even if HK residents waved at them as their trucks drove through HK.
•    Although the PLA soldiers carried guns, they were all unloaded.
•    The next day's papers in China all had the same photo of the Chinese flag waving in the Convention Centre ceremony. No photos of the British flag waving, taken before 12PM midnight, were shown in any Chinese papers.
•    By July 1, China had recovered sovereignty over Hong Kong after 157 years of British administration. Not a single life was lost in the process.
Written 24 Feb, 2013. 8,685 views.
More Answers Below.
Related Questions
What happened to the Hong Kong police after the handover to China on July 1, 1997?
Did the handover of Hong Kong, from the UK back to China, benefit the people?
Is there a good documentary about the negotiations between Britain and China before the 1997 Hong Kong handover?
Quora User, half-local in Luoyang, Shanghai and Xi'an
18 upvotes by Marc Bodnick, Gwydion Madawc Williams, Erik Fair, (more)
Plus to Quora User's list, I want to add one interesting thing.

You all know that there was a negotiation about Hong Kong's laws, governments, etc after 1 July. There was a another special negotiation on how to conduct this ceremony around midnight of 1 July. I forgot the names of the officers in charge of this ceremony in this negotiation from both sides.

The British first said, according to the Joint Declaration http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sin...,
2. The Government of the United Kingdom declares that it will restore Hong Kong to the People's Republic of China with effect from 1 July 1997.
But there is no specific agreement on when shall this start on that day. It could be in the morning or afternoon or any time. So, let's first discuss when shall the ceremony begin on 1 July. The Chinese side clearly refused to discuss this because a single second more is unacceptable after the 157 years of waiting. Then, first round of 'fights'.

Soon, the British agree to start the ceremony around the midnight on 30 June. Then they propose that China can start to raise the flag at 00:00:00, 1st July. This means, when the midnight comes, China's flag is still on the ground. So, the Chinese side didn't accept.

Then, after several rounds of 'fights'. The British say, fine, you can start to raise your flag at 23:59:59 on 30 June before the midnight. The Chinese officer still didn't accept because, based on his counting, the soldiers need at least 2 seconds to start after they received the signal from the director of the military band who will play the national anthem.

Then, another round of 'fights'. And, finally, the British agree to let China start to raise flag at 23:59:58, 30 June.

However, this is not the end of the story. Although the process goes well in rehearsals, Prince Charles spoke too much and consumed more time than scheduled. This means, the British flag may not be on the ground at 23:59:58. Thus, the Chinese side decided that no matter what is going on at 23:59:58, they shall proceed to play the national anthem and raise the flag as planned. If the British are still lowering their flag at that time, they will be simply ignored. But, it is quite strange that the British use less time to lower their flag. They finished their part at 23:59:53 which is earlier than the original plan.

Then, the 5 seconds after 23:59:53 are totally silence.

( 時事評論雜論 )
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2008/12/06 00:43
2008-12-05 中國時報 【傅建中】



 可是英國歷來對西藏的地位以及中國對西藏的主權還是有很大的保留的。事實上,自東印度公司據有印度後,從十八世紀以來,英國一直想染指西藏,到了二十世紀初(一九○三),英軍上校榮赫鵬(Col.Francis Younghusband)甚至率軍攻入拉薩,把達賴十三驅離西藏。

 英國對西藏的政策頑固的堅持:中國充其量對西藏有宗主權(suzerainty),但並無主權(sovereignty),因此英國始終視西藏為「自治的實體」(autonomous entity),可是英國奉行已逾一世紀的西藏政策,月前終於出現根本性的重大改變。

 據哥倫比亞大學西藏專家巴乃特(Robert Barnett) ,近日(十一月二十五日)在《紐約時報》撰文說,英國外相宓理班(David Miliband)十月二十九日宣布:「英國決定承認西藏為中華人民共和國的一部分」,放棄了一百多年來英國承認西藏為「自治實體」的政策,並為沒能早日承認西藏為中國的一部分道歉。這個老牌的侵華帝國主義頭子能「覺今是而昨非」實在是件大事,可惜中外媒體都沒有對英國的轉變,給予應有的重視。







 無論如何,英國改變對西藏「過時」(英外相的話)的政策,對中華民族而言是好事。至於此一改變,會否影響英國對台灣的立場和政策,有待觀察。英、美是一家,有其特殊關係,倫敦變調,華府自是不會完全無動於衷,要說美國因此對台灣會改弦更張,從「認知」(acknowledge)中共對台灣的主權主張,變為「承認」(recognize)中共對台主權則未免過慮。至少美國務院在馬英九政府上台後更新的台灣背景簡介(Background Notes),還把中華民國的國旗擺進去呢,儘管說它的名字是台灣。看來美國是沿習英國對西藏的作法,把台灣視為「自治的實體」(autonomous entity),但這面青天白日旗,卻又暗示台灣是「主權獨立的國家」。

2008/12/04 02:55


現有《Paul Draken 日記》里提到這一段:
1997年七月一日, 該來的日子終究會來, 查爾斯王儲代表英國女王來港辦理移交, 典禮從頭一天晚上開始, 中英雙方的樂儀隊分立舞台上的兩邊, 輪流演奏中英兩國的軍樂, 等待午夜時刻的到來。

後來我聽我的晚輩, 前英國駐香港的情報官員告訴我, 按雙方原先議定的程序, 午夜零時往前倒推一定的時間英軍樂隊必須開始演奏英國國歌「天佑女王」同時降旗, 到零時剛好完畢, 接著由中國軍樂隊演奏中國國歌「義勇軍進行曲」並升起國旗。

典禮前夕不知是那裡傳來的消息, 說英方打算故意放慢國歌的演奏速度, 硬要拖過午夜零時, 造成七月一日英國還統治香港的印象, 尤其當查爾斯王儲的致詞未按原定時間結束時, 中方更加緊張, 司儀拼命加快速度追趕, 最後竟趕過頭反而超前7秒, 造成英國國歌提前結束, 中方卻必須等待到零時才能開始升旗, 中間空檔時間現場鴉雀無聲, 大家莫名其妙。

我的學弟講這些是為了強調英方並沒有做小動作, 反而中方是以小人之心度君子之腹。我聽了哈哈大笑, 中英雙方爭了一百多年, 到最後連一秒鐘也不相讓, 不過這時的我已經不覺得自己會站在英國人的角度去想這件事。 我說:
強佔了人家一百五十年, 現在讓人家幾秒鐘又何妨?」

我的學弟白了我一眼, 自討沒趣地離開, 大概他認為我身為前大英帝國資深情報官員, 怎能站在中國人的角度講話, 這時我突然想起莊士敦師傅, 溥儀的英文老師兼顧問。

2008/10/06 19:36


yichun(meimei3) 於 2008-10-07 05:14 回覆:


摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
柴契爾 有什麼臉 到 靈界 去看
2008/08/27 02:11
林則徐 ?
