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【Paintings in Proust】 Promenade in the Woods, Constantin Guys
2013/12/06 15:37:59瀏覽424|回應0|推薦6

Paintings in Proust Promenade in the Woods, Constantin Guys, after 1860 (p.81)

貢斯當丹居伊 (Constantin Guys) 是波特萊爾推崇的畫家,波特萊爾曾經寫過一本《現代生活的畫家》(Le Peintre de la vie moderne) 便是關於居伊所代表的「現代性」。

En rouvrant mes yeux pleins de flame
J’ai vu l’horreur de mon taudis,
Et senti, rentrant dans mon âme,
La pointe des soucis maudits ;

La pendule aux accents funèbres
Sonnait brutalement midi,
Et le ciel versait des ténèbres
Sur le triste monde engourdi.

I saw at length, emerging from the Porte Dauphine, figuring for me a royal dignity, the passage of a sovereign, an impression such as no real queen has ever since been able to give me, because my notion of their power has been less vague, and more founded upon experience—borne along by the flight of a pair of fiery horses, slender and shapely as one sees them in the drawings of Constantin Guys, carrying on its box an enormous coachman, furred like a Cossack, and by his side a diminutive groom, like “the late Beaudenord’s tiger,” I saw—or rather I felt its outlines engraved upon my heart by a clean and poignant wound—a matchless victoria, built rather high, and hinting, through the extreme modernity of its appointments, at the forms of an earlier day, in the depths of which Mme. Swann negligently reclined, her hair, now blond with one grey lock, encircled with a narrow band of flowers, usually violets, from which floated down long veils, a lilac parasol in her hand, on her lips an ambiguous smile in which I read only the benign condescension of Majesty, though it was pre-eminently the provocative smile of the courtesan, which she graciously bestowed
upon the men who greeted her. (Swann's Way)

(p.452 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)

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