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2008/12/22 16:03:28瀏覽2266|回應8|推薦142 | |
Lone The fall gradually passes through The flourishing maple leaves wither and fall by the wind The night is cold like frost The person who stays in the vacant room is only her The cold and vacant atmosphere around ferments the memory which was originally beautiful and colorful, but by no means The haunting melancholy gradually increases by the deep night Silence is intertwined with disconsolateness Falling into the whirlpool is the lonely girl who stays in the vacant room 楓心 悵秋離 楓影殘絮晚秋離 夜寒如霜時 築夢軒房憶影昔 風月情濃失 語寂凝鬱悵斷魂 憔悴獨語痴 以上英譯拙詩,以下補充古詩詞英譯﹝摘自網路﹞,以秋季詩詞為主 李煜 相見歡 無言獨上西樓,月如鉤 寂寞梧桐深院,鎖清秋 剪不斷,理還亂,是離愁 別是一般滋味,在心頭 I climb the western tower in silence, the moon like a sickle Clear autumn is locked in the deep courtyard, where a wutong tree stands lonely Sorrowful parting has cut, but not served our ties; my mind is still mild Separation is just like a taste in head and heart 蘇軾 中秋月 暮雲收盡溢清寒 銀漢無聲轉玉盤 此生此夜不長好 明年明月何處看 The sunset clouds are gathered far away, it’s clear and cold The Milky Way is silent, I turn to the jade plate The goodness of this life and of this night will not last for long Next year where will I watch the bright moon? 陶潛 飲酒 結廬在人境,而無車馬喧。問君何能爾?心遠地自偏。 採菊東籬下,悠然見南山。山氣日夕佳,飛鳥相與還。 I built my hut in peopled world Yet void of coach or horse sound here Do you know how could it be so? A far-flung mind makes the earth bare Chrysanthemums picked by east hedge I see at see the south hill there The mountain air’s great day and night The flying birds come home in pair In all these things there is true scene I lose the words to make it clear 李煜 虞美人 春花秋月幾時了,往事知多少。 Spring blossoms, autumn moon, till when they’d last? How much were things known of the past? East wind my attic swept again last night I couldn’t bear to recall my lost state in moon night Carved balustrades, jade stairs must still be there But rosy cheeks has changed from fair Ask you how much sorrows can there be? Just like a river of spring flowing east to sea ! 相見歡&中秋月~作者不詳 飲酒&虞美人~施穎洲 |
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