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【Paintings in Proust】 Diana and her Companions, Jan Vermeer
2013/12/02 22:20:38瀏覽273|回應0|推薦10

Paintings in Proust Diana and her Companions, Jan Vermeer, 1653─54 (p.70)

弗美爾和他的畫作多次在小說中被提到,我想這跟他的生平資料有限以及仿作真偽難辨有關,事實上弗美爾的畫作在西洋藝術史上有出現過幾次不可思議的騙局 (請詳舊文:《不存在的維梅爾》讀後感 http://classic-blog.udn.com/le14nov/7128029)


Now that he was once again at work upon his essay on Vermeer, he wanted to return, for a few days at least, to The Hague, to Dresden, to Brunswick. He was certain that a ‘Toilet of Diana’ which had been acquired by the Mauritshuis at the Goldschmidt sale as a Nicholas Maes was in reality a Vermeer. And he would have liked to be able to examine the picture on the spot, so as to strengthen his conviction. But to leave Paris while Odette was there, and even when she was not there—for in strange places where our sensations have not been numbed by habit, we refresh, we revive an old pain—was for him so cruel a project that he felt himself to be capable of entertaining it incessantly in his mind only because he knew himself to be resolute in his determination never to put it into effect. (Swann's Way)

(p.382~383 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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