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【Paintings in Proust】 Lost Illusions (Le Soir), Charles Gleyre
2013/11/26 20:37:59瀏覽456|回應0|推薦9

Paintings in Proust Lost Illusions (Le Soir), Charles Gleyre, 1843 (p.45)

Charles Gleyre
是幾位印象派大師的老師,他的學生包含莫內、雷諾瓦、希斯里、惠斯勒一群同儕在 Charles Gleyre 的畫室學習並相互砥礪,特別是一同出遊作畫,這種相濡以沫、互惠互助的生活共同體,其實也是我對於印象派相當重要的美好印象之一。
這幅畫作是 Charles Gleyre 與他的學生 Leon Dussart 接力合作完成的作品,主要描繪的是 Charles Gleyre 在尼羅河畔經歷的一個夜晚。

Sometimes in the afternoon sky a white moon would creep up like a little cloud, furtive, without display, suggesting an actress who does not have to ‘come on’ for a while, and so goes ‘in front’ in her ordinary clothes to watch the rest of the company for a moment, but keeps in the background, not wishing to attract attention to herself. I was glad to find her image reproduced in books and paintings, though these works of art were very different—at least in my earlier years, before Bloch had attuned my eyes and mind to more subtle harmonies—from those in which the moon seems fair to me to-day, but in which I should not have recognised her then. It might be, for instance, some novel by Saintine, some landscape by Gleyre, in which she is cut out sharply against the sky, in the form of a silver sickle, some work as unsophisticated and as incomplete as were, at that date, my own impressions, and which it enraged my grandmother’s sisters to see me admire. (Swann's Way)

追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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